Therefore, Li Guoqiang, Xia Weiguo and others immediately began to draft and formulate sanctions and various restrictions on the United States, and a video sent by Lin Xuan made them overjoyed, because the video played a very important role in their plan. critical help.

Three days later, the United Nations meeting was officially held. Huaxia military representatives and American military representatives attended the United Nations meeting together, and all other member states of the United Nations also participated.

At the meeting, China charged the United States with an imperialist intention to invade China through war, and even crush all regimes in the world and dominate the world.

And at the scene, Huaxia also played a video that Lin Xuan gave them before.

That video was exactly what Lin Xuan secretly filmed in the conference hall of the Rothschild family's castle and discussing with American politicians.

However, Lin Xuan also edited these scenes, and only played the clips of them talking about their intention to smash all national regimes and unify the world to everyone present.

After seeing this video, there was an uproar at the scene, and the representatives of various countries immediately glared at the U.S. military representative with an ugly face, especially those countries such as Britain and France that were almost dragged into the war by the U.S. government.

"That's why Mei Lijian's wolfish ambitions are obvious to all, and his crimes cannot be forgiven. For this, I, Huaxia, demand that Mei Lijian surrender unconditionally and fulfill the following terms!" Xia Weiguo's voice resounded throughout the conference hall, and the scene was suddenly silent.


ps: Regarding the fact that someone in the book city said that I raised the price of chapter fees, let me talk about it.Rusi used to write more than [-] words a day, but in order to get more hits and get more exposure, he split it into two chapters.

In the last month, because I was busy, and I was really too lazy to think about the title every day, I had to post it twice, so I put the two chapters together into one chapter, so each chapter became more than [-] words, so The charging price for one chapter is naturally doubled, and the charging is calculated per [-] words, not per chapter.

And I personally promise that I have never adjusted the price, and besides other channels, the price of other channels is beyond my control. I don’t even have the author’s background over there, and I can’t see the data. I see the comments and rewards, and I go by myself I searched for my book over there, and I saw it in the display at the front desk. If there is a sudden increase in the price, it is basically a matter of the website! u

Chapter 291 Sanctioning the United States

"As a long-term goal, I, Huaxia, hope to join hands with other member states of the United Nations to establish a peaceful system in the world to avoid the reconstruction of American imperialism. For this reason, the United States, Japan, and its allies in power must be stopped. .??·

China does not intend to enslave the people of the United States or colonize the mainland of the United States, but those who start the war must be judged internationally. The new American government must maintain world peace and advocate the common development of all countries in the world.

Moreover, the sovereignty of the United States must be limited to the continental United States and Alaska in the northwest of North America. The American army must be completely disarmed,

American civilian industries can be preserved, but industries that can build aggressive forces need to be banned, and American can still participate in world trade.

The military bases established by American Lijian around the world must also be handed over to China to take over.

After the American Lijian meets these conditions, the Chinese occupying forces will be withdrawn..." Xia Weiguo kept reading the relevant clauses of China's sanctions against the American Lijian, which are roughly similar to the sanctions against the Japanese islands by the American Lijian during World War II, but also Based on this, some additions were made.

Listening to the sanctions and restrictions proposed by Huaxia, the face of the military representative of Meilijian also turned green and pale, and felt extremely humiliated and desperate in his heart.

Under such sanctions, there is almost no chance for American Lijian to turn around, and it will even completely become a puppet of China.

They are dignified and beautiful, and they want to accept all kinds of almost humiliating sanctions and restrictions from China as a defeated country. They are naturally dissatisfied in their hearts, but now they have no qualifications to negotiate terms with China.

"The next step is the sanction clauses against Ridao!" After reading out the various sanctions against the United States, Xia Weiguo continued to read out the sanction clauses against Ridao.

Facing those two Japanese islands that intended to invade China, Huaxia naturally couldn't let them go easily, so Huaxia's sanctions on Japanese islands were even harsher.

Huaxia believes that Japanese militarism has revived after World War II, which shows that its regime and even the nation have militaristic ideas, which must be dealt with strictly to prevent the Japanese militarism from resurging and endangering world peace.

Therefore, Huaxia decided to completely dismantle the existing regime of Ridao, and under the supervision of Huaxia, re-establish a new government and system, disarm all military forces, and not form an army in any form, and its homeland security will also be maintained by Huaxia, etc. A series of clauses .

With all the provisions of China's sanctions against Ridao, Ridao basically existed in name only and became a subsidiary country of China, while Meilijian was a little better, but it also became Ridao after World War II and was destined to become a puppet of China.

And Huaxia took over all the military bases of American Lijian, and through this battle, all the surrounding small countries will be included under its command. It will inevitably become the second American Lijian, and even surpass the former American Lijian. ·

The future world is destined to be the world of China. As for what the further future will look like, they have no way of knowing now.

After hearing this, the military representative of Meilijian was ashamed, but because of the absence of Hijima, it made no difference whether their representative came or not.

"The above are the terms proposed by us in Huaxia. Does Meilijian understand everything?" Xia Weiguo put down the manuscript in his hand, looked at the military representative of Meilijian, and asked loudly.

At this time, although Xia Weiguo had a serious expression on his face, his heart was full of excitement and pride that he had never felt before. He had also participated in many United Nations meetings.

But there has never been such a glorious, proud, and confident speech like today, and it is also standing here, but today's Huaxia has become an existence that is looked up to by all countries.

Hearing Xia Weiguo's words, the representatives of Meilijian's military were ashamed, their brows were furrowed, and they said nothing, but they looked at the representatives of other countries, as if they hoped that their former allies could stand up and help them .

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