A moment later, when Lin Xuan was about to leave the Ministry of National Defense building, he suddenly received a call from Xia Xin.

"Hey, Xia Xin, are you off work?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Yeah, are you done with your work?" Xia Xin's voice came with a smile.

"I'm done, I'm about to leave, where are you now?"

"I'm waiting for you at the gate of the building, you can see me when you go out!"

"it is good!"

Lin Xuan took the elevator to the first floor, walked out of the Ministry of National Defense building along the corridor, and saw that Xia Xin, who had changed into a beautiful dress, was waiting at the entrance of the building.

"You leave work so early?" Lin Xuan asked casually.

"I'm an intern, so I can leave early! I've already booked a restaurant, let's go, get in the car!" Xia Xin said with a smile, and immediately walked to an Audi Q3, opened the door, and got in.

Although Xia Xin seemed calm on the surface at this time, she was already very nervous and excited in her heart.

Lin Xuan glanced at Xia Xin's car, and without any fuss, got into the car directly and sat in the passenger seat.

Xia Xin started the car, quickly left the Ministry of National Defense Building, and finally passed through several checkpoints, exited the military special zone, and entered the bustling street with heavy traffic.

But when Xia Xin's car turned right at an intersection and entered another street, a young man who was driving in a Land Rover that was driving straight ahead suddenly had a flash of his eyes and looked carefully ahead. The license plate of that car, and the two figures inside the car.

Then he patted the handsome man in the passenger seat who was playing with his mobile phone and said, "Hey, one day, isn't that your Xia Xin's car?"

"Huh?" The handsome man immediately sat up straight and took a closer look at the Audi Q3 in front of him. "Really, this girl got off work so early today?"

"I just saw that there seems to be a man in her co-pilot!" The man driving said in a deep voice. When Xia Xin's car was turning just now, he took a quick glance and saw a man sitting in the co-pilot. Yes, but I didn't see the specific appearance of the other party clearly, but I generally felt that he was a young man.

"Fuck, chase after me, I want to see who it is!" The handsome man frowned suddenly, and said with some displeasure.

But because the traffic flow on this street is very dense, it is very difficult for them to overtake, so they can only follow behind.

Soon, Xia Xin's car turned into a parking space in front of a western restaurant on the side of the road, and then got out of the car. Sure enough, a man stepped out from the side of the co-driver. He was barely a handsome guy, and Xia Xin was chatting and laughing with each other, as if they were very familiar.


"Your super power is amazing, you can't see it at all, can I touch your face?" Xia Xin stared curiously at Lin Xuan's already unfamiliar cheeks, as if a child saw something novel generally.

As he said that, he couldn't help touching Lin Xuan's already unfamiliar cheek with his hands, his face was full of disbelief.

Before getting out of the car, Lin Xuan roughly changed his appearance. After all, he has a special status and is inconvenient to appear in public places, so in order to avoid unnecessary commotion and trouble, he chose to slightly change his appearance.

Although he looks a little like before, it's hard for people to see who he is.

Although Xia Xin was the first to know about Lin Xuan's superpowers, and even learned about all of Lin Xuan's superpowers from her father, she still felt incredible when she saw Lin Xuan's transformation ability with her own eyes.

But Xia Xin didn't know that because of his curious behavior, the handsome man in the Land Rover behind him suddenly became furious.

"Damn it, where did this grandson come from!"

The man felt like he was being cuckolded. Although he had pursued Xia Xin for a while, Xia Xin ignored him, but he couldn't see someone robbing the woman he liked.

So he immediately opened the door and got out of the car, caught up with Lin Xuan and Xia Xin who were the dignitaries walking into the restaurant, and shouted angrily: "Hey, boy, stop!"

"Huh?" Lin Xuan turned his head in surprise, and when Xia Xin heard the voice, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

She couldn't be more familiar with this voice, it was the voice of Li Yitian, one of the three young masters in Kyoto.

Since she returned to the capital last month, this Li Yitian has been pestering her. However, his family's power in the capital is stronger than her Xia family's, and Xia Xin has nothing to do.

What made Xia Xin very disgusted was that when the country was in crisis, these rich children still played every night and didn't care about the rise and fall of the country at all. It seemed that in their eyes, there was nothing else except eating, drinking and having fun.

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