He can't believe it, and he doesn't want to believe it!

"It's over, Mei Lijian is really going to be over!" Carter felt extremely desperate and sad, but in the next second, all his sadness and despair were instantly replaced by the fear of death.

Because his body had already started to fall from the sky, the howling wind sounded like the messenger of hell pulling away his soul, making him feel unprecedented fear, but what awaited him was the end of his life.

In the air, Lin Xuan looked at the world-famous building, which had appeared in Hollywood blockbusters countless times and was destroyed in movies countless times. It just collapsed in reality, and he felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and even felt a little pity .

However, he didn't want to blow up the Pentagon for his own pleasure, or because he was bored.

The Pentagon is a symbol of American defense and the military, and its spiritual significance is very important.

Blowing up the Pentagon is destroying a spiritual symbol of the United States, which will blow and shake the American army and even the people in will.

So destroying the Pentagon is imperative.

Even if he doesn't blow it up, Huaxia's missiles will definitely raze this place to the ground.

In fact, as Lin Xuan expected, the Pentagon was bombed and destroyed, and the news of the death of American Secretary of Defense Carter caused a huge sensation in the entire United States and even the world.

The panic among the people of American Lijian rose to the peak, and the domestic situation in American Lijian was suddenly precarious and turbulent.

And Mei Lijian's army also suffered a heavy blow, and its morale was low for a while, and the morale of the army was lax.


Chapter 289 The Desperate Mei Lijian

The Hawaiian Islands, a world-famous tourist destination, is also the US military base.

As the defense frontier of the American mainland and the strategic center of operating the Asia-Pacific, the geographic location of the Hawaiian Islands is a key factor for playing its strategic role.

It is mainly composed of 8 large islands and 124 small islands and rocks, with a total area of ​​about 1.67 square kilometers.The largest main island is the island of Hawaii, and the capital, Honolulu, is located on Oahu, the third largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago.

The United States has established a major naval and air military base in the Pacific region on Oahu Island in the archipelago.

Located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, the Hawaiian Islands are an important place to control the rear of America's Asia-Pacific strategy.

At present, the U.S. military has five major commands based in Hawaii - including the U.S. Pacific Headquarters, Pacific Army Command, Pacific Air Force Command, Pacific Fleet Command and Pacific Fleet Marine Command.

Among them, the Pacific Headquarters is responsible for commanding nearly 25 U.S. troops, more than 230 warships, and more than 1600 aircraft in the Pacific Theater.

Now that China is aggressively attacking Meilijian, the Hawaiian Islands must be the first strategic location that Huaxia will occupy first. Survival is related to the lifeline of Meilijian. Once Huaxia captures this place, it will be quite broken by Huaxia's defense line and opened the door of Meilijian.

So the key to the contest between Meilijian and China is here.

As for the United States, the Pentagon was blown up, making the United States government even more embarrassed, and the domestic situation is even worse.

Even many heavyweights in the government and military began to feel a little afraid, worrying that they would follow in Carter's footsteps at any time.

After all, Lin Xuan was like a ghost, pervasive and omnipresent, and killing them was as easy as crushing an ant.

Therefore, within the US government, there are also more and more anti-war voices. It is hoped that the US government will seek a peaceful solution to this conflict with China as soon as possible before things develop into an irreversible situation, and end this conflict as soon as possible. A war already doomed to failure.

And within the Rothschild family, a secret meeting was held again. All the mysterious figures standing behind the "unified global plan", those who are almost standing at the top of the world today, all attended the meeting, discussing the current situation in secret. A very pessimistic situation and the next countermeasures.

But at the end of the discussion, everyone was silent, all frowning, unable to think of any good solution.

Their original capital relied on powerful and leading technology, as well as the spaceship from outer space.

But now, in the face of Lin Xuan, who specializes in restraining technological and electronic products, what else can they think of? Even if the central control system of their future fighters is placed in the optical brain of the spacecraft, their future fighters themselves are also Mechatronics will also suffer from solar storms and will also be paralyzed.

And judging from the ability of Lin Xuan to paralyze the power system and all electronic equipment of the entire Sun Island, it is not difficult for them to guess that Lin Xuan can definitely create a large-scale solar storm.

"Is there really no other way?" Henry, the head of the Morgan family, asked with a frown, looking at the politicians present who were resourceful but now looked bitter.

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