After the commanders conveyed the order to launch the missiles, Mars's whole heart clenched into a ball, and cold sweat broke out on his tense forehead. He prayed to God in his heart that there must be no more oolong incidents.

At the same time, in the missile silo of the base, missiles soared into the sky one after another amidst the roaring sound. Those missiles carried the expectations of Mars and many soldiers in the base. to the sky.

"General Mars, the missile is normal..." The personnel monitoring the flight data of the missile reported immediately.

Hearing this, Mars's heart finally fell a little. As long as these missiles are launched normally, it means that Lin Xuan has not tampered with their missiles.

However, before that person finished speaking, the other person suddenly exclaimed: "No, the missile's flight trajectory is abnormal. No, the missile drew a circle in the air and flew back!"

"What?" Mars felt like a thunderbolt, and the faces of everyone in the entire combat headquarters changed drastically. After all, their missiles were still powered by Lin Xuan.

"Quick, get ready to intercept!" Mars roared in a panic, and the various combat commanders immediately began to convey orders and direct operations.

But at this moment, a more terrifying disaster struck, and the originally noisy combat headquarters suddenly fell into silence and darkness.

In the next second, the exclamation instantly resounded throughout the combat headquarters and even the entire base.

"It's coming, it must be that Lin Xuan coming!" Mars felt as if the god of death had come, and his whole body was so frightened that his hairs stood on end and he was dripping with cold sweat.

And what scares him is the missiles they just launched. Without the cooperation of any radar and early warning system, it is almost impossible for those missiles to be successfully intercepted.

So what's going to happen next, Mars and everyone in the entire command know very well.


In Area 51, the huge secret base that was originally used to store and study alien spacecraft has been transformed into a place to replace the Pentagon's combat command center.

At this time, the officers here are extremely busy, and it can even be said that they are a little bit overwhelmed. All kinds of information and communications are pouring in here, and various orders are constantly being conveyed from here.

At this moment, a correspondent suddenly exclaimed: "It's not good, the Hawaii base suddenly lost contact!"

As soon as he said those words, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became heavier. Countless officers looked ugly and looked at each other with a feeling of unspeakable misery.

"Damn it, Lin Xuan really used the same method to deal with our Hawaii base!"

"Damn it, how can we fight this battle!" The officers said with bitter faces and dejected heads. They knew that Lin Xuan would definitely use the same method to deal with their Hawaiian military base.

But even if they knew it, there was nothing they could do about it. They had no way to deal with it.

"Retrieve the satellite images immediately and pay attention to the situation over there!" A bald man with the rank of general said suddenly.

"Yes!" A young man on the side responded immediately, but when he was about to retrieve the satellite monitoring screen, he found that the system could not connect to the satellite.

His complexion suddenly became a little ugly, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously. At the same time, the pictures on many screens in the entire combat command center also disappeared, and the sounds of various intelligence data and communications were also interrupted. , This made the already extremely disturbed people completely flustered.

"What's going on? Could it be that Lin Xuan has also come to attack us!" Someone exclaimed.

"General Ram, it's too bad, I, all our satellites, seem to have been hijacked!"

"What?" The bald man named Lamu trembled, and the expressions of the other people around him also changed drastically, showing panic all over their faces.

"All our satellites have been hijacked?"

"This, how is this possible!" Everyone exclaimed.

They are very clear that if the satellite is hijacked, the consequences will be unimaginable. Their communications, their missile defense systems, and their combat systems will all be paralyzed.

Without communication satellites, how to transmit intelligence and orders, without reconnaissance and early warning satellites, they will also become blind.

All the officers were dumbfounded, standing there one by one at a loss.

Facing the ferocious Huaxia, they were already battered and tired of coping, and this kind of thing happened again at this time, which undoubtedly made things worse and made them completely desperate.

However, blessings never come double, and misfortunes never come singly. Just when everyone was frowning, a few soldiers rushed in from the elevator, panicked and panicked: "It's not good, it's not good, General, our future soldiers suddenly rioted, Launched a fierce attack on our people, and now they are killing people inside the base, and they are about to break into here soon!"

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