
Chapter 318

While the surviving senior officials were watching the pictures taken by the unmanned reconnaissance drone, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open. Everyone looked over curiously, only to see a figure walking in.

"Lin Xuan?"

Everyone was taken aback. They looked at Lin Xuan who walked in in disbelief, and they all had the same doubt in their hearts. How did he get in?

But thinking of Lin Xuan's entry into the core area of ​​the Meilijian aircraft carrier battle group before, it was like entering no one's land, and Lin Xuan's strength when he dealt with Meilijian, they were soon relieved.

Of course, they never imagined that the Lin Xuan they saw was just an illusion formed in their brains by Lin Xuan using telepathy.

"Sorry for the interruption!" Lin Xuan walked straight to the front of the conference room, looked at the astonished crowd, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, everyone recovered from their astonishment. Xu Changde got up immediately and greeted Lin Xuan with a smile. Others also got up one after another, as if seeing the leader.

Although Lin Xuan broke in suddenly without knocking on the door just now, it was somewhat impolite, but today is not what it used to be, and the world has already changed. Human beings have made great contributions and should be admired by thousands of people, so it is not easy for them to put on an official stand in front of Lin Xuan.

"Comrade Lin Xuan, it's great to meet you!" Xu Changde shook hands with Lin Xuan, and said slightly excitedly, "We were just talking about the production base you built for survivors, and the impact on major cities. At this critical moment, you have made great contributions to the country and all mankind! Let us old guys feel ashamed!"

"The chief is serious!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and he was not too polite.

"Hehe, come on, Comrade Lin Xuan, come and sit down!"

"You are welcome, chief." Lin Xuan declined with a smile, and then his face became slightly serious. He glanced at the people in the conference room and said seriously: "I just came here to discuss something with you chiefs. Now the original human society is facing collapse. , There are not many survivors left, and the phenomenon of mutated zombies also appeared among the people infected with the virus, and those mutated zombies have extremely strong power and destructive power, almost no different from monsters!"

Speaking of which, relevant materials and images about alienated people automatically appeared on the big screen in the conference room.

Seeing the terrifying alienated person in the picture, the faces of everyone present changed drastically, and they couldn't help but gasp. These people entered here at the earliest stage of the virus, or stayed here originally, and they didn't even know that they were infected with the virus. People, there will be such terrible mutants.

And just as Lin Xuan said, this alienated person is like a monster, and I am afraid that even the special forces in the army will not escape death when encountering such a monster.

"Moreover, there is still no medicine to treat this virus, and whether it will mutate again, and whether it will cause some unknown changes in other species, and then appear terrible monsters, we cannot predict.

The survival and development of human beings in the future may be full of crises and difficulties.

Therefore, we urgently need to unite all surviving human beings, put aside the original national, racial, and cultural differences, and unite to establish a unified human federation, to deal with possible difficulties together, to resist unknown dangers, and to seek survival for mankind. new Hope……"

Lin Xuan's voice was sonorous and powerful, and every sentence seemed to contain a magical power, so that everyone present did not have the slightest idea of ​​objection, but instead had a kind of conviction and approval from the bottom of their hearts.

As if what Lin Xuan said was what they thought in their hearts, everyone kept nodding their heads.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan talked about the idea of ​​establishing a human federation in detail. At first, everyone present was excited and excited, but in the end, some people began to frown and discuss in a low voice.

Although mankind can establish a unified federation, which is indeed beneficial to the production and development of mankind, but even if the Chinese side is willing, people in other countries may not be willing. It is a beautiful but difficult wish to establish a human federation.

"Comrade Lin Xuan, I personally agree with what you said, and I think everyone here agrees, but..." Xu Changde said suddenly.

"Other countries, let me persuade!" Lin Xuan naturally knew Xu Changde's doubts, and immediately said, "Give me three days, and after three days, I will call the surviving heads of state representatives from various countries to hold a unified video conference to discuss the establishment of The matter of the Human Federation!"

Lin Xuan's face was extremely firm, and his words were beyond doubt.

Hearing what Lin Xuan said, everyone present looked at each other and nodded immediately.

"Chief Xu!" Lin Xuan looked at Xu Changde, "You have worked hard these few days, and drafted a relevant constitutional outline of the Human Federation with several other chiefs, and there are some materials that may be needed. I don't know the specific political aspects. If you are good at it, I will leave it to you!"

"Okay, no problem!" Xu Changde replied without hesitation.

"Well, then I'll take my leave first, and see you in three days!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. Seeing this, Xu Changde hurriedly got up: "Comrade Lin Xuan, I will see you off..."

But as soon as Xu Changde finished speaking, he saw Lin Xuan disappeared into the meeting room in a flash like a ghost, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

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