"This..." Xu Changde was stunned, looked at the surroundings where everything was normal, and couldn't help but murmured to himself in astonishment: "What a god!"

After ending the mind control of Xu Changde and others, Lin Xuan immediately found the surviving heads of government of the United States, Ghana, Russia, Australia, the European Union and other countries through telepathy, and in the same way Either by guiding or directly implanting concepts, they all agreed to unite and establish a unified human federation.

As for those small and weak countries, as well as some countries with some extreme religious ideas, Lin Xuan did not include them this time.

Because he plans to unite the big countries first, after the human federation is initially established, and the various constitutional systems are basically perfected, and then slowly absorb those small countries to join.

As for those countries with extreme ideology, he is going to directly control the thinking of their leaders, change their thoughts and ideas, and even change the ideas of everyone in their countries, so that they can integrate into the human federation.

And Lin Xuan is also very clear that the characteristics of human nature are destined to make it impossible for everyone to achieve true unity, unless they are turned into soulless puppets.

However, as long as most of them recognize the existence of the Human Federation and can abide by the unified legal system established by the Human Federation, it will be fine.

As for what kind of cultural customs and religious beliefs they have, it doesn't matter.

After finishing the telepathic communication with the surviving dignitaries from various countries, Lin Xuan took off his helmet again and left the brainwave enhancement machine.

"Jarvis, bring the steel suit!" Lin Xuan said as each country stepped out of the brainwave enhancement machine.

Now that the first step in the establishment of the Human Federation has been completed, he can also spare time to pave the way for the establishment of the Alliance of Superpowers.


The steel suit flew over quickly, then disintegrated quickly, and equipped it on Lin Xuan.

"Let's go!" Muttering in his mouth, the steel suit suddenly shot up into the sky, and left the island of technology through a special exit above the dome.

While Lin Xuan was flying in the sky, the surviving dignitaries of various countries were also busy. They all began to draft the relevant constitution and system of the Human Federation, preparing for the video conference three days later.


Chapter 319 Hunting Alienated People

In the A1 production base on the outskirts of Kyoto, the siren sounded suddenly, causing the people here to be stunned, and their hearts were suddenly tense, and the words that came from the loudspeaker also made their hearts tremble: "Attention, found A large number of alienated people are approaching our base! Pay attention, a large number of alienated people are found approaching our base!"

"Alienated person?"

"What is an alienated person?"

"It's a person infected with a virus and turned into a zombie!"


"That's right! Just like the zombies in the movie, it's scary!"

"Oh my god, there are zombies!"

"Yeah, but it's strange, how did they find us here?" Everyone talked one after another. Many of them didn't know what alienated people were, but there were also a small number of people who came from a coma. After waking up, I either encountered or saw alienated people in the city.

"However, I remember that those alienated people usually die shortly after they appear. Why didn't they die this time, but instead gathered here?" Someone said in surprise.

And his words also caused the people around him to think, many people didn't know what they thought of, and their complexions couldn't help but become a little ugly.

"Could it be that these zombies have also evolved!"

"It's possible! They are likely to become the natural enemies of our survivors!"

"That would be terrible!" Everyone's expression changed. It seems that just as Lin Xuan said, although he survived temporarily, the survival and development of human beings is still full of crises and challenges, and these alienated people came out of the natural selection virus. In addition, mankind has to face another major threat.

"Attention, a large number of alienated people are found approaching our base!" The siren still echoed from the speakers, and a large number of intelligent robots have already rushed out of the base, and a feeling of imminent war spread rapidly.

And the tense atmosphere also makes those who have lived in peaceful times for too long fear and panic.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, don't forget that we are guarded by intelligent robots, and our bodies have evolved to be very powerful, and some people have super powers, and they will definitely be able to deal with those alienated people!" There was a person in the crowd. The man in the uniform of the armed police suddenly said loudly.

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