When Song Zu'er said this, no one was suspicious anymore, so the two quickly came to An Chen's room.Song Zuer suddenly said, "Brother, I don't know how to massage, can you teach me how to do it? Otherwise, you can only enjoy my third-rate massage."

Third-rate, what level is that? Well, he didn't intend to enjoy any major.So while he was laying down, he said, "It's okay, third-rates are fine, come up."

At this moment, Song Zu'er took a look at An Chen's posture, and quickly rode on him.

Stupid, An Chen was stunned at this moment, suddenly he remembered the last person who did this.Nothing will happen, his clothes won't get wet, will the blood be easy to wash?


"Brother An Chen, will I overwhelm you? If you feel uncomfortable, just say so."

Only then did An Chen come to his senses, and hurriedly said, "It's okay. A big man, it's not so easy to be crushed. You're about the same weight."

Hearing this, Song Zu'er felt more relieved, and while relaxing his body, he began to massage An Chen gently.The fact is that An Chen was overthinking. Song Zu'er, who was sitting on An Chen's waist, could exert more force without friction at all.Although Song Zu'er's legs just pinched An Chen under him, since there was no direct touch or friction, there was nothing special about it.

However, accidents always seem to happen.

Text 0186: Guan Xiaotong, I hate you

Because he didn't know how to do it, after massaging for a while, Song Zu'er turned around.Turn around and prepare to massage An Chen's waist.At this moment, An Chen was stunned again, group, where did you learn massage? The most important thing is that you sit on my shoulder and massage backwards, is it really good? I can feel your butt, okay?

If this is nothing, but what do you mean by your feet almost poked me in the face? Although you have no beriberi, although your feet are very white and tender, although your feet smell good, but this does not become The reason why you put your foot in front of me.The most important thing is that I am not the same as I used to be, right now I have been misled by Guan Xiaotong, okay?

"Guan Xiaotong, I hate you." At this moment, An Chen who was thinking in his heart accidentally said it out.Although his voice was not loud, Song Zu'er could still hear the whisper.Although Song Zuer couldn't hear what it was because the voice was not loud, these 950 samples were enough.

I saw Song Zu'er stopped in doubt, and then reacted instantly.She looked behind her, and it turned out that her feet were too close to An Chen. Seeing this, Song Zuer hurried down, retracted her feet shyly, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Brother An Chen, I didn't notice the feet." Put it there. I'm sorry, don't be angry, okay, group'er took a bath just now, so it shouldn't smell bad." Song group'er lowered his head and sniffed his feet to prove that he was not lying.

Hearing this, An Chen saw Song Zu'er like this, and hurriedly said, "No, Zuer's feet are very fragrant, how could I be angry with you because of this."

"You liar, I heard you mumbling just now, brother An Chen, can you forgive the group?"

I was muttering, but I didn't mention you, this dead boy, why doesn't it make sense? Thinking of this, An Chen's eyes suddenly brightened, thinking that this is a good opportunity.A good opportunity for the group to give up.

After hesitating for a while, An Chen said, "I have a secret, I hope you don't tell anyone else, if you can promise, I will tell you, you can see it?"

Hearing this, Song Zu'er was immediately drawn curious.People are best at gossip and digging out other people's secrets.When there is a common secret, the two will become very close.Of course, this secret must be acceptable to the other party. If it runs counter to it, the other party will even hate and hate you because of it.

"Okay, although the group is talkative, the group is not a big talker."

Hearing this, An Chen hesitated again, and after a strong psychological struggle, he said, "Actually, I was talking about Guan Xiaotong just now. Because I was misled by her during the recording of the sixth episode of Running Man." After she seduced me with her feet, I suddenly found that I have a foot fetish. It’s okay if it’s far away, but if it’s close, I had a thought just now when you put your feet in front of me The urge to smell and see, even at that moment, I wanted to kiss." Speaking of this, An Chen laughed at himself, and said, "Do you think I'm perverted? I think so too, bdcd that's why I whispered Guan Xiao, I hate you for coming."

After An Chen's words fell, Song Zu'er fell silent.Her face was very rosy, and she didn't know what she was thinking.But An Chen, who didn't like such a silent atmosphere, said, "Guer, go back, your massage is very comfortable. The time is almost up, so your bet has been fulfilled."

Hearing this, Song Zu'er returned to her senses reflexively, and she suddenly said, "Brother An Chen said these are strange, is it true? This is the first time Zuer has encountered such a thing." Having said that, no When An Chen answered, she paused for a moment, and then suddenly continued, "Did brother An Chen suffer a lot just now?"


An Chen's ignorant "yes" made Song Zu'er think it was an admission, so she stood up again at this moment, and said, "Brother, lie down, there are still a few minutes left, and the group must have a beginning and an end."

"Need not"

Before An Chen could finish speaking, Song Zuer said in a tearful voice, "So brother is lying to me or is he angry with me?"

Hearing this, what else could An Chen say? Something was wrong in her heart. An Chen had to get down obediently.However, within three seconds of lying down, An Chen was overwhelmed with surprise.Song Zuer, what are you doing? Do you know what you are doing?

Looking at the little feet so close at hand, An Chen smiled wryly.It seems that I can only go farther and farther on this road of no return? I sniffed lightly, and the faint fragrance seemed to be the smell of shower gel.Different from Guan Xiaotong's mixed breath, Song Zuer's smell is more pure and light.Can't say who is good and who is bad, but both are so unique and unique.

It smells good, really good, but that's not the point.The most important thing is that Song Zuer's little feet smell very light, but they look very sexy.The bones of the foot are well-shaped and chiseled, thin and even, neither too much nor too little.The four toes are aligned and slanted to the thumb to form a neat diagonal line.The white and tender feet seemed so tender that water could be squeezed out, and the dark blue blood vessels were like the extension of emerald threads.

s passed, after 10 o'clock, there is another update, thank you for your support.

Text 0187: Naga, are you here?

At this moment, he seemed to be out of words, leaving only a superb concept lingering in his heart.Finally, the righteous little white man in his mind was kicked to the ground by the little black man who represented darkness.An Chen couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart, stretched out his head, and grabbed Song Zu'er's little feet.

Soft and delicate, although not as weak and boneless as a baby, but not much worse.

At this moment, Song Zuer's feet suddenly tensed.


Inhaling the smell of Song Zuer, An Chen raised her head after a long time, and kissed Song Zuer's little mouth.The last thought of Song Zu'er, whose mind was blank, was to just kiss his own feet indirectly like this.

At this moment, An Chen froze suddenly, and then backed away.He said apologetically, "I'm sorry, group, I scared you."

Huh, can I finally breathe normally? At this moment, Song Zu'er's oxygen-deprived brain seemed to recover his thinking.She sat up, tidied her clothes, showed a smile, and said, "It's okay, Brother An Chen, I did it voluntarily. Brother An Chen saved me, and I like him very much, that's why I did it." That's it. But brother An Chen, you've gone too far, you've touched things that shouldn't be touched. The current group can only satisfy your special hobby. At least the group is not ready to dedicate yourself. Next time Don't touch it anymore."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled awkwardly, she clearly said to refuse, but just now she didn't know why she became so crazy.If it wasn't for touching the warm pad, something might really happen.

That's right, when An Chen's hand touched the wrong place, he touched Sophie or the Seventh Dimension.

"Well, but in the future, you should take your beautiful feet three feet away from my eyes. Although I agreed, I still don't believe in myself."


Seeing An Chen like this, Song Zu'er smiled lightly.Then he said, "Brother An Chen, you are so cute, and you are so inconsistent, what should I do?"

Just when An Chen was speechless, Na Ya knocked on the door.Hearing the knock on the door, An Chen took the opportunity to say to Song Zuer, "Guer, go back first. Then take a good rest, we have activities tomorrow."

Song Zu'er nodded when he heard the words, but made a grimace.Kissed An Chen on the face before jumping out of bed, and said, "I'm going back first, Brother An Chen also goes to bed early." An Chen's curtains were always drawn, so he couldn't see anything from the outside.

Rest, rest, sister, I think I'm going to go out of the mountain today by relying on the fifth girl.Shit, obviously I already have four girlfriends, why would I use Fifth Girl? This is simply too puzzling.

While thinking about it, An Chen nodded and opened the door with Song Zuer.Seeing Na Ya, An Chen asked strangely, "What happened?"

For Na Ga, An Chen became more and more strange.During the day, I insisted on making a boat, so I asked him if Reba was okay.In the middle of the night, he actually came to his room again. Could it be that Yan Yu thought so? An Chen's heart became hot. The fire that was provoked by Song Zuer just now seemed to have the possibility of being released.

"Let me take a look at the group, don't let her little girl who knows nothing about the world be eaten by you."

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