At the beginning, she didn't contact Lin Xuan for so long. Apart from knowing that Lin Xuan had a girlfriend, another reason was that she felt that she was getting farther and farther away from Lin Xuan, and she was even completely in two worlds.

Lin Xuan is no longer that junior high school boy with extraordinary skills, nor is he the young talented and high-spirited boss of Xuanyu Group, but a god-like, unreachable existence that she can only look up to.

This gap made Xia Xin, who had always been extremely confident, inevitably feel inferior in front of Lin Xuan.

Although Xia Xin once thought about completely forgetting Lin Xuan, let time dilute the feelings that she shouldn't have in her heart.

But Lin Xuan's light was so dazzling that she couldn't avoid it even if she wanted to avoid it, and it was even more difficult to forget it.

Looking at the legendary reports about Lin Xuan one after another, watching Lin Xuan's feats that shocked the world time and time again, Xia Xin was inevitably like a little girl in a nympho. Turned into admiration, turned into admiration, turned into worship.

She never thought that she would worship a person so deeply, would have such a deep crush on a person, and would even give everything for him.

Of course, Xia Xin also knows that it is not an individual in this world who has a crush on Lin Xuan like herself, but fortunately, she and Lin Xuan have known each other before, and Lin Xuan even saved her. Appeared, perhaps the one with Lin Xuan was himself.

So Xia Xin was still a little bit unwilling in her heart, and wanted to take Lin Xuan over in the past, but she felt that it was not good to do so, and all kinds of conflicts made her entangled for a long time.

But after all, she still can't deceive her heart, after all, she still can't hold back her emotions.

That's why she came to the Ministry of National Defense for an internship, although at the beginning, she just hoped that she could get closer to Lin Xuan and see him more.

"Why, are you thinking about Lin Xuan?" Zhang Xiaoli, a colleague sitting beside her, suddenly said with a smile when she saw Xia Xin's appearance.

"Ah? No, no!" Xia Xin seemed to have been exposed a little secret, her cheeks turned redder immediately, and she waved her hands in a panic.

"Don't lie, it's written on your face, and there's nothing wrong with liking Lin Xuan. I like him too. Many girls in the Ministry of National Defense like him and worship him. It's a pity that we will never be worthy of him. up.

You are different, you are so beautiful, your father is a minister, and you have such a good relationship with Lin Xuan, I think you are a good match! "Zhang Xiaoli said with a smile.

"But he has a girlfriend!" Xia Xin said helplessly, which was also her long-standing psychological obstacle.

"I said Miss, are you born in the [-]s? What's the age? What's wrong with having a girlfriend? As long as you don't get married, you have a chance. What's more, Lin Xuan is so outstanding. Even if you have three wives and four concubines, I think It's all normal!"

"Hey, let me tell you what kind of thinking you are thinking. It's the [-]st century, and you still have three wives and four concubines, and you women are really strange. You talk about equality between men and women every day, and monogamy. Why do you feel that you have three wives and four concubines? Nothing?" The male colleague driving in front complained.

"One husband and one wife also depends on who it is. For a special existence like Lin Xuan, I don't think it doesn't matter if he has three wives or four concubines. Otherwise, such a powerful and unique man can only have one woman Owning him is simply reckless and a waste of resources!"

"If you say that, all national leaders should have three wives and four concubines!" The male colleague in front argued unconvincedly.

"That's different, Lin Xuan is not an ordinary person, he is a superman, a superhero!"

"Hey, your idea is not worth advocating. If you let the leader know, I can't see if you will be punished!"

"Yes yes yes, I know this idea is not good, but I just said that, and fair competition is always okay! Xia Xin, Sister Li supports you! If you like it, give it a go, lest you regret it?" Zhang Xiaoli patted Xia Xin encouraged from his shoulder.

Xia Xin smiled slightly and nodded, but her eyes were full of contemplation. In fact, what Zhang Xiaoli said just now really moved her heart. She obviously liked Lin Xuan, but she never took the initiative to fight for it. She even knew that he had a girlfriend. Just avoid him on purpose.

If I had taken the initiative and given up that pride at the beginning, maybe the ending today would be different.


In the Ministry of National Defense, Lin Xuan didn't know Xia Xin's mood at this time. He was busy installing the central control system of the future fighters in the supercomputer of the Ministry of National Defense.

After more than an hour of system installation, Lin Xuan finally installed the system, and then established a connection with all future soldiers through Huaxia's military satellite.

Later, Lin Xuan also successively set up different levels of control authority and handed them over to Fang Aiguo, while the highest authority was handed over to Chief No. [-].

"That's it! Chairman, in the future, only if your iris verification and fingerprint, voiceprint, password and other verifications pass, can you exercise the best authority!" Lin Xuan explained to Chief No. [-].

"Well, good, Lin Xuan, you have given the country a great gift! Haha!" Chief No. [-] said with a smile.

"The chairman is serious! You can try it yourself next time!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"it is good!"

After Chief No. [-] finished all the tests, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Chief No. [-] wanted to invite Lin Xuan to dinner, but Lin Xuan really didn't like to have dinner with the leaders. First of all, they were unfamiliar with each other. , Secondly, the generation gap between these people and himself is too big, not to mention that Lin Xuan also agreed to Xia Xin, so he postponed it with an excuse.

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