"Yes, Lin Xuan said, we must unite and protect human beings together! Let's go, let's deal with those alienated people together!"

"That's right, let's go!" Some enthusiastic young people shouted one after another, and immediately got the response of many people, and immediately followed the intelligent robot and rushed out of the base together.

But more people still hesitated, and some still stayed in the base because they were afraid of death or because they were too young.


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came. At the same time, a steel suit suddenly appeared above the base, and it stopped firmly in the air about ten meters above the crowd. Looking down, the red The gold-and-white lacquer surface shines brightly in the sunlight.

"I'm Lin Xuan, everyone listen, young and strong, with superpowers, follow me to stop the alienated people, the others are temporarily guarding the base and are on standby at any time!" Lin Xuan's voice came from the air.

Hearing Lin Xuan's voice, the place below suddenly boiled, and some panicked people immediately seemed to see the backing, and felt at ease.

And those young people who were about to deal with the alienated people were also excited immediately. Being able to fight side by side with Lin Xuan made them feel excited and excited, and even made them feel as if they had become superheroes, and their hearts were full of glory .

"Okay!" One after another echoed voices, and immediately followed Lin Xuan who was in mid-air and quickly ran out of the base.

The humans in the base have undergone different degrees of evolution after being baptized by the virus, but even the least evolved humans have already surpassed the best humans in physique before. Now they can run [-] meters with ease. They can run for less than ten seconds, seven or eight seconds is normal, and their physical strength is also very good, they can hardly pant for hundreds of meters all the way.

So in just a moment, everyone rushed to the place where the alienated people appeared. Dozens of alienated people with purple body, bulging veins, distorted faces, much taller and thicker stature than ordinary people were walking from a distance. Come on, the scene is slightly scary.

In particular, some alienated people have completely become like monsters, their bodies are covered with things like tree tumors, and their facial features have completely lost their human appearance.

"Everyone get the weapons from the intelligent robot immediately, and prepare to fight!" Lin Xuan said again in mid-air.

It was said that although many people were a little timid in their hearts, they still received the weapons they carried with them from the intelligent robots around them.

Some of them used to be police and armed police who knew how to use guns, so they received guns, and others basically received heavy military daggers specially equipped for military robots.

This kind of dagger is said to be a dagger, but its size and weight are like a war knife, but for these people today, there is no problem in using it.

As for those with superpowers, no other weapons are needed at all.

"Come on!" Lin Xuan shouted in the air, and at the same time, a miniature missile was fired from his steel suit, and exploded in the crowd of alienated people in an instant.

"Come on!" The sound of the explosion instantly aroused the enthusiasm of countless people, and everyone shouted together, following the intelligent robot and rushing up.

In fact, these alienated people are puppets controlled by Lin Xuan's telepathy, and their attack is naturally controlled by Lin Xuan.

The purpose of Lin Xuan's doing this is to use this most intuitive threat to make the surviving people have a sense of crisis and become more united.

It also allowed this positive fight to stimulate the fighting consciousness of these survivors who grew up in peaceful times, especially those with supernatural powers. Lin Xuan wanted them to truly appreciate the strength of their abilities and find The true value of their own superpowers allows them to have a sense of blood, a sense of honor and a sense of mission to protect mankind.

Not only that, Lin Xuan also wants to make everyone realize that they have the ability to overcome all difficulties and challenges through this battle against alienated people, so as to truly eliminate people's fear of the end of the world.

bang bang bang...boom...

Thirty military intelligent robots, as well as a combat force composed of dozens of humans, killed those seemingly terrifying alienated people one after another.

And people's fighting instinct from the depths of their souls, the fighting blood that seemed to have been dormant in their bodies for too long, was also stimulated one after another, making them more and more courageous as they fought, and even fell in love with this hearty, blood-boiling feeling.

Soon, dozens of alienated people were all killed, and everyone won a complete victory. They couldn't help cheering up and cheering excitedly.

"Everyone did a great job, you are heroes of mankind, if you want, you can enter Kyoto with me later and hunt down alienated people! It's time for us to return to our homeland!" Lin Xuan in the sky spoke loudly again Said, immediately responded to all calls, and everyone responded in unison, shouting loudly.

At the same time, military transport planes driven by intelligent robots also flew from a distance and quickly landed here.

After all the helicopters landed, everyone didn't hesitate, followed the command of the intelligent robot in an orderly manner, boarded the transport plane, and then flew towards the direction of Kyoto City.


Chapter 320 Gene Modifier

After Lin Xuan led the crowd to kill all the alienated people in Kyoto, he left the capital first, and the rest of the people assisted the intelligent robot to clean up all the alienated people's corpses. ≥

Today's Kyoto City has basically become an empty city. Although the various buildings are basically the same as before, the bustling and bustling scenes of the past are gone, and the scene of constant noise is gone, and even the air is much fresher than before.

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