As a primitive tribe, how could the Indians who rely on hunting for a living have no archery targets? Not only do they have them, but they are also more professional.Their archery target is a board like a boar's head, but there are only two circles and a circle in the center of the board.In their words, only those who can shoot into the two circles can be called hunters, and only those who can shoot into the heart again and again can be called marksmen.At this time, there were only three sharpshooters in their tribe. .

Text 0174: Comparable to a sharpshooter

Seeing this archery target, even Zhang Ruoyun was nervous.The total diameter of the two circles is no more than the size of a palm, each circle is no more than three fingers wide, and the remaining three finger widths are the center of the circle.

Zhang Ruoyun tried his best to calm himself down, breathe, and take a deep breath.Relax and aim.


The arrow feathers flew across the void with a melodious sound, and hit the red heart in the next instant.After hitting the red heart, Zhang Ruoyun breathed a sigh of relief.After hitting the red heart, the Hua'er Youth League let out a scream.

Seeing this, An Chen also smiled.He stepped forward and said, "Is it too early to be happy?"

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying rolled her eyes, indicating that Jiang Shuying didn't want to talk to you.

An Chen didn't care, and raised his bow.The bow was drawn to the full moon, as stable as a rock, and then there was a soft "swish", which also hit the red heart.Seeing this, An Chen frowned, then relieved.He has already understood the changes brought about by the feel, strength, angle and material through this shooting.

The first arrow, 13, should be considered a tie, so An Chen lightly shouted, "Come again."

When he spoke, he had already picked up the second arrow, bent the bow, struck the arrow, the bow was like a full moon, and then shot out.This time, the arrow feather crossed a straight trajectory, and shot through Zhang Ruoyun's previous arrow shaft with a "shua", and then the arrow tip collapsed and flew into the red heart.

At this moment, the Hua'er Youth League was dumbfounded, staring blankly, unable to make any sound.At this moment, the native Indians gave out deafening cheers.They worship the strong, but they don't care who you are.

"Is Ruoyun okay?"

"The red heart should be able to try, but I really can't do the arrow shaft." When Zhang Ruoyun said this, his eyes were full of dignified pressure.

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay, just a heart. A heart is a perfect score. No one asks you to shoot an arrow, even if it's a tie."

Zhang Ruoyun nodded upon hearing this, and looked at the archery target solemnly.Not everyone can hit the red heart every time, let alone him who is only exposed to bows and arrows for the first time.Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, relax, let go.

The arrow was shot, and the shadow of the arrow crossed, but at this time it fell next to the red heart.

"噗嗤" the arrow landed, and the arrow missed the target.

Seeing this, An Chen twitched the corner of his mouth evilly, showing a malicious smile, and said, "I think you guys lost."

Jiang Shuying struggled unwillingly and said, "We haven't lost yet, three out of five rounds."

"Are you sure about winning three out of five rounds?" Following An Chen's question, the three men and two women from Hua'er Youth League hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

At this moment, An Chen picked up three arrows again.Bite the two in his mouth, "Shua, Shua, Shua." and shot them out.Although the three arrows are one at a time, they flow like clouds and water, and the arrows hit the red heart.At this moment, the six members of the Hua'er Youth League were like defeated roosters, and even Zhang Ruoyun shrugged his shoulders to express his powerlessness.

This included Lai Yumeng, because An Chen won, she would have nothing to eat.

The arrogant Jiang Shuying saw this, and said, "You win, and my sister will help you loosen your muscles and bones tonight." Jiang Shuying said in a vicious voice, and even squeezed the bones of her hands, insisting that she, who lost, was It's the same as taking advantage.

Seeing Jiang Shuying like this made the others feel a lot more comfortable, otherwise they would always feel aggrieved as if they lost power and humiliated the country.

An Chen smiled and didn't answer, but agreed to the natives' competition.This is a kind of respect, and it may even be dangerous if you don't agree.Just like you told the Hui people to let him eat pork, that would really dare to stab you twice.

Because of An Chen's shooting skills, the aborigines played the marksman.Their shooting positions were [-] meters longer than at this time. Although they didn't have a hundred paces to penetrate Yang, they still had fifty paces.Fifty steps is a long way to others, but it is nothing to them.

Every shot of the four sharpshooters caused screams.But the tribal tents of the aborigines are only so big.There is no way to tell the winner in such a competition, so they adopted another method to tell the winner.

Mobile shooting.Mobile shooting is shooting while running, or shooting while the prey is running.This is a very dangerous game, so An Chen rejected the tribal leader's proposal and let the tribal people run with their arrow targets on their shoulders.Instead, he chose to shoot while running, which was not good for him.Needless to say, although An Chen hit the target, the hit was really crooked.

The next thing is shooting needles, which is a unique hunting method of Indians. They use anesthetics to anesthetize the prey directly for capture.This time, no one competed with An Chen, except for these native Indians who had been proficient in this skill for many years, no one was An Chen's opponent.

The last project of the Indian Tribal Station is an Indian dance music performance.The passionate ancient tone seems to be a battle song passed down for thousands of years, and it also seems to be a soul dialogue spanning several centuries.At this moment, not to mention the Hua'er Youth League, even An Chen felt passionate.

In this dance music, the native Indians came to invite everyone to sing and dance, and at this moment, An Chen received the most solemn invitation.Every Indian girl is willing to throw an olive branch to him because of his previous outstanding performance.Although he doesn't appreciate these girls, it doesn't prevent him from accepting kindness.After dancing casually for a while, An Chen had already left the stage, quietly waiting for the end of this stop. .

Text 0175: Inexplicably gone off fire

At this moment, a voice said, "Why, aren't you used to such a lively scene? At first I wasn't used to it, but I feel fine now."

An Chen didn't look back when he heard the words, and said directly, "Why did you come here? Could it be that my scum has already been captured by me?"

Because there were only four girls, and the voices of the four girls were very distinguishable, so An Chen knew that this person was Gu Li Naga without looking back.He just doesn't know why this girl came here, is it possible to use a beauty trick to underestimate me, An Xiahui?

Hearing this, Gulina frowned slightly, rolled her eyes, and said in displeasure, "Don't call me scum, you are so annoying, you still call me that when you know I hate this title the most."

Hearing this, An Chen was not angry, but said, "Remember that you and Reba were classmates in high school, why do you feel that you are not in touch now? Could it be that you didn't get along well in high school or did you say that you are old and compared with each other, which made you lose your original relationship?" Feelings"

Gu Lina paused when she heard that, and then she said in a low voice, "You really don't know how to chat, what's wrong with you, you've lost the sky. You definitely don't have a girlfriend like you."

Hearing this, An Chen finally turned around, smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I really have a girlfriend."


Oh, what do you mean? At this moment, Jiang Shuying came over and said, "Why don't you guys dance?"

"I'm tired, come here and have a rest, as for him, I don't know."

Seeing Jiang Shuying looking over, An Chen said, "It's nothing, keep up enough energy to avoid accidents."

Hearing what An Chen said, the two of them felt something called a sense of security.

At this moment, the last interaction was completed, and the youth group began to embark on the cruise ship again.Just when they were about to board the boat, Gu Li Naya suddenly said to himself when passing by him, "Sometimes I miss it for some reason. But if I miss it, I miss it, and it's not something that can be repaired just by thinking about it."

From these words, An Chen seemed to hear something, but he didn't seem to hear anything. After all, he just smiled and didn't think about it anymore.As the route resumed, Jiang Shuying came to An Chen after washing up, and said, "Lie down, my sister is here to fulfill the bet." Jiang Shuying pinched the bones of her hand again, but the embarrassing thing was that , although she pinched for a long time.But the hand bones did not make any sound.

"Pfft..." An Chen laughed, but Jiang Shuying was embarrassed.

Who is Jiang Shuying? She is the one who can take jokes the most.Therefore, Jiang Shuying had already adjusted while breathing, and shouted fiercely, "Hurry up and lie down, or I will leave. Then don't blame me for not fulfilling the bet."

"Seeing this, An Chen was very obedient and chose to lie down. Is there anything more refreshing than having a massage with a beautiful woman?"

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