Deng Chao also said at this time, "Okay, okay, let's go to the back to get presents."

"Everyone come one by one, I'll come first." After speaking, Deng Chaodang went to see the baby with his big box.

As everyone walked out one by one, it was An Chen's turn immediately.An Chen walked up with presents, and said, "After seeing their presents, I suddenly felt that my presents were taller. Look at this, Chio Zhigao baby walker. It integrates a walker, a pushchair, and a seat car into one." .Safe material, imported with original packaging, anti-rollover. It is definitely the best gift for children from 7 months to 18 months, and I think the little sponge will be used soon.”

"Great, I'm planning to buy this too. It's said that it's best when it's used for 7 months. I didn't expect you to give it away before I bought it."

"This is how we all miss and welcome you."

"Come on, say it again, welcome baby home."

"Welcome home."

At this moment, Reba suddenly said, "There is another gift, and there is another gift."

At this time, Zheng Kai came up pushing the cart, and said, "Welcome back baby. Whether you have a baby or not, you are still beautiful and beautiful, and you are still our little baby."

"Thank you everyone, thank you. I was still thinking about why I was so unlucky today. I didn't expect that the ending would start a big reversal. Especially An Chen, who was torn off so easily by me. It's a strange feeling. Thank you everyone .”

With the baby's concluding speech, this issue came to an end.After everyone finished eating together, An Chen quietly slipped into Reba's room.

At this moment, the two who had been separated for many days were very excited and kissed each other.

After a long time, Reba gently hugged An Chen and said with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

"I think about it, don't you feel it from my behavior just now? Do you want to do it again?"

After An Chen's words fell, Reba covered his lips with one hand, while refusing, "No, I feel swollen with such force, let me take it easy."

Without waiting for An Chen to speak again, Dili quickly changed the subject and asked, "How about going to Amazon this time, is there any danger?"

Hearing this, An Chen seemed to think of those overlords of the forest, those small animals that are highly poisonous, the ubiquitous scary insects, and those trees that can kill people.Of course, what impressed him the most was that terrifying figure.For a while, An Chen hugged Yong Reba tightly, looked out of the window and said in a deep tone, "If possible, I don't want to go to that place again in my life."

As early as when Reba was hugged tightly, he felt that something was wrong. Hearing An Chen say this, his heart tightened, and he said nervously, "If you are in danger, let me see."

Speaking of which, Reba began to look around An Chen, and even began to pick An Chen's clothes.Seeing this, An Chen suddenly smiled, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's all over."

Hearing this, Reba was instantly annoyed, and she said angrily, "It's okay, take it off and let me see, don't you know that you are not yours anymore? Even if you don't I think about it, don't you think about other people?" As he spoke, Reba's tears filled his eyes and he was about to cry.

Seeing this, An Chen froze, and hurriedly said, "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm not hurt. Let me take off my clothes and show you." An Chen explained while taking off his clothes, "I just thought of the beast there It’s nothing more than poisonous insects, it’s really fine.”

Soon, An Chen had no clothes left.Seeing this, Reba blushed instead. .

Text 0222: A-level skill that looks like a dick

Although shy, Reba still suppressed his blushing and looked around.When she saw that An Chen was really fine, she hurriedly said, "Put on your clothes quickly, aren't you cold?"

Hearing this, An Chen immediately leaned forward.While embracing Reba, he said in his ear, "It is easy to invite gods and difficult to give them away, but it is easy to undress and difficult to put on clothes. Don't you think you should take some responsibility?" After the words fell, An Chen didn't wait for Reba With the slightest rebuttal, he had already bit Reba's earlobe, licking it gently but domineeringly.

"Ah..." Reba let out a soft cry, and couldn't help but said, "Bastard, you will bully me. In order to satisfy yourself, you still don't let me remove my makeup. I don't care, you will remove my makeup later."

"Okay, no problem, my wife." When An Chen spoke, he had picked up Mengmeng Reba and walked towards the bed.

The next moment, suppressed whispers came from time to time.I don't know how long it took, Di Lieba couldn't bear it anymore.

"Asshole, are you not finished yet? How long have you been holding it in? Am I hitting a gun?"

Hearing that while working hard, An Chen said, "I came here as soon as I came back, so you are the first one."

"Oh, yd. Don't come to me directly after a long time, go to your Guan Xiaotong and Tang Yixin first to let off steam and then come back."

Are you really good at saying that? An Chen, who was furious for a while, worked harder amidst Reba's exclamation.


"Asshole, you are not afraid of playing me bad if you are a cow."

Hearing this, An Chen retorted, "There are only exhausted cows, how can there be plowed land"‖"

Hearing what An Chen said, Reba gave An Chen a small fist in an instant, and said in disbelief, "What I say is what I say, no refutation is allowed."

"Let's go, let's go, the sky is big, the earth is big, and my wife is the biggest."

"I'm hungry"

foodies.Although An Chen was so speechless in his heart, he didn't intend to starve Reba.

"Then I'll go out and buy you something to eat. The hotel is closing at this point, and it's not easy to deliver food."

Hearing this, Reba kissed An Chen, smiled and said, "Let's go together. I hope we won't meet any bad guys this time."

"Okay, but can you go?"

"You carry me on your back."


It was already past eleven o'clock when the two finished packing and went to eat. Although there were still people eating at this point, there were not so many people.Therefore, the two of them were very lucky to finish their supper without being disturbed by anyone, and went back to rest.

Early the next morning, An Chen withdrew from Reba's room early and returned to her own room.

Although he got the reward the moment the baby tore off his name tag yesterday, he didn't have time to check the exchange.It is rare to have a short time at this time, and the previous lottery draw will naturally be drawn.

Accumulated up to now, he also has three b-level lottery draws and two item lottery draws.

"System, lottery draw."

"The host's cumulative lottery draw is three b-level skill draws and two item lottery draws. Three b-level draws can be exchanged for one a-level draw, whether to exchange."

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