After speaking, Lin Xuan floated up, ready to leave.

"Lin Xuan, I want to talk to the No. [-] head of China. We, the United States, are willing to make any compensation and promise you any conditions. I hope we can end this war as soon as possible!" Bush said again, at this time He couldn't think of a better way.

Now even the future warriors are under the control of China. If the war continues, what awaits them is the collapse of the regime. Even in the best case, they will exist in name only and become China's puppet state.

"It's late!" Lin Xuan said coldly.

If Chief No. [-] heard this sentence, he might really consider negotiating with the United States.

After all, the war has caused great damage to both sides. If China can gain enough benefits while avoiding the war, and use it to suppress the US Lijian enough, China may consider it.

However, what Lin Xuan hopes is that China will destroy Meilijian, so that it can make further progress on the road to unifying the world.

After saying the word "too late", Lin Xuan stopped talking nonsense and flew out of the window, leaving only the ashen-faced Bush and the shocking crowd present, look at me, I look at you, They all don't know what to do.

The reason why Lin Xuan didn't kill them was because he didn't think it was necessary for the time being, and after all these people were at the top of the world, holding many secrets and wealth in the world, and keeping them would be useful in the future.

And with the guards of those advanced future soldiers and the monitoring of Jarvis 2, these people are hard to fly.

Even if the American military sent people to rescue them, they would still be unable to break through and enter the castle. What's more, if there was any trouble, it would not be too late for Lin Xuan to order these people to be killed directly.


The sudden disappearance of Hillary Clinton and important US politicians and military officers at the US military base on Hawaii Island made the already precarious US government worse, and the hearts of the people were scattered.

Moreover, the absence of these decision-makers also made the soldiers below feel like headless chickens, and they lost their backbone, and their will almost collapsed.

Fortunately, there are other outstanding military officers and dignitaries who are in charge of the overall situation, and barely prepare for the battle according to the defense plan formulated before.

But almost all American officers and soldiers know very well that their chances of winning this battle are very slim.But what they can do now is to resign themselves to fate and wait for the flames of war to come.

That kind of feeling is like a small human being, facing the tsunami, there is no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the earth, and the deep sense of powerlessness that can only wait for death.

The next day, the Meilijian aircraft carrier battle group, which was sent to intercept the Huaxia Navy, exchanged fire with Huaxia's aircraft carrier battle group on the sea 500 nautical miles away from Hawaii Island.

With the assistance of Lin Xuan, the Huaxia side almost destroyed the US Lijian's navy with zero casualties, and almost wiped out the entire army.

And Huaxia's aircraft carrier battle group is also approaching Pearl Harbor in the United States in a mighty and aggressive manner.


Chapter 290

On the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific Air Force Command and Pacific Fleet Command of the United States have completely exploded. The interception mission of their aircraft carrier battle group was easily broken by China, which made their commanders completely confused. . ●⌒,

The two major headquarters also blindly and immediately sent additional air force and naval power to stop them, and all land-based missiles were on standby. Now that the situation is urgent, they don't have time to worry too much.

Today, they are no longer a war of aggression against China, but a war to defend the country and their homeland. The positions of the two sides are completely reversed. It is impossible for them not to attack with all their strength.

So seeing that soldiers are about to approach the city, although these commanders know very well in their hearts, no matter how many reinforcements they send, they will be cannon fodder, and facing Huaxia with Lin Xuan, all previous tactics are meaningless up.

But they can't do nothing now.

"General Mars, all the missiles are ready and ready to launch at any time!" An officer sitting in front of the console said loudly.

Hearing this, Mars, who was standing aside looking at various radar data on the screen, lowered his head, his face full of hesitation.

In fact, he is a very decisive person, but now he is completely unable to make a decisive decision.Because he didn't know whether these missiles would land on Huaxia's warships or their own military base after they were launched.

So at this time, he was under tremendous psychological pressure, everything seemed to be gambling, and his opponent was so powerful.

"Launch!" After pondering for a long time, Mars looked up at the screen again. The Huaxia Navy was far away from their nautical data, clenched his fists, and made the most difficult decision in his life.

"Yes, General!"

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