What about their allies?

All kinds of questions filled Obama's mind, making him want to know what happened?

"But all of this is true!" Lin Xuan was very satisfied with Obama's look of despair. It seemed that it was time to settle the grievances between them, and his revenge on Obama had basically achieved his goal.

"Before you die, I'll let you figure it out, Jarvis, and tell him all the details."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xuan stood up, glanced indifferently at the American President who tried to kill him time and time again, that insidious person who even threatened him with his own sister, then turned around abruptly and left the cell .

Just after Lin Xuan left, Jarvis told Obama about all the things that happened outside in this stage in detail, and even asked the intelligent robot to bring a screen to play the United Nations meeting and the military court two days ago Video footage of the trial.

After reading all this, Obama was completely dumbfounded, as if he had lost his soul, and sat sluggishly in the corner.

Their American Legion was destroyed, their great plan was destroyed, and his last hope of survival was gone.

After telling everything, Jarvis also gave an order to the intelligent robot guarding Obama. The robot walked up to Obama, released an electric arc, and killed him instantly!

Everything will come to an end at this moment!


Chapter 293 Who Are You Calling Boy?

The next morning, Lin Xuan went to Kyoto. Since Xia Weiguo was still in Meilijian, Lin Xuan was received by the Chief of the General Staff—Fang Aiguo.

And since it was almost noon when Lin Xuan arrived, Fang Aiguo invited Lin Xuan to have lunch first, and then went to the Ministry of Defense office building together.

But as soon as he entered the building, Lin Xuan saw a familiar figure walking towards him with several staff members.

"Xia Xin?" Lin Xuan was a little surprised.

Xia Xin, who was on the opposite side, also saw Lin Xuan, and a look of surprise appeared on her face, and she walked quickly: "Lin Xuan! You're here!"

After finishing speaking, he greeted Fang Aiguo who was beside Lin Xuan: "Uncle Fang!"

"En!" Fang Aiguo nodded, but did not speak, but his face was full of meaningful smiles.

"Xia Xin! Why are you here?" Lin Xuan smiled slightly and asked in surprise. Xia Xin should still be at Binhai University at this time.

"Oh, I'm doing an internship here!" Xia Xin said with a smile.

"That's it!" Lin Xuan nodded, Xia Weiguo should be Xia Xin's father, so it's not surprising that Xia Xin is doing an internship here.

"Lin Xuan, I'm in a hurry to go out to do errands now, do you have time tonight, let's have a meal together!" Xia Xin said with a smile.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and did not refuse. After all, he and Xia Xin were considered friends, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time, so there was nothing to hesitate to have a meal together to catch up.

"Well, then I'll call you when I get off work!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan nodded with a smile.

Xia Xin smiled and waved with Lin Xuan, and then walked out with her colleagues with some reluctance.

Seeing Xia Xin leave, Lin Xuan followed Fang Aiguo and continued walking towards the interior of the building.


Outside the Ministry of National Defense Building, after Xia Xin followed her colleagues into the car, she was out of her wits. Thinking of having dinner with Lin Xuan at night, Xia Xin was both nervous and excited, and her cheeks even tingled slightly because of her beating heart. Some redness.

It felt like I was going to have a room with someone instead of having dinner with him.

In fact, Xia Xin's internship here was also at the request of Xia Weiguo, and most of the reasons for coming to the Ministry of Defense were because of Lin Xuan.

She knew that Lin Xuan would often come to the Ministry of National Defense, and only here would she seem to be in the same circle as Lin Xuan, which would make her feel that she was not so far away from Lin Xuan.

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