Seeing this, An Chen said, "I saw two photographers, it seems that they are in front. I will sneak attack later, you two will tear the team blue. Remember, I will start 10 seconds later, I need time to sneak attack At this point, An Chen continued to the photographer, "Don't follow me for a while, use the long-range shooting mode, and you will catch up quietly in 5 seconds. Give me the self-recording device, and I will act alone. "

Hearing this, the staff quickly handed over a pair of recording glasses.After An Chen put it on, he acted when he was sure that it would not fall off.In the next second, he moved like a rabbit, was as light as a civet cat, and ran forward quickly.

An Chen's steps are very light, coupled with the special soft elastic of the shoes, the decibels emitted at this moment are lower than 15.

An Chen was getting closer and closer to the three of them, but at this moment no one noticed the slightest, including the photographer behind them.When An Chen walked to the first photographer's position, he suddenly moved, and started to run lightly and fast.

At this time, Zheng Kai was just behind, and the distance and standing in line were undoubtedly the best time to attack.

Although An Chen ran very lightly, the ultra-high-speed running still made a slight sound.The next second, Zheng Kai turned his head in doubt, but he could only turn back in doubt.

The moment Zheng Kai looked back and saw An Chen, he was startled instantly.Before he could express anything, he was torn apart in an instant.Zheng Kai was dumbfounded at this moment, this is really not acting.

At the same time, the other two also discovered the situation.At this moment, a semi-mechanical sound sounded.

"Zheng Kai, out."

As the voice sounded, everyone who was rushing to the front of Zhao Zhao Zhao shouted in celebration.At the same time, Zheng Kai, who was torn apart, cheered in his heart.

At this moment, Zuan Lan and the baby quickly started attacking An Chen.But at this moment, the baby suddenly saw the two behind An Chen.At this moment, the baby turned around and wanted to run away, but at this moment she suddenly realized that she couldn't run away.I only heard the baby yelling instantly, "Brother Chao, Brother Chen, help me!"

At the same time, she quickly pulled Zulan towards the wall.But An Chen rushed forward quickly and fished out Zu Lan.Seeing this, the baby didn't bother sticking to the wall anymore, and quickly turned around and started attacking An Chen from the side.

s recommends two books: The Evolution of Horror Live Broadcast and The Last Monster in the City. .

Text 0219: Played a bit

At this time, Lu Han and Reba also quickly approached, and when the baby was just desperate, he suddenly saw hope.Brother Chao, who was less than five meters behind the two, seemed to be a life-saving straw, which made people happy.

The next moment, the baby tried his best to defend with the team blue, and tried his best to delay the time. At this moment, the baby even grabbed the team blue name tag by himself.At this moment, Xiaolu and Reba had also arrived.An Chen quickly said, "Reba pulls the baby, Xiaolu tears the blue."

Just when Reba started to deal with the baby, An Chen and Xiaolu yanked and pulled the group blue out.At the same time, Deng Chao quickly approached, and in a blink of an eye he was three meters behind Lu Han.

At this moment, An Chen happened to look up, saw Deng Chao and shouted, "Lu Han, be careful."

Lu Han, who heard An Chen's words, turned around in a daze, and forgot to tear up the team blue directly.Seeing this, An Chen quickly caught up with Zulan's name tag with his right hand.Seeing this also, Deng Chao breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he really didn't know how to deal with this sudden situation.



The two voices sounded almost at the same time, and then 493 came from the out sound.

"Wang Zulan, Luhan, out."

Hearing this voice, everyone celebrated in their hearts again, and then Deng Chao and An Chen were ready to tear it apart.In the next second, An Chen dodged, dodging the baby's sneak attack, and at the same time said: "Sister baby, you are not kind, sneak attack on me."

Hearing that the baby wrestled with Reba, he said, "It seems like you are so kind, who sneaked up on Kaikai just now."

Well, this An Chen really can't refute, this seems to be a question of winner and loser.

In the next second, An Chen quickly rushed towards Deng Chao, and turned sideways to suppress him in an instant.But Deng Chao, who was on guard, was not easy to deal with.Although it can't be really torn, but the resistance and the actions that should be done must be done.And Deng Chao also wanted to test An Chen's ability so that he could tear it apart next time.

Seeing Deng Chao's counterattack, An Chen didn't care, and started fighting with Deng Chao as if they had fought each other.As bdfg time passed by every minute and every second, Deng Chao jumped up suddenly, forming pressure on An Chen, and at the same time touched An Chen's back.But Deng Chao couldn't get close, An Chen suddenly jumped back, grabbed Deng Chao's hand and yanked it, instantly knocking down the imbalance that Deng Chao had brought.Unable to allow Deng Chao to stand firm, An Chen suddenly turned around and appeared beside Deng Chao.In the next second, only a "shua" sound was heard.

This moment was so fast that the sound changed.It wasn't until then that Deng Chao stood firm, but he shrugged at the baby in a daze.

The baby didn't expect An Chen to be so fierce, plus Reba, the baby yelled "Brother Chen, come and help me."

The voice had just yelled out, only to hear a voice not far away yelled, "Baby hold on, I'll be there soon."

Hearing the sound, An Chen hurried towards the direction of the sound, and the two people who were on the hedge quickly encountered each other.The two met within 30 meters, and the confrontation became more than ten meters, and this distance was just enough for the baby to see.

"Brother Chen, tear it apart."

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Chen nodded, and the next second the two began to collide in strength and skill.Although Li Chen is a famous brand, but Li Chen seems to have found someone to practice after returning home.For a while, there was an illusion that one force would drop ten meetings.Of course, this means that An Chen didn't use Tai Chi, otherwise Li Chen would still be the master of the abused dishes.But is it really good to use martial arts in games?

For a while, the two were fighting each other, constantly switching positions.According to Anchen's technique, coupled with the method of unloading force, the big black bull can't tear him at all.And An Chen also had difficulty tearing up Li Chen before exhaustion.In terms of strength and skills, Li Chen is very proficient, unless he meets someone who is more powerful, or someone who crushes him in terms of skills, it is possible to tear him apart in a short time.

After five minutes of stalemate, even Li Chen was a little tired, but An Chen didn't seem to be exhausted.Because he waited for work with ease, An Chen's power consumption was only one-tenth of Li Chen's, or even less.

Seeing that Li Chen slowed down and his strength weakened, the next second, An Chen followed Li Chen's pull and rushed towards Li Chen. At this moment, he jumped up halfway, and stretched out his hand to Li Chen with a feeling of oppression. hand.

At this moment, Li Chen also reached out to grab An Chen's name tag.But at this moment, he suddenly hesitated for a second, it should be the best to be torn off.Before Li Chen could think about it, the next second, he relaxed.


"Li Chen, out"

"Baby, I tried my best, it's up to you."

At the second Li Chen shouted, a semi-mechanical sound came again.

"Di Lieba, out."

It's too fast for knitting, which disrupts my rhythm.

In the beginning, An Chen planned to wait for him to tear up Li Chen, and he gave it to the second daughter as a companion for a bet.But now it's not a bet, it's a gift of the head.It's totally suspicious.

At the same time as the baby walked over, An Chen racked his brains thinking about how to rationalize the baby tearing himself up.Finally, his eyes lit up and he thought of his words.

"Sister baby, you can't tear me apart, so give up."

At this moment, Li Chen and Reba who hadn't taken away were stunned.What is An Chen doing? We are going to lose, you tell the baby to admit defeat in case she takes it seriously? The good thing is that the baby did not admit defeat.

s recommends a book: The Unwillingness to Draw the Sword of the Super Seminary.

Body 0220: It’s all fake, but this one is real

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