Not only that, Professor X's psychic ability can also build a "spiritual cage" to lock other people's bad personalities, such as violent, cruel, insidious and other bad personalities hidden in some people's hearts.

Of course, this ability can also block other good aspects of personality.

"If I use this super power to subtly eliminate the big contradictions in the human mind such as racial discrimination, corruption, religious differences, etc., it should make the world a lot less If wars and conflicts are slowly implanted with the concept of world peace, the concept of human unity, and even use telepathy as a guide, so that all people gradually become similar in culture, customs, language, concepts, etc., that is Isn't it possible for all human beings to integrate and unify themselves!" Lin Xuan kept thinking, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, this ability is simply against the sky.

As long as you think about it, you can even use this super power to modify everyone's memory, enslave all human beings, regard yourself as a god, and bow down to yourself.

"I can't have such thoughts, it's too scary!" Lin Xuan just felt a bad desire in his heart that was purely about to move.

It feels like a box of gold is placed in front of you, within reach, and you can easily take it for yourself, but you know that it is not your gold, but your relatives and friends. If you take those golds, you may lose all your friends, so this time will test the person's heart and self-control.

However, Lin Xuan's self-control ability is not bad, especially after acquiring superpowers one after another, he has strict requirements on himself, honed his mind, and made his control ability far exceed that of ordinary people.

After all, the stronger one's ability is, one greed, one bad desire may cause a disaster, or an irreparable destruction.

Therefore, Lin Xuan must strictly control his inner desires and maintain rationality at all times.

Shaking his head, Lin Xuan wasn't thinking about the unification of human beings anymore. After all, he hadn't obtained Professor X's super power yet, so it wouldn't be too late to think about it after he redeemed it.

The steel suit flew faster and faster, and finally flew across the sky at several times the speed of supersonic speed, across the Pacific Ocean, and flew straight to China on the other side.

After returning to Huaxia, Lin Xuan took the lead to return to the island of science and technology, and reported to his parents and family that he was safe.

Seeing Lin Xuan's return, the whole family was naturally very happy, and Lin's father asked Lin Xuan again about the details of China's attack on Meilijian.

Lin Xuan was not bothered, and patiently explained it to his father. After all, after a long absence, it is also a very happy thing to be able to talk with his family and talk about his achievements and achievements.

After chatting with his parents and family for a long time, Lin Xuan went to the basement where Obama was held.

As soon as he arrived in the basement, with Lin Xuan's sensitive hearing, he heard Omaba's voice. Maybe he had been alone for too long and was really lonely, so he was chatting with the robot that guarded him.

But although those robots are highly intelligent, they are still just robots after all, so they seldom respond to Obama, and most of them are just Obama talking to himself.

When Lin Xuan walked to the door of the cell, the door opened automatically. Lin Xuan walked in and said with a smile: "Mr. Obama seems to be in a good mood!"

Today's Obama seems to have lost a lot of weight, but his mental state is not bad, but he lacks a lot of the domineeringness of the king he used to be.

"Yeah, here you can eat and drink without working, which is a good leisure life!" Obama said with a smile, but his words were naturally not true.

Lin Xuan smiled and sat down on the chair beside him.

"How is the international situation outside now?" After a short silence, Obama still couldn't hold back, and asked what he wanted to know the most.

"I'm here to tell you about your Meilijian!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Obama's face immediately became tense, and his heart was also extremely nervous. He secretly guessed what was going on outside, but he looked at Lin Xuan, and it seemed that their situation in Meilijian was not optimistic.

But in his heart, Obama was looking forward to their Meilijian being able to conquer Huaxia, and he did not want to believe that their Meilijian would lose to Huaxia.

"Our Huaxia has easily captured your American Lijian, and even occupied your Washington DC. A few days ago, your American Lijian announced your unconditional surrender!" Lin Xuan said lightly.

"What!" Omaba's complexion changed drastically, but his whole body suddenly became sluggish, and his face was full of despair and disbelief.

He has always had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that his country can capture China and rescue himself.

However, unexpectedly, the last ray of hope in his heart was also shattered, and he really couldn't believe that Mei Lijian was captured by Huaxia so quickly, and even chose to surrender unconditionally.

In the end what happened?

I haven't been locked up here for a long time, so the sky outside has completely changed.

"Impossible, impossible, how could it be so fast, how could you defeat us Meilijian so easily!" Obama couldn't believe it, although he knew that Lin Xuan had incredible power, and that Huaxia, with Lin Xuan's assistance, was absolutely no match. Meili is weak.

But despite this, it is impossible for them to be so vulnerable. What about their future fighters?What about their smart weapons?

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