At the same time, Huaxia's army is also ready to go, and the [-] military robots that have just been produced and passed the performance test will also be put into the battlefield one after another.

However, since the combat capability of intelligent robots on the real battlefield has yet to be tested, China's first offensive against America is temporarily planning to use only [-] military robots, and the main land combat force will still rely on the traditional army.

In this way, the entire Huaxia military was intensively preparing for this counterattack, but Lin Xuan was temporarily free for a few days, and accompanied his family back to China for a few days.

After all, they will be bored after staying on the island of technology for a long time.

However, Lin Xuan is very clear that such days will not last for too long. As long as Huaxia destroys the American Lijian regime, his greatest enemy will be gone, and he will let the Huaxia government allow him to equip his family with steel war Clothes are taken care of at any time.Keep them absolutely safe.

After staying in China for a few days, Lin Xuan also went back to Xuanyu Group by the way, and invited Chen Yu and some senior executives of the company to have a meal.

Lin Xuan has not been to the company for a long time since Huaxia and Meilijian fought, and he has not met with Chen Yu and other company executives for a long time.

Moreover, a series of legendary reports about Lin Xuan at this stage also shocked Chen Yu and the others.But it feels more and more like a person from another world.It even made them feel that Lin Xuan was like a fictional character in a movie, so powerful that he shouldn't exist in reality.

Especially Chen Yu, who has witnessed Lin Xuan's rapid rise from an ordinary college student to a group boss, to the super-powerful Spider-Man, and now to this powerful enough Easily destroy a team of aircraft carrier battle groups, deterring the terrible existence of a country.

So now Chen Yu feels that his brother is both familiar and unfamiliar. ????? · Kindness and fear, that feeling is very strange.

In fact, the same is true for Lin Xuan. He also found that as his ability became stronger and his vision became wider, the distance between himself and the people around him became farther and farther.

Now I seem to have gradually separated from the most basic mundane things such as caring about eating, drinking, and caring about money and status.Gradually, it has become a matter of participating in national affairs and the survival of the nation.Even the rise and fall of human beings, and even the future human civilization and cosmic civilization, and those things that are illusory to ordinary people.

Of course, this is like a person living in a primitive African tribe and a capitalist living on Wall Street in New York, there must be this invisible generation gap between them.The world they see, the things they care about, and the things they learn are naturally impossible to be at a high level.

And now Lin Xuan has a different understanding of the saying "With great power comes great responsibility".

When your ability is so great that no one in the world can surpass you, then one day the sky will collapse.Maybe you can only carry it by yourself, so you must be concerned about whether the sky will collapse this day, and whether there are other threats outside the sky.

But fortunately, Lin Xuan came out of the bottom step by step. Although his vision has surpassed [-]% of human beings, the things he cares about are getting more and more beyond reality.

But he has not forgotten the most fundamental thing in his bones.

I am both an unusual person and an ordinary person. I have the identity and responsibility of a superhero for the nation.

As for my relatives and friends, I am just like ordinary people, a son, a husband, a person with flesh and blood and soul.

And I am not the kind of mythical eminent monk who is extraordinary and free from vulgarity, seeing through the world of mortals.

Therefore, although the vision and thinking may be different from those around you, you can still chat with everyone, and you can also find your ordinary side, and find the most basic relaxation and joy of being an ordinary person by letting go of all the burdens. hapiness.

Time has also passed day by day. Internationally, there has been a lot of rumors about the American aircraft carrier being robbed by Lin Xuan, and Huaxia's intentions have also been guessed by many countries, so the international community has begun to spread that Huaxia wants to turn against customers and take the initiative to attack American rumors.

This also allowed Huaxia to replace the previous Mei Lijian as the first protagonist of this incident, making countless countries nervously pay attention to Huaxia's every move, guessing the outcome of Huaxia's active attack on Meilijian this time, and The development of the future war situation.

Although judging from the current situation, Huaxia has the upper hand, but many people still find it hard to believe that Huaxia has the ability to turn against customers, and many people even feel that Huaxia is a little swollen because of several victories. Suffering setbacks may even give the United States an opportunity to take advantage of. ? want·

However, there are also many people who believe that Huaxia has demonstrated absolute strength in the previous wars, and with the special existence of Lin Xuan, the chances of winning the initiative to attack Meilijian this time are very high.

In short, there are different opinions, which also makes the development and ending of this contest between China and the United States more exciting and curious.

On this day, Lin Xuan, who was in his hometown in the Northeast with his family, received a call from Xia Weiguo and learned that the Huaxia military had made all preparations and was ready to act at any time.

So early the next morning, Lin Xuan took the whole family and set off immediately, returned to the island of science and technology, and then returned to Kyoto by himself, where he met Xia Weiguo.

After confirming all the plans and strategies for this operation with Xia Weiguo.Lin Xuan set off first and went to Meilijian.


Inside the US Pentagon Operations Command Center.

"Mr. Carter, Huaxia has already dispatched. They captured our three aircraft carriers and two aircraft carriers they made themselves, forming a powerful battle group. They have entered the Pacific Ocean, and the target is probably our Pearl Harbor!" The intelligence officer reported Following the latest trends in China.

"Yeah!" Carter nodded. Because he had expected Huaxia's intentions, Carter was not too surprised when he heard the news, but he was still inexplicably nervous.

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