Although Huaxia is not scary, Lin Xuan is really scary, he penetrates into every hole, and he is omnipotent.

Carter even felt that Lin Xuan was somewhere he couldn't see right now.Keep an eye on them, even at any moment, attack them Pentagon.

So a few days ago, they had already transferred the main combat command center to Area 51, and some other functions were also transferred to other secret bases. This is just an auxiliary command center.

After all, Lin Xuan can create disasters like solar storms and paralyze electronic equipment.They can only take advantage of the vast territory to minimize Lin Xuan's threat.

However, this is only the only thing they can think of at present.And the way it works.

So at this time, most of the staff here have also been transferred, and Carter will leave the Pentagon later.

As for Pearl Harbor, they have already deployed a strong military force there, and the aircraft carrier battle group is also on standby at sea, ready to dispatch the Chinese Navy to intercept it.

Of course, Carter is also clear.With the existence of Lin Xuan, their aircraft carrier battle group will inevitably become cannon fodder, so they cannot avoid a desperate fight with Huaxia on the Hawaiian Islands, and the development and result of the battle situation.He doesn't want to think about it now, and he doesn't dare to think about it.

In fact, including Carter, many American officers have lost confidence in this war, and their belief in victory has long been shaken.

"Mr. Carter, it's time for us to leave!" An officer came over and whispered.

"Yeah!" Carter nodded, looked around with some reluctance, and looked at the place where he had worked for many years. He was really worried whether this place would still exist after this war.

In a certain corridor of the Pentagon, just as Carter guessed, Lin Xuan was indeed in the Pentagon, and he had been here for a whole day, even installing remote-controlled bombs in many places.

At this time, he naturally knew that the United States had transferred all the functions of the Pentagon to Area 51 and some other secret military bases to prevent the Pentagon from being destroyed, which would lead to the destruction of the brain of the entire combat command.

"Carter is going to leave too?" Seeing Carter coming not far away, accompanied by several officers, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed, and he said secretly.

Immediately followed them quietly, and walked out through a special gate of the Pentagon.

"Mr. Carter!" Lin Xuan suddenly called out.

Carter, who was about to get into the car, stopped suddenly and turned his head suspiciously, but when he saw the face of the person behind him, his expression suddenly changed.

The face that was originally Caucasian changed rapidly into an Asian with black hair and black pupils, and that face was just...

"Lin Xuan!" Carter felt as if he was being shocked by an electric shock, and looked at Lin Xuan in horror.

"Hehe, where is General Carter going?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile, and immediately walked over.

Seeing Lin Xuan approaching, the officers instinctively pulled out their pistols and aimed at Lin Xuan, although they were terrified.

However, in the next second, their pistols were snatched away by an invisible force, and then disintegrated, and the bullets flew out, turning into a cold light, shooting through their heads, and several officers were killed by headshots.

Seeing this scene, Carter was completely terrified, his legs were so weak that he almost sat on the ground.

Although he knew that Lin Xuan had this ability, he had even seen some pictures from the Obama aircraft carrier in the video before.

But seeing it with my own eyes now, especially when I was in it, the shock and impact brought by Lin Xuan's terrifying ability cannot be described in words.

At this time, Carter's head was blank, and he looked at Lin Xuan's approaching steps in horror. It seemed that he was trampling on his heart with every step, making his heart beat fiercely, as if it was about to burst from his throat. Eyes popped out of the general.

Lin Xuan walked up to Carter, smiled slightly, and immediately stopped talking nonsense. He grabbed Carter, and his body was immediately suspended. In a blink of an eye, he came to a high altitude not far away, overlooking the Pentagon.

"Come on, before you die, enjoy this rare scene with me!" Lin Xuan patted Carter, who was afraid that he was completely scared, and said with a smile.

Immediately said casually: "Jarvis, let's start!"

Boom—boom—boom boom...

Almost as soon as Lin Xuan's words fell, a series of explosions suddenly sounded, shaking the entire Washington DC instantly, and the magnificent Pentagon collapsed in an instant, and was quickly engulfed in thick smoke and flames.

For a moment, Carter felt that his heart had stopped beating, and he was no longer breathing. Only the loud noise of the explosion and the image of the collapse remained in his mind.

Although he had expected such a day, he never expected that everything would come so suddenly, let alone that he would witness all this with his own eyes.

The Pentagon is gone, just for dust and rubble in an instant.

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