At this moment, An Chen froze, and then began to think.Undoubtedly, A-level skills are more powerful, and a level-[-] wilderness survival allowed him to walk out of the Amazon alive.But the diversity of b-level skills is also important.Parkour and Tai Chi also contributed to his ability to walk out of the Amazon alive, as well as those seemingly useless items.Therefore, it was really difficult for An Chen to choose for a while.But after thinking about it, he will still get b-level skills in the future, but a-level skills are like flowers in the mirror, and he only got one by accident until now.Thinking of this, An Chen made a decision.

"Exchange for A-level lottery."

"The host currently has rewards, one lottery draw for A-level skills, and two lottery draws for items. Whether the host draws a lottery."

Hearing this, An Chen was not in a hurry to draw a lottery, but asked curiously, "Can the item be upgraded in the lottery?"

"The item lottery cannot be upgraded, but it can be exchanged for specified items with three lottery draws."

Hearing this, although An Chen felt it was a waste, she also understood it.Sometimes a designated item is more important than multiple items, so An Chen plans to keep the items for a lottery.

"Extract A-level skills."

Following An Chen's decision, a roulette wheel appeared, and dozens of A-level skills appeared there, making it hard to see what it was.In the next second, the cursor rotated, continuously flashing patterns one by one.Slowly the cursor slowed down and finally stopped on a pattern.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the A-level skill, Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine masters the methods of seeing, smelling, asking, and cutting. Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, massage, cupping, qigong, diet and other methods can be used to recuperate the body and save people. In addition , the ultimate goal of Zhongli's Zhao medicine is not only to cure diseases, but also to help human beings reach the realm of the four model figures proposed in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics, namely real people, perfect people, sages, and sages."

If it was just An Chen, a Chinese medicine doctor, he would not be particularly satisfied, but the last sentence was simply too stupid.If someone else said that, An Chen would definitely not believe it, but if the system said that, An Chen would never doubt it.

Although it seemed very powerful, An Chen didn't have that many points.If this A-level skill is fully charged, then he will only have 3212 points left, so at this moment An Chen only spent 2500 points to add Chinese medicine to the expert level.

s I checked the information until 3:[-] in the morning yesterday, so I am late today, sorry. .

Text 0223: I think I am the husband of doctors and nurses

When An Chen clicked on the skills, countless knowledge entered An Chen's mind and was absorbed by An Chen.After a long time, An Chen, who had absorbed it, looked at the remaining 4712 points and smiled, it seemed enough for emergency.

Expert-level knowledge of Chinese medicine is absolutely terrifying, even surpassing the current knowledge of Chinese medicine, but that's all.There is still a certain distance from the legendary and lost knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.Even so, An Chen was satisfied.

Not long after, the recording team called for someone.After several people finished their breakfast, the director announced the theme of their issue.The theme of this issue is between brain-burning and entertainment, and the content is the city light guardian plunder battle.

After arriving at the venue and changing clothes, the next step is to fight for acting skills.With the end of the city alarm, An Chen also woke up everyone one by one.At this moment, Deng Chao said, "Who are you?"

Hearing this, An Chen stroked his forehead, and said in a daze, "Who am I, who am I, I really don't know who I am, and who are you?"

An Chen wasn't the last one to wake up, at this moment, a woman walked in and asked, "Who are you and why am I 497 here?"

At this moment, An Chen's eyes lit up.Solanum nigrum, are you here? This is really a surprise.There was no Liu Shishi at all in the period before time travel, but she did not expect her to appear.

"I think I'm a brick. Say, who of you is the boss, and you don't pay wages in arrears."

Hearing this, several people in Deng Chao burst out laughing, and even the younger sister couldn't help laughing.But at this moment, several people pointed at Chen Chichi and said, "Just now he said he is the boss."

Hearing this, An Chen went straight to Chen Chichi.Frightened by his menacing appearance, Chen Chichi backed away.

"What are you doing, tell you, I have practiced. Wait, how do you know that you are a brick and your clothes don't look like it."

Hearing this, An Chen, who was walking, suddenly paused, looked at his clothes, and said, "I'm not a brick mover, so who do I think I am? I should be a doctor's husband." Look at Master Liu.Before Liu Shishi could answer, An Chen looked at Reba and the baby again and continued, "Of course, it could also be the nurse's husband."

"Pfft, Xiaochen, you really know how to take advantage, and you actually take advantage of three."

Zulan's words fell, and Lu Han also said, "Xiaochen, you really know how to play, so please leave me two too. In this way, I won't compete with you for the position of doctor's husband. I think nurse's husband is not bad. .”

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Lu Han, rolled his eyes, and said, "Xiao Lu, you know how to cut off your beard. Two beautiful nurses and one beautiful doctor, I feel stupid to choose one beautiful one and give up two beautiful ones." of."

Just when everyone was making fun of him, Guo Jingfei suddenly walked in.

At the same time, Chen Chichi suddenly jumped away in shock and looked at Guo Jingfei.shouted "who are you"

"what happened"

Seeing this, An Chen looked at Guo Jingfei who was walking down the steps and suddenly said, "I think he must be a bad guy. His rosy eyes, plus a little obscene temperament, that's right. He is the one in a thousand." One of the best flower pickers."

"Puff" "Puff"


"I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that what Xiaochen said was very vivid." After Chen Chichi's words fell, Guo Jingfei said dumbfoundedly, "Please allow me to play a role. This bdaa little brother, I don't look so wretched You are tarnishing my personality. Okay, let's continue now."

Hearing Guo Jingfei making such complaints.Everyone cooperated and continued to ask who you are, but at this moment, the group blue killed Guo Jingfei again with a critical attack.He suddenly said, "I don't know who he is, but I feel he is the fastest man."

At this moment, Guo Jingfei and everyone laughed again, only to hear Guo Jingfei said again dumbfounded, "It's all in the past, don't mention it again." Speaking of this, Guo Jingfei said again, "Please allow me to play again. Everyone, please don't embarrass me so much, I have already been the first out twice in a row."

Just when everyone sympathized with Guo Jingfei, An Chen said, "Okay, I will let you out the second time."

At this moment, Guo Jingfei cried and laughed again, only to hear him honestly say, "To be honest, I don't want to be out."

At this moment, Deng Chao said, "Jingfei, be careful, Xiaochen is the strongest Almighty King here right now. Just Chen Neng and Xiaochen will tear it apart."

Before Guo Jingfei and Li Chen could say anything, Wang Zulan suddenly let out a "wow".

A person appeared on the stairs again. This person was very big, and he first came up and used words to form an anti-oppression.

"Who are you?" The aggressive look seemed that he was the master here at this moment.

Seeing this, An Chen couldn't help admiring his acting skills.But in the next second everyone danced together.



Finally, it's a little different here in Anchen.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen this one before."

Hearing this, the Brotherhood instantly helped.

"This is our newcomer under China Blue."

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