But at this moment, outside the aircraft carrier, an escorting nuclear submarine suddenly surfaced and immediately fired missiles at Lin Xuan in the air, but just as before, those missiles stopped suddenly before flying far, and then directly They flew back and bombed the submarine one after another.

At the same time, the nuclear submarine quickly emerged from the water, and finally floated up, completely out of the water.

"my Lord!"

"This, is this true?"

Countless pilots and American soldiers standing on the deck of the aircraft carrier were once again frightened by the scene in front of them. They even wondered if everything they saw was an illusion.

But in the next second, a scene that shocked them even more happened.

I saw that huge nuclear submarine suspended a few meters above the water surface, and suddenly there was a crackling sound. At the same time, the originally strong nuclear submarine, which could almost withstand the bombardment of Tomahawk missiles, broke apart quickly from the middle. In the end, it was completely broken into two pieces, then fell suddenly, and finally fell into the sea with two "booms", splashing layers of huge waves.

In mid-air, Lin Xuan, who was wearing a steel battle suit, let out a sigh of relief. It was indeed not easy to support the huge nuclear submarine with a magnetic field, but the facts have also proved that as long as he is willing, he can completely drag the nuclear submarine up. Ravage at will.

After destroying the nuclear submarine, Lin Xuan didn't bother to waste time with the American navy. He waved his hand again, and the powerful solar storm, carrying an electromagnetic pulse, instantly swept towards the surrounding escort warships and nuclear submarines in the sea.

In an instant, all escort warships and nuclear submarines were paralyzed.

Not only that, but Lin Xuan directly manipulated the magnetic field to tear the hulls of those warships and nuclear submarines into two halves one by one.

The expensive battleships sank quickly without any counter-hand power.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xuan didn't seem to do anything. He didn't use a shell or fire a laser weapon. He was like a god, destroying everything with a wave of his hand.

"This, how is this possible, this is impossible, it is impossible!" General Tim, who was on the USS Enterprise, couldn't believe what he saw.

And Colonel William and the other officers were all pale and stunned, completely terrified by what they saw.

Everything that happened just now was too terrifying and too weird.

All the fired shells and bullets stopped suddenly, and then changed direction. The huge nuclear submarine was lifted out of the water by an invisible force, and then it was torn into two halves.

Now, none of the other escort warships and submarines were spared. If he hadn't seen this kind of thing with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.



Chapter 286

After destroying all the escort warships and nuclear submarines of the Enterprise aircraft carrier, Lin Xuan wearing a steel suit flew away suddenly, while the steel suit controlled by Jarvis rushed towards the Enterprise aircraft carrier. ≧


Lin Xuan, wearing a steel battle suit, flew across the sky like a missile, and flew towards another aircraft carrier battle group in the distance at an extremely fast speed - the New Century aircraft carrier battle group.

At the same time, solar storms and electromagnetic pulses also swept away.

Soon, Lin Xuan used the same method to paralyze all the warships, submarines and carrier-based aircraft escorted by the New Century aircraft carrier.

Then directly manipulate the magnetic field, easily tearing all those warships and submarines in half.

In just a few minutes, those fleets that were so powerful that almost any navy in the world would be afraid were swallowed by the sea one after another, as if they were made of mud, without any power to fight back.

"Jarvis, I'll leave this place to you too!" Lin Xuan, who was hovering above the New Century aircraft carrier, said suddenly.

Immediately, under the shocked eyes of all the American soldiers on the aircraft carrier, the steel battle suit was quickly disassembled, and Lin Xuan also flew out of it, and then flew towards the distance quickly like a human being.

And the disassembled steel battle suit fit together again, and then flew straight to the New Century aircraft carrier with a flicker.


On the Enterprise aircraft carrier, the first-generation steel suit controlled by Jarvis fell directly to the entrance of the cabin, and immediately kicked open the cabin door and rushed in.

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