"Do the representatives here have any objections?" Xia Weiguo looked at the representatives of other countries again, and his question was just out of politeness, because today's negotiating parties are them and the United States, and the United States is a defeated country.

Objections raised by other countries will not hinder Huaxia's actual actions at all.

Hearing this, representatives from other countries shook their heads and expressed no objection.Although everyone knows that many of these clauses put forward by Huaxia are a bit excessive, but facing the powerful Huaxia and a country with such a terrifying existence as Lin Xuan, they will naturally not be in trouble.

What's more, it was Meilijian and Hijima who were sanctioned, not them.

Seeing the reactions of the representatives of other countries in the audience, a slight smile appeared on Xia Weiguo's face, and then he looked at the representative of the US military again, frowning.

The representative of the other party knew that their situation was over, so he stood up helplessly and said, "We accept all the terms proposed by Huaxia!"

"Okay!" Xia Weiguo nodded with a smile, and after delivering some official speeches, this United Nations meeting came to an end.

The International Military Tribunal will also openly try all the masterminds of the United States and Japan at [-]:[-] am tomorrow.


In China, as early as a few days ago, after learning of the news of the US Lijian's surrender, the whole country was already celebrating. After the video of the United Nations meeting was reported by major media, there was another carnival in China.

In this battle, Huaxia suffered almost no harm in the country, but several of Huaxia's evil neighbors were all trampled by Huaxia. Even Mei Lijian, who dominates the world, is now facing the prospect of becoming a puppet of Huaxia.

So the whole country, everyone clapped their hands and cheered, shouting long live the country, everyone was proud of being a Chinese, and felt lucky that they were born in this era. ??? ? Look·?

Of course, countless people are still grateful to the same person - Lin Xuan.

Because most people know that without Lin Xuan, today's ending might not be the same.

On the second day, the military tribunal charged the masterminds of this war of aggression—the principals of the three major American families, as well as relevant participants, former President Bush of the United States, Acting President Hillary Clinton, several five-star generals, and others. All the many American politicians have made trials.

It requires the United States to make huge compensation for the war of aggression against China, and it also requires a series of punishments such as economic punishment and property confiscation of the three major families of the United States, and all the masterminds will be sentenced to death. Some of those involved were sentenced to several years to decades, or even life imprisonment.

However, since the masterminds were all in the Rothschild family estate and were killed by missiles, they were punished as they should be.

In this way, the war between China and the United States came to an end.

It can be said that China has won an unprecedented victory this time. With almost zero damage to its own land, it has successively eliminated its evil neighbors, captured Meilijian, and occupied all the military bases of Meilijian. It imposed sanctions, and also took a huge sum of money from the United States to make up for its own war funds. It also took the opportunity to secretly plunder a large amount of energy and mineral reserves from the United States.

But even though the war is over, the Chinese army is still stationed in various military bases and important political centers of Meilijian to supervise Meilijian's fulfillment of various terms.

At the same time, Huaxia also sent people to the various bases established by the United States around the world to officially take over there.

While Huaxia was busy with the United Nations meeting, Lin Xuan was not idle either. He went to Area 51 alone, entered the alien spaceship, and studied it carefully.

But even with Lin Xuan's wisdom and technological knowledge, he couldn't activate the control system and many devices of this spaceship. The technology contained in this spaceship can be said to be much more advanced in Lin Xuan's mind, and even a lot of equipment Lin Xuan couldn't figure out its manufacturing principle and method for a while, and the components were all made of materials that Lin Xuan had never seen before.

It felt as if Lin Xuan got the black cylinder inlaid with red spar in the first place.

This can't help but make Lin Xuan sigh, there is a sky beyond the sky, and the development of science and technology is endless, even unimaginable.

So if you want to study it thoroughly, it will not happen overnight.

However, Lin Xuan also knew that if he studied it clearly, he would open a brand new door in the field of science and technology.

At that time, I can also lead all mankind to a higher level of technological civilization.

Of course, before that, Lin Xuan must not disclose the matter of the spaceship, which is why Lin Xuan killed almost everyone here, including Bush, Hillary and others. Ordinary soldiers who don't know spaceships at all.

However, Lin Xuan also knew that this was an important military base of Meilijian after all, and Huaxia would definitely send people to take it over.

So he has two ways, one is to transport the spaceship away before Huaxia sends people here, and the other is to hide it here.

The first method is obviously not feasible. The spaceship is too big, and it is difficult for me to find a suitable storage place for a while, not to mention the handling process, which can easily attract the attention of the Chinese military.

So the best way is to hide it here. Anyway, people who know about this spaceship are basically dead. As long as I don't tell it, I am afraid that few people in this world will know about it.

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