Hearing this, the corners of An Chen's mouth twitched, girl, are you really good at saying that? Song Zuer also blushed and said coquettishly, "Sister Nazha, what are you talking about, brother An Chen is such a person, why does he ignore you?" When Song Zuer ran out, the secret channel seemed to be almost eaten just now.

ask for flowers

Seeing Song Zuer run away, An Chen said, "Come in and sit down, don't tell me, you really want to see if Zuer will be eaten."

Hearing this, Na Ya really walked in and said, "You're very smart, then guess what I'm here for?"

An Chen hesitated when he heard the words, and after thinking about it for a long time, he still carefully said, "Spend the night"

Overnight is a vague word, and the subconscious meaning is the meaning of appointment.Therefore, at this moment, Naga's smile became a little stiff.

"Asshole, where did you see my offer? Please, I have a boyfriend. Even if we are unhappy now, we haven't broken up yet, okay?"

Hearing Na Ya's righteous indignation, An Chen was not angry, but asked curiously, "Then what are you here for?"

As soon as An Chen's words came out of her mouth, Gu Li Naya froze for an instant.His mouth opened, but he couldn't think of any excuse.Yes, it must not be, but for some reason she just came, as if An Chen had something to attract her.Sighing, Gulina said weakly, "I don't know."

I don't know what kind of answer this is. I'm deceiving myself. A date is a date. Say something nice.At this moment, An Chen approached Gu Li Naga and put his hand on her shoulder.

At this moment, the atmosphere froze, and Gu Lina looked at An Chen firmly and did not resist.She just looked at An Chen calmly with her big eyes.

Would An Chen be afraid of her? Naturally not, at least she didn't refuse, didn't she? The next moment An Chen's fingers had already slid across Gu Lina's long legs.

s was actually rectified by accident, so I had to reluctantly cut out a part. In fact, there is no special content, so you don't have to worry about that part. .

Body 0188: Questions about cooperation

At this moment, the atmosphere froze, and Gu Lina looked at An Chen firmly and did not resist.She just looked at An Chen calmly with her big eyes.

Would An Chen be afraid of her? Naturally not, at least she didn't refuse, didn't she? The next moment An Chen's fingers had already slid across Gu Lina's long legs.To be honest, the slenderness of these legs is really unmatched among his women.Although there is no lack of long legs among his women, such as Guan Xiaotong, Di Lieba's legs are very long.But none of them are so thin, and the thin ones are so tight.

The next moment, An Chen kissed Gu Li Na's lips in her calm eyes.To be honest, this is really flat "Four Seven Three" faded, so flat that there is no response.Gu Li Na's mouth was as flat as hers, light, clear, with a hint of sweetness, but without any waves.That feeling, you seem to be drinking a bottle of mountain spring water.

If it was someone else, maybe Gu Lina would really be pushed away, including Gu Lina himself thought so.She couldn't tell how she felt at this moment, be sad, no.Be sad, no.Not even a sense of excitement.It seems that there are only a little regret, and there seems to be a little relief.It was precisely because of this that Gu Li Naga did not struggle to refuse.

In the next second, An Chen frowned and backed down, and couldn't help but say, "Sister, what do you mean to play with me? The date you agreed to, even if you don't want to make a date, you should tell me, right?" What's the matter with the appearance?"

Gulina twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard the words, showing a peaceful smile.Then she looked out of the window covered with curtains, and said to herself, "I don't know, maybe I'm lost too. You know, when I came to accept this variety show, I was lost. I want to relax , I want to find myself during the journey, but now I seem to be lost again." Speaking of this, Gu Li Naga suddenly turned her head, looked at An Chen and said, "Why didn't you continue just now? As long as you continue, I can get you Wanted."

Does that kind of thing exist? Don’t you take it for granted? What’s the difference between non-interactive and dolls? People’s dolls also have interactive functions.You are equivalent to a super imitation low-end version.No, there are no accessories at all.Although An Chen thought so, she definitely wouldn't say so.

"I've been trying to be a bad person, but in the end I found out that I'm a good person. Forget it, I'll let you go, but you're really embarrassing me. I don't even know what to do." An Chen suddenly remembered what Gu Li Naga said.Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said, "You said just now that you seem to be confused again, which means you found yourself before you saw me."

Gu Li Nazha smiled when he heard the words, his eyes seemed to pass through the curtain again, looked into the distance, and said, "You are really smart."

"Yes, before I met you, after going through this journey, I thought men were nothing more than that. But after seeing you, I suddenly felt that I have seen too little in this world. Maybe I shouldn't just let it go, I shouldn't Guard that memory, to guard that humble love of mine."

Having said that, Gu Li Naga looked at An Chen again, and continued, "You know, I have a crush on you, and that's why I didn't resist. I saw all kinds of news about you, especially your love for Guan Xiaotong. When I did those things, I became curious about you, and at the same time, I developed a good impression. But the good impression alone is not enough to support me to do things that cooperate, so this is also the reason why I did not cooperate. I don’t know what you are asking for. After killing me, will my mentality go back to the past again, but I will always feel a little regretful. Thank you for not coming to spoil it."

Damn, this is a good person card, right? Hehe, it's a good idea to send me a good person card.

"Hehe, don't think too much, I'm just not interested in dead bodies, if you are willing to cooperate, I can continue."

Hearing this, Gu Lina rolled her eyes, and while glaring at An Chen, she couldn't help but said, "You man, do you want to destroy your image in my heart? Does it make me feel bad?"

Seeing this, An Chen didn't care, and said directly, "I just want to tell you, don't challenge my bottom line, otherwise I can use the doll to solve my physical needs. I don't care if you feel good or not. .Yes, I like you quite a bit, but that’s only limited to your body. Are you sure you want to play with fire? Be good, playing with fire is not a good boy, so stay away from me is what you should do.”

Hearing this, Gu Li Naga suddenly fell silent, and suddenly she walked to the window, opened the curtains, looked at the bright starry sky, and said, "Can you watch the starry sky with me for the last time? It's too much, after all, you said from the beginning that you planned to see this beautiful scenery."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded silently.Don't look at what he said too much, in fact, he just didn't want Na Ya to get hurt again, if Na Ya was that kind of casual woman, he could have a friendly match without burden, just like what he did to her before.But if you are serious, then you have to consider too many things. .

Body 0189: A room with the lights off

Under the night sky, An Chen turned off the lights and said, "Let's sit on the bedside."

To be honest, the best way to see the starry sky is of course sitting on a recliner. An Chen understands this, and so does Na Ya.Enara asked suspiciously, "Why don't you sit on a deck chair?"

"Do you think that recliner can fit the two of us?" An Chen thought about it and said so.It's fine if your girl is crowded, but the point is that you are not, it's easy to get angry like this.

Gu Lina smiled when she heard the words, and said, "You are indeed a good person."

Your sister, you are a good person, and your whole family is a good person.In an instant, An Chen became angry. Are you not afraid? You are not afraid, I am afraid of wool.Therefore, at this very second, the furious An Chen directly dragged Gu Li Naya to lie on the recliner.The reclining chair is not wide, only a little more than one meter, so the two of them were tightly squeezed sideways at the moment of 13.Fortunately, An Chen is not particularly heavy, and Gu Lina is even lighter, so the rocking chair is surprisingly stable at this moment.

The night sky in the Amazon is beautiful, and the beauty is unstoppable.Although the Amazon is so hot even in the dark, but fortunately it is air-conditioned.The two of them squeezed together on a deck chair didn't suffer from the heat.Gu Lina talked from time to time, An Chen responded without a word, neither of them looked at each other, they just looked at the beautiful scenery of the night sky.

At the same time, Jiang Shuying was worried, and the time quickly reached 9:[-], but why did Na Ya go and why hasn't she come back? I vaguely heard her say to go and see the group, but why did Jiang Shu, who was thinking so much, go for so long? Ying, worried, found Song Zuer's room.

At this time, the two girls were ready to rest. It was strange to see Jiang Shuying coming over, so Lai Yumeng said, "Sister Shuying, can't you sleep? But why are you here so late for the activity? We are all going to sleep."

After hearing this, Jiang Shuying looked at it, then suddenly looked at Song Zuer, and said, "Zuer, come here, I have something to ask you."

Lai Yumeng was stunned when he heard the words, and felt a little unhappy. If there is anything to say behind my back, ahhh

The moment Song Zuer walked out, Jiang Shuying pulled her aside instantly, and asked anxiously, "Have you seen Na Ga?"

Song Zu'er was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked suspiciously, "Sister Na Ya hasn't gone back yet? I saw Sister Na Ya at brother An Chen's place just now, but I came back first. Sister Na Ya hasn't gone back yet?" No, let me and you go find it, and don't have any more accidents."

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and said, "Then let's hurry up. If something really happens, we can also contact you."

"Then Mengmeng, should we sue her?" At this moment, Jiang Shuying suddenly remembered what happened on the boat. She opened her mouth and said, "No, why don't you stay here, group. I'll Go and have a look, if not, please trouble everyone.”

But Song Zu'er also remembered something, and she also had the same concerns as Jiang Shuying.Are An Chen and Na Ya doing things they shouldn't do but love to do?

"No, I don't feel relieved if Sister Naya is like this, let's go together."

Looking at Song Zu'er who refused to back down, Jiang Shuying gritted her teeth and agreed.At the same time, she already had an idea in her mind, she must enter An Chen's room by herself.

As the two arrived quickly, looking at the room with the lights off, the two women's hearts sank.Then they looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

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