
All the officers present were completely stunned. One bad news after another made their heads buzz, and they felt that they were about to pass out.

The satellite was hijacked, and the future fighters suddenly turned against each other. They and even the entire United States were completely in a desperate situation.

But right now they don't have time to take care of Mei Lijian, because the future fighters defected, and the lives of all of them present are in danger.

You know, this is the production place and storage place of future fighters. There are more than three million future fighters stored here.

However, the total number of American soldiers here is only tens of thousands. What chance do they have against the army of future fighters made of steel, equipped with various heavy weapons, and whose mobility and combat capabilities are all superior to human beings? .

It was trampled down almost instantly.


On the Hawaiian Islands, shortly after the U.S. military base experienced its own missile baptism, China's missiles and air force also launched a frenzied bombing of it.

The paralysis of electrical and electronic equipment has made the entire US military base vulnerable.

Soon, after Huaxia completed the strategic strike, the military intelligent robot also landed smoothly under the cover of the air force, and exchanged fire with the American army in the base.

As for the future fighters that Meilijian arranged here earlier, they have become scrap iron.

Da da da... boom—— bang——

Fierce gunshots and huge explosions rang out in every corner of the military base. Facing the military robots whose maneuverability and combat power surpassed ordinary people, the American soldiers were completely overwhelmed. In a pool of blood, many soldiers surrendered because they were afraid of death.

And Huaxia's military robots are also very intelligent. They can distinguish surrendered soldiers, and they didn't kill the surrendered soldiers. They just tied them up and brought them together, guarded by a small group of intelligent robots.

In this way, a few hours later, the entire US military base on the Hawaiian Islands fell completely, Huaxia's aircraft carrier also sailed into Pearl Harbor, and the army landed on the island one after another.

In this battle, the Huaxia side almost did not use a single soldier from the army. They only relied on military intelligent robots to successfully complete the task of capturing the US military base.

This made Huaxia's leaders happy, but also truly realized the importance and power of intelligent robots.

So far, America's most important military base in the Pacific has completely fallen.

And at the same time that Huaxia captured Hawaii, Area 51 of American Lijian was completely captured by future soldiers. Blood flowed in the entire Area 51. Most of the US troops were killed, and only a few became prisoners.

The American military, which lost the general combat command center in Area 51, suddenly became a headless chicken and became chaotic. In addition, the satellite was hijacked, and the communication between the various bases became somewhat difficult, let alone coordination. Cooperate and defend against foreign enemies together.

The next day, after resting and adjusting at the base in Hawaii, Huaxia's aircraft carrier battle group began to approach the coast of the United States, and the hypersonic ballistic missiles from Huaxia also crazily attacked the important military bases and facilities of the US military. , to implement a strategic strike.

With the loss of satellites and the paralysis of the missile defense system by Lin Xuan, Mei Lijian completely lost the ability to intercept Huaxia ballistic missiles, and could only be in a passive situation.

Soon, the Huaxia aircraft carrier battle group also successfully approached the coastline of Meilijian, the army quickly landed, and the air force began to bomb the important military bases of Meilijian in turn.

And Huaxia's army and intelligent robots, together with the American future fighters under the control of Lin Xuan, formed an almost invincible land combat force, destructive, and constantly captured some important military bases and important military bases in the American mainland. political center.

In this way, in less than a week, most of the American military bases basically fell, and the whole of Washington also fell into the hands of China.

When the Chinese army boarded the roof of the White House, when the Chinese five-star red flag was planted on the roof of the White House, the whole world was shocked.

The progress of Huaxia's war against the United States can almost be described as lightning, which is so fast that it has exceeded everyone's expectations, and the military robots used by Huaxia in this war have also caused quite a stir in the world. After the Xuanyu Group developed the intelligent robot, various countries had speculated that Huaxia had its own military robot, but now that it was confirmed, they were still a little surprised.

At this point, the American Lijian, who had dominated the world for decades, was trampled under the feet of Huaxia in such a vulnerable way, just like their war against Iraq.

And Huaxia has also used practical actions to prove that its strong rise is unstoppable, proving their strength. Of course, together with Huaxia, they have become the focus of the world, and they have played a crucial and even decisive role in this war. Existence - Lin Xuan.

With the fall of Washington, the U.S. military immediately sent a ceasefire request to China and asked the United Nations Security Council to intervene.

The Security Council naturally accepted the request and sent someone to mediate, but the Huaxia government did not give an accurate answer, but only proposed to hold a United Nations meeting.

Naturally, Huaxia will not let Mei Lijian go easily this time. Although Meilijian did not cause any serious blow to Huaxia this time, everyone knows that Meilijian has the same ambition as Fascic during World War II, so Huaxia I also plan to sanction Meilijian in some ways that the school's Meilijian sanctioned Rijima in the first place.

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