"Zang Tian is really a crazy guy, he even volunteered to accept the infection experiment!" Erwin said suddenly.

"He has always longed for greater power, longed to have superpowers like Lin Xuan, and this natural selection virus is his only hope!" Stern said in a deep voice.

Last time, one of their batch of experimental subjects actually had a very good benign mutation. Not to mention the huge increase in the strength and physique of the whole person, and he even possessed the superpower of manipulating flames. This is the first time in their experiment. There are real success stories with superpowers.

This made Stern and the others very excited, and even thought that the Tianze virus was their greatest masterpiece, and it was also a miracle. Just imagine, when human beings have various superpowers, stronger bodies and smarter brains, and more Long lifespan, then how powerful human beings will be, and the civilization established by human beings will also be prosperous like never before.

Not only that, the powerful power obtained by the experimental subject also deeply stimulated Zan Tian, ​​who had always been eager to gain power, and made him make up his mind to make a bet with his life to complete a nirvana for himself, either to die or to be reborn from nirvana.

"Jiantian's genes are very good, even better than mine in terms of body, and the probability of a benign breakthrough will be very high!" After a little silence, Stern continued, his eyes also scanning Zangtian's resolute cheek After a glance, he immediately looked at his clone with worry.

Although this "natural selection" virus can mutate human genes, the mutations are divided into benign mutations and malignant mutations. Benign mutations can make human genes evolve, and then have a stronger body, better physical fitness, and even Has superhuman strength.

But malignant mutations will kill humans, and there is a certain chance that human cells will mutate, and the body may eventually mutate into a monster-like existence.

But after all, it is a malignant mutation. This kind of cell mutation is like a cancer cell. Although it turns humans into monsters, it will break the original balance of the body. This is similar to the X drug they developed at the beginning, and the final result is the same It will exhaust the energy of the human body and die.

Therefore, human beings who have undergone malignant mutations and mutated into monsters can generally only survive for a month or two. If they are provided with nutrients, they will die within a year at the longest.

As for the occurrence of benign mutations and malignant mutations under the action of viruses, it mainly depends on the quality of the human body's own genes. The better the genetic conditions, the fewer proto-oncogenes and or other disease-causing genes are carried, and the higher the probability of benign mutations. Larger, on the contrary, the probability of malignant mutation is higher.

"Mr. Stern's genes are also very good. According to the previous experimental data, the probability of benign mutations in your genes is definitely over [-]%!" Erwin seemed to see that Stern worried, so he offered a word of comfort.

Stern nodded and didn't say anything else, but he was still very nervous, especially when he saw that the clone lying on the bed in the laboratory had begun to receive a small amount of virus injection.

All the results will not be announced until two days later.

You should know that after this virus is infected, although the onset will occur within two hours, it will take 48 hours to judge whether it is a benign mutation. Once a benign mutation occurs, it will basically start to improve after 48 hours. Basically a malignant mutation.

Of course, there are exceptions. Think about the last time the experimental subject who obtained superpowers started to get better after having a fever for more than 64 hours, and half a month after recovery, the superpower to control flames appeared.

"Let's go back first!" Seeing that Zangtian and his clones were all injected with the virus, Stern said suddenly, then turned and left here, and Erwin followed closely behind.


On the Pacific Ocean, a passenger ship bound for Ghana from Indonesia is sailing smoothly on the sea. Most of the passengers on the cruise ship have returned to their rooms to rest, but many people are still drinking in the restaurant, While chatting, some couples even came to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze, admiring the stars all over the sky, the stars are bright, and occasionally there are meteors passing by, which is deep, mysterious, and even spectacular.

This kind of beauty is rare to see in that brightly lit big city.

However, the originally calm sea suddenly began to be choppy, like a stormy sea, but where did this cloudless and calm sea come from?

This surprised some couples and tourists on the deck. They talked about it and became slightly worried. Many people started to walk into the cabin.

At the same time, the crew in the cockpit of the passenger ship also became slightly nervous because of the suddenly rough sea.

But at this moment, the shout of a crew member raised the tense atmosphere to the peak: "My God, look, captain, what is this?"

Hearing the crew member's exclamation, the captain and several other staff members leaned over nervously and curiously, looked at the data screen of the sonar system on the crew member's finger, and suddenly showed shock.

"My God, what is that?" The captain also exclaimed.

The data of the sonar system showed that five nautical miles ahead of them, there was a huge unknown object like a mountain, which was constantly floating up from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and the sudden turbulent waves outside were probably caused by this thing of.

But what is that thing, and why is it so huge?How did it come up from the bottom of the sea?

Everyone looked at each other, and their complexions became extremely ugly. Although most of them didn't believe in any underwater monsters, but this time, they really had a bad feeling.


Chapter 296 Godzilla Reappears

In the Pacific Ocean, the turbulent sea continued to rise, and the huge waves kept beating the passenger ship, making a roaring sound.

The violent shaking of the passenger ship caused all the passengers to panic, and there were exclamations one after another, but the cockpit fell into a brief dead silence, and everyone was frightened by the data in the sonar system.

"Turn around, hurry!" Captain Lockes shouted in horror, and his shout brought all the crew members back to their senses. Before they had time to think about it, they tried their best to turn the direction of the passenger ship, trying to get away from this sea area as soon as possible. .

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