Hearing this, Zhang Ruoyun hurriedly said, "I'll go help too." Just when Jing Boran was about to speak, Zhang Ruoyun said again, "Jing Bao, don't go, the kitchen is so big, three people will get in the way. You can talk to Na Ya and Shu Ying."

"oh oh."

Just when Jing Boran was about to go up with Jiang Shuying, Lai Yumeng exclaimed.

"Yeah" exclamation with a long tail.

She raised her head in surprise and wanted to share the taste with others.But when she looked up, she saw Jing Boran and Jiang Shuying staring at her and swallowing.Seeing this, she smiled awkwardly, and then said to the group who also tried a mouthful and started to be pleasantly surprised, "Group, it's delicious. I've never eaten such a delicious boiled fish. It's spicy and delicious. Said, this fish is actually slightly crispy."

"Yeah, brother An Chen's fish is definitely the best fish I've ever eaten. It seems to be even better than the dishes made by Michelin chefs I've ever eaten."

Is it so exaggerated? At this moment, Jiang Shuying swallowed again, and walked towards the boat in resentment.As for what tastes better, I don't believe it, don't try to lie to me.

Seeing this, Jing Boran also swallowed, and quickly followed.

An Chen's food here is delicious, but the three people upstairs are suffering.That indistinct taste, coupled with the surprise from time to time.At this moment, Jiang Shuying and Gu Li Naya wanted to strangle those two snacks to death.You say you can eat as long as you want, why are you talking so much and those two bastards.They didn't say cook faster, did they want to starve the old lady to death? At this moment, the second daughter even complained to the two cooks, although they also knew that this should not be the case.

After a while, the two finally prepared two dishes and one soup, and it was not too bad to serve it with bread.Alleviates the hunger appetite of at least 5 people.

At the same time, the other three also ate quite well.Because there was one more person, they were not able to eat [-]% full, but they were quite satisfied when they were [-]% full.Song Zuer said, "This is the most comfortable meal I have eaten since I went abroad. Really, I feel that no meal is as good as our Chinese food."

"I think it's not only because the Chinese food is delicious, but mainly because the food cooked by brother An Chen is delicious."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Little girl, don't think that you don't have to perform the duties of massage just because you say something nice."

"Understood, bad brother."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't care, but said, "Actually, what you said is correct. In fact, not only food, but also some local characteristics. Many things are spread from China. For example, the Japanese tea ceremony, For example, Bushido, and American pizza and hamburgers.

In terms of diet, it can be said that, except for the emerging French cuisine, the cuisines of other places have more or less shadows of Chinese cuisine.Of course, it cannot be said that French cuisine is better than Chinese cuisine, but that they pay more attention to art. "

"That said, it seems to be true."

As time went by and the night became dark, they finally arrived at the tribe of the aborigines after dark.At this time, the sky was completely dark, and there was no other lighting except the lights on the boat and the torches of the Indians.Fortunately, this is enough.At this moment, An Chen put on his glasses and whispered to himself, "Start night vision, motion sensor, heat sensor."

ask for flowers

As An Chen's orders came down, a bright white appeared in front of his eyes. At this moment, the surrounding environment was clearly visible.In the next second, the body's heat emerged, followed by the surrounding coldness.The cold induction is mainly aimed at temperature-changing animals such as venomous snakes and lizards.Although this type of animal is difficult to detect, the warming of the blood can be regarded as a concentrated sense of coldness.Regardless of whether it is a poisonous snake or a lizard, it is basically not a big problem to pay attention to it.

With the opening of the sense of heat and cold and movement.At this moment, the entire Indian tribe showed a state of terror.Seeing this, An Chen frowned slightly, if someone with trypophobia would collapse.

While carefully avoiding potential dangers, from time to time, he helped the members of the Huaer Youth League to avoid some potential dangers.But don't underestimate these dangers, sometimes they are often fatal.Although the Hua'er crew has checked the surroundings in advance, there are still dangers coming, after all, this is Amazon.Just now, he pulled Jiang Shuying away from the range of a poisonous snake.

Of course, the Hua'er Youth League didn't know about all this, otherwise they would probably have gone back in fright at this time.After a while, they came to the Indian tribe.Until then, he put away his glasses.There is basically no danger here, and even if there is, it is likely to come from people. .

Text 0173: The lottery of the bet

With their arrival, Indian tribes performed welcoming rituals.The ceremony may seem ordinary, but it is the most sincere welcome of simple Indian tribes.Yes, these people live in the jungle all year round in isolation, and now they also need to adapt to society.The gifts and money given by the program group are exactly what they lack.

At this moment, Gu Li Naga suddenly said, "I found that Jing Bao's eyes are bright."

At this moment, An Chen was speechless. What looked like an Indian woman's half-naked along the way just now? It's so bright that I really doubt your aesthetics.At this moment, what made An Chen speechless was that Zhang Youning also said "May [-]" and "My eyes are also bright."

Well, it seems that I may have a different aesthetic.At this moment, An Chen even doubted life a little.

While An Chen was thinking wildly, these natives began to dress up in Indian local style for everyone.There were not many people, so it was soon An Chen's turn.

At this moment, An Chen was as unpretentious as Zhang Youning, and took off his shirt naturally.An Chen's skin is very fair, even comparable to a woman's, but the sharp edges and corners are full of beauty.Even Jiang Shuying, who kept calling her dazzling, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Then she whispered to Gu Lina when An Chen wasn't paying attention: "This bastard has better skin than mine. I wonder if he's a man." At this point, Jiang Shuying seemed to have the truth, and suddenly covered her mouth He whispered: "My God, I must have guessed right."

An Chen twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly. With his keen senses, he really wanted to say, do you dare to keep your voice down? At this moment, the indigenous people began to make up for them, and An Chen said silently: Jiang Shuying, I remember you .

At this time, An Chen never thought that he was the one who picked the thorns first, and Jiang Shuying was indeed joking.

After they put on their makeup, Mengmeng and Grouper began to distribute gifts, and then an indigenous girl came to ask everyone to eat.

At this moment, when they saw the table of indigenous food, they didn't have much appetite. I had dinner at 7 o'clock, and it's only 9:30 now.Coupled with the food that looks basically unremarkable without special effects.

But An Chen picked up the food first after the Indian girl signaled.Because of Lai Yumeng, he was not full.And these local characteristics can also satisfy his ideal of eating all over the world.

The taste of the food was indeed not that good, but it was considered unique, so An Chen ate a lot.Other than him, everyone else was full after just one taste.

After the meal is a warm-up exercise, that is, travel projects and the like.The first item is archery.Starting with Zhang Ruoyun, one arrow hit, but he was the only one who hit it.

At this moment, a group of flames of war burned on him, and Zhang Ruoyun said provocatively: "As our safety guide, don't you show your hands?"

"No need, I'm afraid I'll hurt you, you can play." An Chen was not joking when he said this, he had the confidence with his five senses strengthened.

"It's okay, tour guide, we Ruoyun are not afraid of blows." Jiang Shuying said this obviously because she wanted to see An Chen make a fool of herself, but she also had small emotions.

"That's okay, but there must be some good luck."

After An Chen's words fell, Jiang Shuying's eyes lit up, and she said, "If you lose, you will be responsible for all the food and beverages we have to do on this route. And it must not be perfunctory, it must be a big meal."

Hearing Jiang Shuying's request, An Chen looked at the others and asked, "Is this what you request?"

For a while, everyone looked at each other, but they all chose to nod to see this, An Chen said, "Since that's the case, then my request is that if I win, the four girls must massage me for half an hour each before the end of the flight. If you agree, let's begin."

Half an hour is not too much, and it is not too much, but it is within the acceptable range of a few women, and even one hour is no problem.Thinking of this, the two women gritted their teeth and agreed.As for the two snack foodies, Song Zu'er and An Chen, who have the best relationship, even without this, she would not refuse.As for Lai Yumeng, he already owed it once, even if he owed it again, it would be fine.And thinking about the delicacies An Chen made, and thinking about how many meals she might be able to eat, she had no reason not to gamble.

Of course, the reason why the girls are willing to do this is because of Zhang Ruoyun's first arrow.If not, they would be stupid, and they would not agree to it.

"Okay, then it's settled."

With the confirmation of the girls, Zhang Ruoyun smiled and said, "I'm under a lot of pressure when you're like this." Even though he said so, people 10 couldn't see where the pressure was really high.

At this moment, An Chen said, "Since there is a competition, the target of the watermelon is still too big, and it is not convenient to use it for competition. Patriarch, do you have an archery target?"

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