An Chen suddenly smiled.After the cruise ship started, when he saw everyone on the second floor, he said to a camera, "It seems that the performance of the group is not enough. It seems that my identity has been discovered. Hey, it seems This is the end of my funny image, the next me will be another me, the cold and black male god, An Chen."

Speaking of this, An Chen thought for a while, and said again, "I'd better tell that little girl, otherwise that little girl might blame herself and not sleep well tonight, after all, I am also a warm man."

Speaking of which, An Chen turned around and went up to the second floor, and said to Song Zuer, "Zuer, I have something to ask you."

At this moment, Song Zuer's heart skipped a beat, but she still walked over bravely.An Chen didn't choose to talk to her in a crowded place, but took her to the kitchen.

"Nara and the others know my identity, right? There's no need to blame yourself. You're only 19 years old. It's normal for them to find you abnormal. It's not a big deal, so why hide from me?"

"Ah brother, do you know that you are all monsters? I feel like I'm really stupid when I'm with you." At this moment, Song Zuer scratched his hair in melancholy and depression, and said again, "An Brother Chen, you really don't blame the group, I messed up your plans."

"Silly girl, you think too much."

Hearing that Song Zu'er couldn't bear it any longer, he hugged An Chen and said softly, "Thank you, Brother An Chen."

It was a thankful hug, an apologetic hug.Not long after, An Chen pushed Song Zu'er away and said, "Okay, go back quickly, they should worry about you."

While An Chen was talking with Song Zu'er, Jing Boran who was looking at the bed upstairs suddenly discovered a problem.

"What's the situation? Why are there eight hammocks here? Are the hammocks for temporary passengers prepared in advance?"

Hearing this, the director team replied, "These ships are all prepared, just take out an extra copy. Each of you has a hammock, and you can arrange the time to build the hammock yourself."

At this moment, Song Zu'er also came back, but he didn't see An Chen.At this moment, Zhang Ruoyun asked curiously, "Where is Passenger A?"

"Yeah, why didn't you see him coming to blackmail us?"

Following Zhang Ruoyun and Jing Boran's words, Gu Lina smiled and said, "I think he is trying to trick us. Wait for everyone to pay attention to our attitude. We must not be defeated. We must smile. "

What is An Chen doing? While enjoying the sea breeze, he sent a text message to report his safety.Seeing this, the director team came up and said, "I forgot to say, we are not allowed to bring mobile phones at this station, so the mobile phones need to be handed over to us for safekeeping. We will notify you if there are special calls."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at the director, smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll hand over the phone to you later. I sent two messages to China, and I haven't had time to report my safety after getting off the plane."

"No, it's not to take away your mobile phone now, but after arriving at the jungle tree house. We do this to prevent your mobile phone from being lost or falling into the water in the following process."

"Well, I know, we understand each other."

An Chen's text message didn't take too long, she just told those women that she was safe.It was 7:30 in the morning in China at this time, so the girls all expressed their knowledge and at the same time reminded An Chen to be safe again.

The ship went faster and faster, but the route still had ten hours to arrive.While everyone was busy, Gu Li Naya was also watching the news on the phone.This is not a satellite phone, so there is no internet at this time.And the reason why Gu Li Naya was able to watch it was only to watch the news buffered on the pier before.But even this is enough to attract attention. Although she can't see the content inside, those titles and a few short lines of explanation are enough to satisfy her curiosity.No, not satisfaction, but temporary relief.Because the more she looked, the more curious she became about this boy.

The resident guest who is suspected to be a running man, the Tai Chi master used Li Nuo Zhao to pick eleven, and the rescue at the airport and the international trade rescue, the latest news that made her hormones secrete the most.A catchy title, a video cover and two lines of text.

It's worth it if you can save Guan Xiaotong.This is the headline on this news, followed by a cover, in which a black figure is so blurred.But it can be seen that it is definitely not a person, and it is vaguely a car.Below the cover is a commentary, and the above two lines briefly explain the development of the matter.At 1635 this afternoon, a black bolt of lightning ran through the main road in front of Tiananmen Square.The reason was that Guan Xiaotong was rescued because he was suspected of being kidnapped. The speed of this car exceeded 240k per hour.Is that right? Tell me what you think. .

Text 0171: Black-bellied and cold-hearted, many honors (reward plus more)

Such a title, such a cover, and such an explanation made people even more curious, and even Na Ya couldn't help but tapped her curiosity.But at this point, it only shows that the four words cannot be connected.

Seeing this, Gu Li Naga sighed lightly, and put away the phone.

At the same time, An Chen was cooking. He was cooking his own meal.Although it's a little more, it's really just a little more, and it's enough to support one more person, and there will be nothing more.Yes, although he can't hate them anymore, he can be greedy for them.As for the extra share, it was prepared for Song Zuer, a girl whose kindness earned her what she deserved.

Although it is on a boat, there are not many things to eat. Although beef may be more expensive, there are still fish and chicken.An Chen only used one salmon and added some vegetables to complete a pot of Sichuan spicy boiled salmon.With a small pot of original Sichuan-style steamed rice, the taste is simply not too good.With An 440 Chen's cooking, the spicy and delicious taste spread throughout the cruise ship.At this moment, no matter what they were doing, everyone stopped, especially the two snacks.

Song Zuer said, "What's the smell? It smells so good. It's like our Chinese food. Do you smell it?"

Nonsense, such a delicious smell, do you think we can't smell it because our nose is broken?

At this moment, Lai Yumeng's stomach suddenly gurgled, and she said pitifully, "Mengmeng really wants to eat, Mengmeng is hungry."

Do you think you are the only one who is hungry? We are also hungry, okay? We have just eaten a little bit plus an airplane meal from morning to now.It's 6pm now.Therefore, at this moment, everyone followed the fragrance to the first floor.

At this moment, An Chen came out with two small pots.He said, "Everyone is here. I've run out of bdai in the kitchen, so you can use it. Come on, let's eat."

Stupid, what does it mean to call the group to eat? Does it mean that the boat without them is theirs? What's wrong with your order? Shouldn't you pay for the boat? Thinking of this, Zhang Ruoyun stepped forward and said, " Dude, it’s unethical for you to do this, it’s fine if you don’t cook, how can you just eat by yourself and you’re still sitting on our boat.”

Hearing this, An Chen raised his head, showed a smile, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm the invited tour guide for the route of Hua'er and Boy, so I don't exist as your ship, because this ship has I have a place."

Confused, Zhang Ruoyun's thoughts about what happened were instantly shattered by this sentence.At this time, the three young men who didn't know what was going on looked at the director, but they only saw the director nodded and said, "An Chen is right, he is our invited tour guide this time. Master, a signed artist of Zhejiang TV, and a resident guest of Running Man this season, has a certain knowledge of medical first aid. He has 1 combat experience and 11 actual combat experience, as well as a real case of first aid on a flight, which is very helpful for our Amazon route this time. .”

Hearing this, not only the three men were dumbfounded, but also the three women were dumbfounded.Only Na Ya has a certain tolerance in her heart because she has seen a certain amount of relevant information.But even so, she couldn't help the beauty in her eyes.After the director's words fell, Gu Lina sat down in front of An Chen, and said, "Even so, it's not an excuse for you to enjoy the food alone, right? side of

Hearing this, An Chen said unmoved, "I'm sorry, you said everything, it's your team. I'm just your tour guide for this route, not your team member. I have no obligation to fulfill my duties as a chef. "

"You..." At this moment, Gu Li Na was angry again, she didn't expect to be rejected with her charm.

At this moment, Lai Yumeng pitifully begged, "Brother Anchen, let Mengmeng eat something, Mengmeng is very hungry."

Hearing Lai Yumeng's words, An Chen smiled and said to him, "Mengmeng, you have enough food and clothing by yourself, how can you expect to get something for nothing?"

Hearing this, Lai Yumeng said in disbelief, "Then why can the group eat the food cooked by brother for nothing?"

"Because it was my test for you before, only the group passed, so only she can get the reward."

"Ah" At this moment, not only Lai Yumeng was stunned, but everyone else was also the same. What the hell was the test? Are you sure you are not kidding us?

At this moment, the director said again, "An Chen's cooking skills are comparable to Michelin chefs. Please take part. During the refrigerator, Zeng Wan beat Teacher An. The test he proposed was also mentioned to us. It is about a tolerant attitude. The test. So we are also considered as witnesses, and in fact only the group has passed. Except for her, the rest of you didn't seem so happy when facing An Chen who is touching porcelain."

Hearing such words, Lai Yumeng was about to cry, but she said in a sobbing voice, "But Mengmeng really wants to eat, Mengmeng is so hungry, so hungry. Brother Anchen, Mengmeng can act like a baby, can be cute, and can massage, Why don't I give you a massage. You can give me a little bit, or really just a little bit."

Body 0172: Satisfied snack food

Seeing this, Song Zu'er couldn't bear to say, "Brother, why don't you let Mengmeng eat my share."

An Chen glared at Song Zu'er, and then said to Lai Yumeng, "In that case, come to give me a massage tonight, and you, Zuer, can sit down and eat too. For the others, the kitchen is over there, so walk slowly."

Hearing this, Gu Li Naya snorted softly, got up and left, and at the same time said loudly, "Brother Youning, please help me to cook some food, we will eat too."

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