"Director, isn't this too exaggerated? You have an inside story with Xiaochen, right? How could there be 85 discs, which is more than all of us combined at the beginning."

Hearing this, the director was still depressed. He thought that there would be more than 3040 discs, but he never thought that there would be 70 more discs. "Maybe you are too weak. In the future, we will design a game for An Chen's weakest partner, and try to balance the gap between you."

Hearing the director's undisguised contempt, Li Chen said angrily, "Director, is it really good for you to say that, how can we be so bad?"

"Haha, without comparison, there is no harm."

At this moment, An Chen thought speechlessly, director, you are being naughty again.

"I've decided, let's tear Xiaochen together today."

Following Lu Han's proposal, everyone reached an agreement very quickly.

ask for flowers

"Next, we will conduct the ultimate battle of tearing off the name tag. If you tear off his name tag, you can get his remaining broadcast time. Those whose name tags are torn off, you will lose the air volume and there will be no more shots. Now please Follow the men in black to the designated places in batches."

"Run, TV."

As the slogan was shouted, the teams began to follow the men in black to the designated locations.

"Attention, all members, please note, all members, the name tag tearing up is about to start. You can get his remaining time by tearing off his name tag. If the time runs out, you will lose your exclusive camera. All team members please Distribute tapes to each member."

As the broadcast fell, Reba was the first to ask, "How do we divide?"

After Reba's words fell, Chen Chichi said, "Actually, our minutes are definitely enough, and we can even play games until the end, exhausting them. But they have already decided to tear us down first. So me and Reba There's no need to take more, just take the tape that lasts until the end. I think it's only [-] minutes per person."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded, and said, "In 30 minutes, we will definitely meet, but I think we can have something to eat first, or play a game. In this way, we can directly let Kaikai and the others kill each other. Kaikai and the others only have ten minutes at most, and they have to face each other. This is not only a test of strength, but also a test of intelligence."

"No problem, I think the one behind us is good, what do you think?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at the bear-infested roller coaster behind him, and said, "No, we need to find the one that goes in from this entrance and exits from that entrance. This way no one can block us.".

Body 0272: A haunted house adventure for two

s haunted house bridge section is purely fictitious and does not need to be true

Hearing what An Chen said, Reba suddenly looked in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Will that work? I think that is very good."

Following Reba's gaze, Chen He was taken aback.Opened the mouth and said, "My God, are you a girl? Aren't you afraid of haunted house adventures?"

"I'm afraid, but I really want to experience it, and I didn't have the opportunity before. Now I happen to meet it."

Seeing the young girl with a curious face, An Chen immediately said, "Okay, then let's go in and take a look around."

Seeing this, Chen Chichi became depressed, and said, "Well, you "five four three" go."

"Brother Chi Chi, you are not afraid."

"Just kidding, but old people are old after all, and they can't stand stimulation."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "Brother Chi Chi, let's go play."

"go Go."

Hearing this, An Chen led Reba into the cave.With his Tai Chi perception, it is difficult for him to have too much surprise or fear for this kind of thing.

At the same time, the camera at the door was not calm.How can we not play such a horrible thing? After two videographers filmed the horror drawing that spread from the door.One of the cameras indicated that he was going to the bathroom.At this moment, another camera watched with a bitter face.Then stepped into this place full of eerie atmosphere.

I have to say, it's super cool inside.It seems that because it is a haunted house, there are gusts of wind blowing from time to time.Other people's haunted houses have dim lights, but Fangte's haunted house seems to have only two flashlights for the sake of realism.If you don't turn on the flashlight, you can't see anything in the pitch black inside.I really don't know how this haunted house is played, can the people inside see it

An Chen doesn't know now, but he will know the next moment. Most of the things here are triggers.Basically, except for a few places with their own lights, there is no real person to cooperate.When Reba accidentally touched a bump, there was a "click, click, click" sound.It felt like a strong man was walking towards here.The clicking sound was getting closer and closer, and the camera felt that the whole person was not well.Reba hugged An Chen even more tightly.

Seeing this, An Chen also hugged Reba.At this moment, the sound fell silent, followed by a squeak.This kind of creaking sound like an old-fashioned wooden door is like a source of fear in the dark, making people constantly lose their courage.At this moment, An Chen keenly felt that more than a dozen grid-sized windows opened above.

In the next second, a scream of "ah" cut through the quiet space.

At this moment, a stern and cold laughter sounded.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh"

Looking at Reba with his eyes tightly closed in his arms, An Chen said, "Don't be afraid, it's all fake. You see, they were carried away by the suspension wheel and have almost disappeared." The scream just now came from Reba. Ba, it can be seen that he was quite frightened.

At this moment, Reba carefully opened his eyes in An Chen's arms.The look of wanting to see and being afraid makes me feel pitiful.

While the two were watching, the photographer said, "I think I can go outside and wait for you. Well, can you bring a recording device to play by yourself?"

At that moment just now, the photographer was also terribly frightened, and almost dropped his photography equipment.At this moment he had to speak.

"Okay, sorry for the trouble. But after you go out, wait for us at the amusement equipment farther from the exit, so as not to let us be discovered." The photographer nodded and handed over a video recording device and returned the same way .Fortunately, this is the first door, and he still has the courage to return the same way.Otherwise, he really can only follow all the way to the dark.

An Chen didn't turn on the recording device directly, but kissed Reba first, and said, "This place is really quiet, it's very suitable for doing some shy things."

Hearing what An Chen said, Reba, who was a little scared, gave An Chen a blank look, and the fear in his heart was dispelled a lot.She only heard her say, "No, it's better, in case something scary suddenly appears, there will be no accidents. And I heard that there are real cameos and surveillance in the haunted house, it's too dangerous."

An Chen was actually talking casually, it was impossible to really do that.The main reason is to dispel the fear of Reba, and now it seems that the effect is surprisingly good.

"Should we continue walking or wait a little longer?"

"Go on, we have to drive out in ten minutes."

"It's okay. The place 49 is not very big. I took a look. If there are no accidents, about ten minutes is the length of this distance. Of course, if there are no accidents, then let's go."

While speaking, An Chen led Reba and started walking again.Turn on the recording equipment and try to avoid the bumps or depressions along the way.But some places are not raised and sunken.The next second, An Chen stepped out, and a stone slab sank.

At this moment, the mechanism started again, and a flame rose up with a "boom".The orange flame rose, and then turned into a dark green.At this moment, the fire lamps are like will-o'-the-wisps from hell, beautiful but frightening. .

Text 0273: Adventures in haunted houses, ghost people

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