Chapter 285 With a wave of hands, destroy everything

For the United States, the destruction of the military base on the Korean island and the missile oolong incident once again pushed the United States to the forefront and shocked the entire United States government. >

Many U.S. officials who originally supported the war began to waver. They began to doubt whether the government's actions were asking for trouble. They even felt that if they continued to fight with China, their own national security would be damaged. I'm afraid it's hard to guarantee.

Of course, these officials are worried, and the people are naturally more worried. Therefore, the anti-war wave in the United States has become more fierce. Various parades and curses have filled the streets and alleys. Normal production operation.

The entire White House, the Pentagon and other important political and military offices were surrounded by parade teams, with various anti-war banners constantly shaking and shouts one after another.

The police officers touched a large number of police officers and special police officers on the spot, but they almost made the scene out of control several times, and even prevented the office staff from entering the office.

Therefore, the pressure of public opinion, the heartache of the loss of the military base, the setback of the plan, and the domestic turmoil have put the US government under tremendous pressure again, and it has also made Hillary, who has just taken over the position of acting president, very anxious. There are many more wrinkles on the forehead.

However, in contrast to the United States, in China, the people in China were once again boiling after learning that China had successfully destroyed the US military base on the Korean island, and that the countries of South Vietnam, Malay, and Tai were hit by American missiles.

Countless applause filled the streets and alleys, filled the entire network, and the hearts of the people were invigorated.

Of course, many sensible people know that the oolong incident of Meilijian this time is definitely a miracle created by Lin Xuan, and China's successive victories are all because of Lin Xuan's assistance.

But no matter what the reason is, it is an indisputable fact that Huaxia has repeatedly defeated Mei Lijian in the contest with Mei Lijian, and it is also a very exciting thing.

This also completely consolidated the hearts of most people, made people who were panicked by the war feel at ease, and let countless people see the hope of China's victory over Mei Lijian and the hope of China's rise.

It made everyone feel elated at the moment.


On the island of science and technology, Lin Xuan, who just woke up, put on the second-generation steel suit, and left the island of science and technology again with the first-generation steel suit controlled by Jarvis.

According to Jarvis' report, the three major US aircraft carrier battle groups that had just sailed into the center of the Pacific Ocean were urgently recalled to Pearl Harbor because of the destruction of the military base on the Korean Island and the Oolong incident with the US missiles.

The return voyage has already begun, so Lin Xuan must do it as soon as possible to complete his plan before they return to the American waters.

The steel suits were all moving forward, and Lin Xuan directly controlled the wind direction and the magnetic field to reduce resistance and increase power for himself, so that his speed soared to the extreme, causing waves of sonic booms in the air, and the whole figure became even stronger. It is completely turned into a streamer, fleeting.

"Sir, the target is still a hundred kilometers away from us! The opponent's patrol fighter jets are very dense!"

"Well, don't worry about them, fly at the fastest speed and the shortest distance, even if you are discovered!" Lin Xuan said indifferently.

Even if he doesn't use the steel battle suit today, he can make the opponent's radar blind and make the opponent's electronic equipment instantly malfunction by creating a solar storm and manipulating the magnetic field.

And even if the opponent uses infrared or other detectors to spot him with the naked eye in the future, he can instantly tear the opponent's fighter jet to pieces as long as he thinks about it.

"Okay sir!" Jarvis responded, and the flying speed of the steel suit did not decrease, and flew straight towards the aircraft carrier battle group.

Soon, Jarvis raised the alarm again: "There are enemy fighter jets three thousand meters ahead!"

"En!" Lin Xuan nodded, and with a thought, he immediately created a powerful solar storm around him, followed him, and swept towards the fighter ahead.

At the same time, all the fighter jets within a distance of about [-] to [-] kilometers from Lin Xuan suddenly shut down their engines, and their various control functions failed. Immediately, like a kite with a broken string, it swooped obliquely and fell into the Pacific Ocean below. .

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, did not slow down, and flew straight to the aircraft carrier in the distance.

The three aircraft carriers that Lin Xuan locked this time are the newly built USS Enterprise, USS Obama, and USS New Century. These three aircraft carriers are next-generation aircraft carriers with a displacement of more than [-] tons. The three largest aircraft carriers with the largest volume, the largest number of carrier-based aircraft, and the most powerful combat efficiency.

Moreover, the other warships and submarines equipped by these three major aircraft carrier battle groups are currently the most advanced and most powerful in the United States, not to mention the carrier-based aircraft.

Even in order to prevent being attacked by Lin Xuan, the nuclear power reactors of these three aircraft carriers have all been modified. Once Lin Xuan installs a bomb or attacks, the nuclear reactor can be sent to the seabed in an instant.

Moreover, powerful electromagnetic pulse weapons were installed in the power cabin. As long as Lin Xuan came in, the powerful electromagnetic pulses fired by those weapons could instantly burn down the electronic components inside the steel suit.

In the combat command center of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, this is the busiest place on the entire aircraft carrier. The spacious prototype hall is full of various screens and consoles. Countless data and pictures are constantly changing on those screens. Voices and voices also came and went, and the staff and commanders were busy at their respective positions.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the screen monitoring the movement data of the ship, and several ship-based aircraft suddenly lost their signal. Said: "12o2, 1211 please call back, please call back, 1213 please call back..."

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