But Lockes knew very well in his heart that the thing floating from the bottom of the sea was too huge, and judging from the data of the sonar system, the thing was rising extremely fast, and it was estimated that it would completely surface in a few minutes.

So even if they turn around at full speed, it will be difficult for them to leave the range it affects in a short time.

"My God!" Lockes felt unprecedented tension and fear in his heart. He has a lot of sailing experience, but he has never encountered such a situation. The past sailing experience is basically useless. It may be used, which is more calm than ordinary people in the face of emergencies.

"Quick, quick!" Lockes was anxious, his eyes fixed on the data in the sonar system, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

He didn't know what was floating up from the bottom of the sea, and what was waiting for them?

But his intuition told him that this would definitely be an unknown disaster!

The sea level rose higher and higher, as if a big mountain rose from the sea, and the passenger ship was pushed by the surging waves, rushing down at an extremely fast speed, as if it would be involved by the waves at any time.

A moment later, a huge wave suddenly crashed down from above, engulfing the entire passenger ship in the sea.

But immediately afterward, the sea level also dropped rapidly, and the passenger ship that was sucked into the sea rushed out tenaciously, and then swayed and took advantage of the rolling waves to sail far away, escaped dangerously. After a catastrophe.

At the same time, a huge black shadow like a mountain peak appeared on the sea surface, moving quickly towards the opposite direction of the passenger ship.

"my God!"

"What the hell is that?"

"Could it be a monster!"

"There is such a big monster in this world?" Before the crew members on the passenger ship had time to rejoice that they had escaped, they were all stunned by the huge black shadow on the sea.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it if they were killed. There would be such a huge monster in this world, just like a picture in a movie.

"Thank God!" Seeing the monster swim towards the distance quickly, Lockes's hanging heart slowly fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

But Lockes didn't relax completely. After all, anyone who witnessed that terrible scene couldn't calm down for a while. Although he didn't know what it was, he knew that it was absolutely terrifying when he thought about it. Unimaginable monster.

Such monsters appear on the earth, I am afraid that the next earth will change.


The sky was slightly pale, and the originally dark living room gradually brightened up. Lin Xuan was lying on the sofa in the living room and fell asleep, and the room seemed to be peaceful.

But at this moment, the intelligent robot that had been in a dormant state in the corner suddenly started, then walked to the sofa, and patted Lin Xuan lightly.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes slightly, and saw the robot looking at him. At the same time, a deep voice came: "Sir, a huge unknown creature was found in the Yellow Sea and attacked Huaxia's ships!"

"It finally appeared!" Lin Xuan sat up suddenly, frowning, and his heart clenched into a ball.

If there is anything in this world that can make him nervous, perhaps it is only this strange creature that does not belong to the earth-Godzilla.

"It turned out to be hiding in the sea!" Lin Xuan frowned even tighter, his eyes flickering, "It seems that it came out this time, it must have come to seek revenge from me, and if it dared to appear, it must have won I have it!"

Lin Xuan knew very well that this creature definitely had wisdom. Last time it found that it couldn't beat him, it pretended to be dead, and then fled the scene after he left. This is enough to explain everything.

So it dared to appear this time, it was definitely not accidental, and what gave Lin Xuan a headache was that this creature was so perverted that it gave him a headache, even if he had the red spar, he couldn't kill it completely, it seems inevitable next time Another fierce battle.

"Sir, it is currently approaching the coast of Huaxia, and the Huaxia Navy has dispatched urgently to intercept it, even using missiles to attack it first!" Jarvis continued.

"Yeah!" Lin Xuan nodded, but he knew very well that ordinary thermal weapons could not do any harm to it, but that Godzilla could easily destroy any weapon.

"Let's go!" Lin Xuan didn't have time to think, and immediately got up and flew out of the living room window.

Soon, the Iron Battlesuit flew from a distance, merged with Lin Xuan in the air, and then dragged its light tail, like a shooting star, across the gray sky and flew towards the distance.

In the command center of a naval base in Huaxia.

"Report to the chief, the missile attack failed, and that monster was able to release a special shock wave attack method, destroying our missile!" A short-haired man suddenly said solemnly.

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