The man frowned, but there was no response there, which made him feel bad, and at this time, the alarm data on the screen changed again, and another carrier-based aircraft lost contact.

Seeing this, the man panicked and looked at a middle-aged man with the rank of colonel not far away, and shouted: "It's not good, Colonel William, we have six fighter jets numbered 12o2, 1211, and 1213 on patrol missions, Suddenly lost contact!"

"What? Lost contact, what's going on?" Colonel William, who was discussing something with several officers, changed his expression, and the others also frowned, and hurried over together.

"I don't know either, their signal was suddenly interrupted just now!" The brown man replied quickly, looking at the staff in charge of radar monitoring data.

At this time, those few people obviously found something abnormal, and they were looking at the data nervously, and then said in the same panic: "Colonel William, radar monitoring, our carrier-based plane on a mission suddenly fell from the sky!"

"Falling?" Colonel William and the others turned ugly.

"No, a few more crashed!" The man monitoring the radar data exclaimed, which made the atmosphere in the command center suddenly tense.

"Could it be that you were attacked by Huaxia?" An officer on the side said with an ugly expression.

"But our radar didn't find any suspicious targets!"

"Lin Xuan, it should be that Lin Xuan! He really has his eyes on us! Damn, how did he know our whereabouts!" Colonel William suddenly changed his face, and his face couldn't help showing a look of horror, and his words immediately surprised The entire command center was shrouded in a layer of fear.

It's not that they are cowardly or have poor psychological qualities, but that the name Lin Xuan is like a synonym for death to the soldiers of Meilijian. Feeling intimidated and nervous.

"I, I will notify General Tim, and all departments will prepare for battle immediately!"


In an instant, the already noisy command center seemed to explode, and everyone was in a hurry to execute the order.

And Colonel William quickly ran out of the command center.

On the deck of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, the pilots who had just received the order all boarded the fighter jets, took off one after another, and prepared for combat. All anti-aircraft weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons were also ready for combat. If it weren't for their The radar can't capture the opponent, I'm afraid the missiles have already started firing.

But at this moment, two beams of light flew from the sky at an inconceivable speed, and at the same time, those fighter jets that had just taken off fell into the sea one after another like kites with broken strings.

And those fighter jets that hadn't had time to take off all suddenly turned off, and the entire instrument panel and console were all powered off, making them unusable, and all communicators also failed.

This sudden turn of events made all the soldiers and pilots on the deck panic, exclaiming one after another: "Lin Xuan is here!"

"he came!"

At this time, the command center of the Enterprise was also in chaos, and everyone panicked as if they were facing a big enemy, and their faces were ugly.And Colonel William and General Tim also came over, and they were also a little panicked when they saw the pictures on the screen.

"Attack attack, attack quickly!" the resolute General Tim exclaimed.

At the same time, the various anti-aircraft weapons on the aircraft carrier also launched an attack immediately, and countless bullets and artillery shells were fired at the steel suit that had already started to slow down in the air.

EMP weapons also fire an EMP.

But at this moment, the two flying steel suits suddenly stopped diagonally above the Enterprise, suspended in the air.

At the same time, all the shells and bullets that were originally fired at him stopped strangely, and the electromagnetic pulse also disappeared.

That weird scene was as if time had stood still, every bullet, every cannonball, all stopped in the air.

This scene is like a scene in a movie, but now it appears in reality, it is like a thunderbolt, bombarding the hearts of everyone who sees this scene, directly hitting the soul.

In the next second, those bullets and shells moved again, but their direction changed, and they flew towards the escorting battleship not far away at a faster speed.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"He, he can control our shells!"

General Tim, Colonel William and others were frightened again, and Lin Xuan once again broke their cognition and routine.

He was able to manipulate objects from a distance, and their electromagnetic pulse weapons didn't work at all in front of him, which made them feel extremely desperate!

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