"Even if I'm not your opponent, I'll fight you hard. At least I've tried my best. I've tried my best."

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly said, "Actually, there is something I'm really sorry for, sister. If you can forgive me, it's okay to let you tear me up. In this way, if you forgive me, I will change to a famous brand." , single left hand and you tear, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the baby was also dumbfounded, what is it that is so serious.But she still said, "Then tell me, I will definitely forgive you."

Hearing this, An Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, and then said, "I went to record the refrigerator some time ago, but Mr. He asked me who is more beautiful, you or Reba, and I accidentally called you ugly."

At this moment, the baby opened his mouth in surprise, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Xiaochen, you are dead. How dare you say that about me."

Seeing the baby's furious look, An Chen quickly explained, "No, no, baby sister, you didn't understand me, I mean you are not as beautiful as Reba. No, no, wrong, Reba is prettier than you .”

It's okay if An Chen didn't say anything, but when she talked about the baby, she became even more angry, and she just yelled angrily, "Director, change him to a brand name, I'm going to tear him apart."

"Okay, I suddenly realized that everything I said was wrong. Anyway, baby sister, I have changed to a famous brand and a single left hand. You are not allowed to trouble me because of this in the future."

The baby just snorted coldly, noncommittal.

Soon, An Chen's famous brand was replaced.An Chen consciously said to the baby with his right hand behind his back, "Come on, sister baby. I traded the victory of the whole team for your forgiveness."

Hearing this, the baby was still very moved, but still couldn't appease all her anger.It's not going well today because of An Chen.The next second she rushed up, and said secretly, I don't believe that I can't tear you apart with two hands.

However, even though An Chen gave in so much, if An Chen didn't release the water, it would be really hard for the baby to tear An Chen off.Just when An Chen resisted for a while and was about to let the baby get his wish, he froze suddenly.To be honest, it was so embarrassing.

For a long time, all men and women who tear up famous brands try to avoid physical contact, although occasionally it is inevitable.But what are you? Feeling the bulging softness with a hard feeling, An Chen was so depressed that he didn't dare to move.The next moment, he was torn apart as a matter of course.

Until now, the baby didn't seem to react.For a while, she herself blushed a little.But this really has nothing to do with An Chen, she was the one who held An Chen's arms in her arms.

The baby let go of An Chen, hugged him generously, and said, "Okay, I'm much more comfortable after tearing you apart. I forgive you. Be careful next time you dare to call me ugly."

"Don't dare, don't dare, congratulations baby sister for winning, then let's go back."

Hearing this, the baby nodded, and said, "Go, go back. I want to tell them that I tore up the strongest man." Having said this, the baby's expression changed, and he said to An Chen seriously, "You don't Tell them to let me go."


Not long after, the two appeared in the lounge.Seeing this, An Chen suddenly wanted to tease everyone, so he said abruptly, "Brothers, I failed the mission."

"do not"

At this moment, everyone uttered this voice in unison.For a while, the baby was stunned.I just listened to the baby and said without excuse, "I won under what circumstances, and Reba and the others will be frustrated. Why are you Kaikai and Brother Chen crying too?"

ask for flowers

At this moment, everyone was stunned.Zheng Kai was even more surprised and said, "You won."

"Yeah, what do you think?" At this point, the baby suddenly said in doubt, "You guys are hiding something from me, right?"

At this moment, the director's voice came over.

"Congratulations to the yellow team led by baby for today's victory, and now the referee will present today's prize."

There are eight prizes in total, which are necklaces strung together with golden pearls and starfish. It looks like a pleasant surprise.But at this moment, the director suddenly said again, "Everyone has a share, except baby."

At this moment, while the baby was shocked, he seemed to understand something, and the doubts that were originally dispelled were instantly clear.In the next second, the baby said speechlessly, "Say, what are you hiding from me?"

Zheng Kai came over at this time, and said word by word, "Being, playing, happy, happy"

Deng Chao also came up with a smirk at this time, and said with a smirk, "Actually, there is no red team and yellow team today, there is only one team. We are all on one team, only you are one team."

At this moment, the baby couldn't help shouting "Oh my God!" After a moment of silence, she seemed to suddenly say, "No wonder Xiaochen said that she went to the refrigerator and said bad things about me, and she wanted me to buy a big name brand with one hand." I naively thought it was true, but I never thought it was all fake."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi came out suddenly, and said with a calm and serious face, "This, is it to say that you are not as beautiful as Reba? I can confirm this. What Xiaochen said is true. And he also used This tricked me in the seventh episode, making me mistakenly think that Brother Chao killed me. If a meme can be played by him for two episodes, I have convinced him. Really, I will help him."

s is a bit late, there will be another update later.

Text 0221: Surprised or not?Is it surprising? (reminds more)

At this moment, the baby opened her mouth in surprise, and in the next second she shouted, "Xiaochen, I'm going to kill you, but you actually spoke ill of me and made me lose."

Hearing this, An Chen took it for granted and said, "Sister baby, don't make trouble, you just said you forgive me, and you won't bring this up in the future, but the camera recorded it. And you really tore me up, you And tell me you feel better."

"Ah I want to die"

At this moment, Zheng Kai said again, "Don't you think you witnessed the moment when everyone's name tag was torn off?"

Just when the baby was thinking about it, Zulan said, "It is the "[-]" we arranged."

At this moment, An Chen prodded again, "Aren't you surprised?"


At this moment, the director saw that it was almost done, and hurriedly said, "It's like this, today is a special way for us to welcome you home. All the members of the brotherhood are lying to you."

Hearing that the baby was even more powerless, she could only hear her crying and laughing and retorting, "This is not the way to welcome me home."

Hearing this, everyone said, "Yes, this is"

The director also said again, "Today the Brotherhood has completed a lot of hidden missions without telling you. But in fact, these missions they completed are all for you to win the final prize."

Hearing this, the baby was unbelievably surprised and said "reversed again"

"For every round we lose, you'll get two gifts, plus the last round, we've won eight gifts for you."

At this point, An Chen also said again, "Surprised or not, happy or not?"

"It's so surprising, so unexpected, so touching." As for what she likes, forget it, she will go crazy a few times.

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