Hearing this, An Chen smiled mysteriously, and said, "You will know it when you need it. But I hope you won't use it."

At this moment, An Chen narrowed his eyes, and instantly covered Lai Yumeng's mouth from behind.The sudden change shocked everyone, who didn't know what An Chen was doing.Just when someone wanted to shout, An Chen raised his index finger and made a small noise.Seeing this, everyone seemed to be frightened, and no one dared to speak out for a while.

Louis said carefully, "An Chen, did you find something?"

Only then did An Chen whisper, "Don't make any noise now, if you don't want to die, move forward slowly."

It wasn't until this moment that An Chen explained in a low voice, "If I'm not mistaken, the nest above our head should belong to killer bees, and the size of that bee is also similar.

Hearing this, everyone looked carefully towards the tree, and there was indeed a beehive there, but it seemed that there were only a few bees.But the bee is bigger than the wasp.Seeing this, several people covered their mouths to prevent themselves from making a sound.Only Zhang Youning and Zhang Ruoyun managed to remain calm, but they were really reluctant. At this moment, their legs seemed to be shaking.

In fact, Lai Yumeng saw the hornet's nest first, and An Chen only saw it when he glanced along, but he didn't expect to see this scene just in time.It was also fortunate that his eyes were sharp and his hands quickly covered Lai Yumeng's mouth, otherwise she would have exclaimed that they would all be finished.Sure enough, you should wear glasses even during the day.The next moment, An Chen quickly put on the glasses, and at the same time turned on the kinetic energy sensor and the heat and cold sensor.

At this moment, Louis also realized the seriousness of the matter, and he hurriedly said in a low voice, "Now everyone, follow me quickly, and remember not to make too much noise."

Killer bees are easy to attack humans and animals, but most of them are humans and animals that emit sound sources. They are extremely sensitive to sound sources and hate noise.Noisy will make them cranky, and generally speaking, if you piss off the sand bee and there is no water, then you can basically die.Because they can hunt you down for up to 24 hours.

Fortunately, there was no bloody accident here, and the group passed through this area carefully.Just then, the sky began to rain again.At this time, Louis' eyes became serious again.

"Ann, I think we're in big trouble."

Because An Chen's two outstanding performances won Louis' respect, therefore, Louis specifically talked to An Chen.

At the same time, An Chen was also serious.Before this, An Chen never thought that the Amazon rainforest would be black if it wanted to.Do you know what it feels like to be black? Dark clouds overwhelm.But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that yesterday's heavy rain was all clear and white clouds, so what will happen to the dark clouds? What's more terrible is that it has already started to rain.

"Everyone put on your raincoats. Louis, how far are we from our destination?"

"It's an hour and a half of normal walking, but now we may be in danger at any time. In fact, we just cleaned up the area before coming this morning, and even sprinkled repellent powder. If it is ordinary rain, like yesterday, we don't have to What to worry about, just be careful and get back on the boat. But now we can have a lot more."

Body 0192: Hidden levels of special skills

"Thunderstorms are just one of the difficulties we face. The torrential rain will wash away the expulsion powder. At that time, we will have to face the real masters of this forest."

"If we risk our way, how sure do you think we are?"

Hearing this, Louis frowned, as if calculating.Then he said, "The probability of all of us surviving is [-]%, and the probability of returning to the ship within five people is [-]%. The longer the time delay, the lower the probability. After the rainstorm comes, the road will be more difficult. .So I need you guys to make a decision now, do we go back now or go forward"

Hearing this, everyone looked at An Chen, including the photographer's lens.An Chen had to say that these photographers are really dedicated, but he said speechlessly, "My dear, I'm not your captain. Your captain is Jing Bao. You should ask your captain's opinion on such matters."

Hearing this, Jing Boran hurriedly said, "An Chen, don't do this, this is a big deal, and I don't have the ability. You are the strongest here, and the most thoughtful, so let me listen to you."

As Jing Boran's words fell, Jiang Shuying also said, "Yes, don't refuse. We are all at a loss now, and if we make a bad decision, we will cheat everyone."

Gu Li Nazha also said at this time, "Yes, An Chen, now is not the time to decline. In this way, I ask everyone present to be a witness. If we are really in danger, you will not be held accountable. Everything will be done. We voluntarily agreed to it."

Song Zu'er only said one sentence, but it was not inferior to the two girls.She only heard her say, "Brother An Chen, I believe in you."

Lai Yumeng was hesitant when she heard the words. She seemed to trust professionals more, so she said, "Louis, can't you give us a safer suggestion?"

"Sorry, girl. Although I really want to give you a suggestion, it is dangerous no matter which one you choose. Now you have a minute to make a decision, otherwise we will go even more dangerously."

Hearing such words, Zhang Ruoyun and Yang Youning spoke first, "An Chen, we are all willing to listen to Na Ya's opinion, please make a choice now."

Hearing such an answer, An Chen looked at Jing Boran and Lai Yumeng again, as if waiting for them to make a promise.Seeing this, other people immediately began to persuade the two of them, and finally the two of them gritted their teeth and agreed.Seeing this, An Chen hurriedly said to Louis, "Louis, is there a cave here with only one exit?"

Louis was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he didn't believe An Chen's decision.But he still said, "There are caves, but it is very difficult for us to survive with such equipment. This heavy rain does not seem to stop until nightfall. There are many animals that move at night in the jungle. Even if we survived because of the thunderstorm , but we still have to face the problem of food, drinking water, and subsequent dangers.” During thunderstorms, almost all animals take refuge

"I know, but please believe me, I won't make fun of everyone's lives. I'm more afraid of thunderstorms than wild beasts." At this moment, An Chen said it so seriously that Louis also chose to believe it.

Seeing this, An Chen finally reached into his backpack, and the next second he took out the Longquan Tang Dao from the space.At this moment, he has never been so grateful again, fortunate to have such a convenient weapon.

At the same time, he finally reached the top master level of Taijiquan.At this moment, everything seemed to be silent, a spring breeze, and the feeling of perceiving everything floated up from his body.At this moment, An Chen seemed to understand what it means to cultivate both internally and externally, combining strength and softness.At this moment, he got the knowledge about breathing and channeling.Just listening to the sound of the system suddenly came.

ask for flowers

"Congratulations to the host for adding the special B-level skill Taijiquan to the master level, and opening the hidden level legend of special skills. The legendary level can only be comprehended and practiced by oneself, and points cannot be upgraded. When a skill reaches the legendary skill, all special skills will be upgraded. mark."

All this seemed to have happened for a while, but it was only a moment.At this moment, An Chen just paused for an outsider.

"What's wrong"

Although An Chen just paused, how could he hear Gu Li Naga's words from the eyes staring at him, An Chen said, "It's okay, I'm just afraid to scare you, I hope you'd better be mentally prepared."

Speaking of which, An Chen had already taken out the Longquan Tangdao. Although he wanted to ask the system many questions at this moment, it was obviously not the time.

"Ah, so handsome, do you still have this kind of thing in your bag, can you give me a hand?"

An Chen rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard the words, and said, "This knife weighs six catties, please bring me a few more. I don't need to bring other things?"

Following An Chen's words, Zhang Ruoyun scratched his head in embarrassment, but he also felt that An Chen was unreasonable, and he didn't remind them in advance, otherwise they could also bring some self-defense equipment.

At this moment, An Chen said, "Big brothers in the camera crew, take out all those with weapons. We will work very hard next."

s There is a chapter of reminders today, I will try my best to release it before 12 o'clock.

Main body 0193: The Uninvited Guest in the Cave (reminder for more updates)

Hearing what An Chen said, the members of the camera crew took out two machetes from their backpacks one after another, handed one to Hua'ertuan and Louis, and said, "Be careful, everyone. Don't hurt yourself."

"Okay, we have all the equipment, everyone, let's go. The camera crew, please contact the crew and ask them to evacuate as soon as possible. After the heavy rain has passed, we will call professionals to drive the way to us. In addition, the grs in everyone's hands is fine, right? Whoever holds the GRS monitor will make sure that everyone's signal is stable." An Chen and Louis ordered while walking first.

But at this moment, one of the photographers said "[-]" and said, "Sorry, we are just taking pictures, and the grs monitor is on the recording team side. So I can't tell which of your signals is which."

Hearing this, An Chen paused again, and took out the antimatter locator in the space.His anti-matter locator is only given to girls who have become their own women.Even Timo hasn't given it yet, so there are still 9 left, which is enough for Hua'er Tuan, but it's only enough for Hua'er Tuan.After thinking about it, An Chen came up with a compromise plan, and said, "I have 9 GRS locators here, each of the Hua'er team can take one. For the remaining two, you can take one for Louis and one for your assistant." .Photography team, you can share the grs position after ensuring your own shots. Sorry, I only have 9. "

"It's okay, it's okay, we can keep up. And we also have the GRS and walkie-talkie given by the crew. Even if something happens, the crew can find us. In comparison, they need it more."

Hearing this, An Chen stopped being hypocritical and let them each take one.

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