"Sister Shuying, I'll go and have a look first."

"Guer, you wait here."

The two had a meal, and then Song Zu'er hurriedly said again, "Sister Shuying, I know my brother better, so let me go and take a look. In case my brother falls asleep, it's not good for us to bother you together."

What do you mean it's not good to interrupt together? Group, you can't even say a word? Jiang Shuying thought so, but felt that she might have discovered something.After hearing her hesitate for a moment, she said, "Gu'er, are you afraid that you will see something you shouldn't see later?"

Am I so obvious? Thinking this way, Song Zuer hesitated for a moment or nodded.

Seeing this, Jiang Shuying said, "Then 490, let's knock on the door later. If someone answers, we will give them some time to open the door. If no one answers, we will knock on the door and go in. You see?" "

This method seems to be the best method. If it wasn't for the uncertainty of Na Ga's situation, both of them would be embarrassed to disturb them.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Hearing this voice, An Chen looked at Na Ga beside him, and found that Na Ga was also looking at him at this time.He said softly, "Get up."

Hearing this, although Gu Li Naga felt a little regretful and reluctant, she still sat up.This small recliner seems to be the most secure place for her recently.Too bad this place seems to be going away soon.

Only then did An Chen get up and open the door for the two of them.The moment he opened the door, An Chen froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Why did you two come together to pick up Naga? We are looking at the starry sky. Do you want to watch it for a while?"

Text 0190: Meeting the Black Widow at Night

Seeing An Chen coming to open the door so quickly and fully dressed, the two of them already believed An Chen's words.When the two walked in, they saw Na Ya sitting on the ground, and said, "You guys are here too, come and see the stars."

Although the lights were turned off and it was night, the bright starry sky and bright moon were still visible to the naked eye.Na Ya was dressed very neatly, so the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.Just as Jiang Shuying walked over first, she complained and said, "I didn't say anything when I looked at the stars, which made me worry about you for a long time. I almost thought you were kidnapped."

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly interjected, "It's unlikely that people will be kidnapped. It's more likely to be animals. I also think you guys are so bold. You are wandering around the Amazon rainforest in the middle of the night. dangerous okay?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shuying suddenly froze, as if she only remembered the situation here.With a wry smile, he said, "I was so excited just now that I forgot that I was in Amazon. What should I do? I dare not let me go back now. Maybe we will spend the night here."

An Chen paused when he heard the words, if you come to stay overnight alone, I really welcome you, but if there are three of you, forget it.At this time, An Chen still thought that Jiang Shuying was someone who could play friendly matches, but she didn't even know that Jiang Shuying was actually the one who was not easy to let go.

"It's okay, I'll take you back later."

Hearing this, Song Zuer asked worriedly, "Is there really no problem? Otherwise, we can also squeeze here."

The beds here are basically one big and one small, and a big bed can accommodate three people.Naturally, there was a small bed left for An Chen to sleep in.But can An Chen be willing? If he has no choice, it's fine, but now it's obviously not.

After a second of silence, An Chen said, "You told Mengmeng why are you here? If Mengmeng comes out to look for you again, what should I do if something happens?"

Song Zuer froze for a moment, obviously ignoring this matter.So she hurriedly said nervously, "It's broken, I really forgot to tell Mengmeng. What should I do, what should I do?"

At this time, Song Zuer wanted to stay here to see the scenery, but also wanted to go back and tell Lai Yumeng.But now it is clear that she has to choose between two, and there is still no choice between the two.Hearing this, An Chen said, "Let's go, let's see tomorrow, we will retreat early the day after tomorrow, right. And you two, don't rely on me, get up quickly."

"Cut, who cares."

I'll believe it if you don't pee on me.

"Yes, yes."

That’s right, I would have believed you if you hadn’t been lying beside me just now.

Although it may not be dangerous, An Chen still put on his glasses, and only after all the functions were turned on did he take the three girls out of the room.The night in the Amazon rainforest is more terrifying than the day, and there are too many animals here that are nocturnal.Along the way, An Chen could even vaguely see dangers lurking under the bridge, but fortunately, they didn't come up.

In fact, An Chen didn't know that the tree house had been taking various countermeasures during its construction. In addition, in mid-air, although it could not be said that all animals were [-]% isolated, more than [-]% of them would be isolated.

At this moment, An Chen, who was walking forward, narrowed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and slapped a flying object to death.Before An Chen came out, he even put on gloves specially, but he didn't expect to use them just in time.

"Brother An Chen, what happened just now?"

At this moment, everyone was nervous, they didn't believe that An Chen would do useless things.Hearing this, An Chen said, "It's okay, I killed a mosquito. Mosquitoes are also the biggest enemy in the rainforest. They can infect you with all kinds of horrible diseases. Although everyone has been vaccinated before coming here, it is still Be careful."

Mosquito? Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and felt relieved.But what An Chen killed was really a mosquito, no, it was a spider.If An Chen read it correctly, it should be a black widow.It stands to reason that they are generally less likely to actively attack large animals, but they don't know why this spider is like this.

Fortunately, after passing the Black Widow, there was no danger again.After instructing several people to close the door, An Chen left.To be honest, without glasses and Tai Chi, even he might be able to achieve Taoism.At this moment, An Chen felt extremely insecure, especially the overlord in the water.Being able to live leisurely in Amazon shows that it is not difficult to deal with.

The good thing is that I can leave tomorrow. At this moment, An Chen misses the hustle and bustle of the big city very much.Although the air is smoggy and messy, it is safe.Being able to live well is the greatest gift, especially with so many beauties around.

The next day, the sky gradually brightened up, and a new day was about to start again.Everyone who had breakfast started their journey today.

"Good morning, Brother An Chen."

"Good morning, group, did you sleep well last night?"

"Of course, it's great. I feel super comfortable to sleep. How about you, Brother An Chen?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said meaningfully, "I'm not as lucky as you. This place is really hot, and I'm full of anger. I feel like I'm in dire straits. Last night It took three showers to turn off the fire."

Text 0191: Frequent Accidents

Hearing what An Chen said, Lai Yumeng asked curiously, "Brother Anchen, is there no air-conditioning in your room? Why is there air-conditioning in our room?" At this point, Lai Yumeng suddenly said, "Oh, I see, brother you The air conditioner is broken, you are so pitiful."

When Lai Yumeng spoke, the faces of two women were slightly red. They could hear something from the anger in An Chen's accented tone.For a while, Song Zu'er didn't dare to answer any more.Instead, Jiang Shuying said, "Okay, walk carefully, don't talk while walking. It's very dangerous."

On this day, the sun was shining and it seemed to be a good weather.The planning of the route has actually been explored and expelled.Coupled with the fixed route, it is basically impossible to have accidents.An Chen also thought that the route would be smooth this time, but unexpectedly there was a 497 accident.

This time An Chen came out with a bag on his back, and the long style made it hard not to wonder what was inside.So Lai Yumeng, who was a curious little girl, asked.

"Brother An Chen, what kind of bag are you carrying? It looks slender and doesn't seem to be able to hold anything."

"The toolbox is nothing, it's just some spare items I prepared."

It can be regarded as a tool, mainly some medical items inside.As for the system product, he didn't really put it in it. The reason why he took such a long bag was just to cover it up.When the time comes, the Tang knife is really taken out, and there is no way to explain it.

Regarding An Chen's answer, Lai Yumeng was no longer curious, what tools were not as important as her snacks.Well, it's really a sad thing to go out today without snacks.Well, very sad bdci.

But Lai Yumeng is not curious, but some people are curious.I just heard Jiang Shuying say, "What kind of tools do you need such a long bag?"

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