Seeing this, Reba was taken aback at first, and then asked curiously, "Is this dangerous?"

An Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I don't know, but there is always a sci-fi feeling, and I can't feel the temperature of this flame."

There was a circular closed door at the end of the two rows of stone lamps, but before they could check it out, suddenly the sound of Kara, Kara came from the wall.In the next second, the erected sarcophagi protruded from the wall one by one.

Seeing this, the eyes of the two were attracted, and An Chen even shone the flashlight on them.The flashlight is an old-fashioned large flashlight, without the lethality of strong light, so even if you shine it on your eyes for a short time, it will be fine.Maybe this light is useless in this dark and terrifying atmosphere, but it is no different from a searchlight to An Chen's dynamic vision.

13 It was the image of female ghosts wearing white long clothes with snow-white complexions, their faces were damaged, and there were some black and blue marks on the damaged parts.Seeing this, before An Chen could look any further, all the female ghosts opened their eyes.In the next second, they turned their heads mechanically and looked at the two of them.


A piercing scream pierced the quiet space, and Reba curled up in An Chen's arms again in fright.At this moment, Reba was so frightened that his legs went limp.

Fortunately, An Chen supported Reba and didn't let her fall down.An Chen didn't expect that these female ghosts would fly out the next moment, and they were flying towards them.There seemed to be coercion hanging from the female ghost, and there seemed to be a hidden path of action on it, but even An Chen couldn't see the hidden path.

At this moment, An Chen hugged Reba, doing various movements back and forth among the flying female ghosts.At this moment, the two seemed to be dancing together with female ghosts. This beautiful scene made all the female ghosts speechless.

That's right, all these female ghosts are played by living people.There are not many places where living people are used in this haunted house, there are less than 5 organs, and they happened to trigger one.No, it's not a coincidence, it must be triggered, because the stone slabs in this row are all sunken.

The next moment, the female ghost danced more and more intensively.At this moment, even An Chen couldn't avoid it completely.At this moment, An Chen hugged Reba with one hand, and suddenly stretched out the other hand, blocking a flying female ghost in an instant.

An Chen's shot was too fast, and it was only when the female ghost was approaching.Therefore, there was no accident at this moment.At this moment, the female ghost let out a scream and cry of pain, but An Chen actually felt that her hand seemed to be soft.

At this moment, An Chen was stunned, and immediately realized it.Because of their flying and the ever-present aura in the room, An Chen didn't realize that these were real people at first.

The next second, he reacted quickly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were real people. Girl, are you all right? Can you come down now? I'll help you look."

The rotation of the orbit seems to be completed at this time.For a while, all the female ghosts returned to their coffins.At this time, the coffin began to be retracted slowly, but in this gap, each of the female ghosts still asked with concern.

"Wenwen, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter"

Only then did the woman named Wenwen say, "I'm fine, I'm fine, and he didn't use much force, just bumped into it. Just take a rest."

Hearing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "We're in the men's team. You'd better wait for me outside later. It's better to take a look. If there's nothing wrong, I'll treat you to dinner tonight to express my apology."

Hearing this, the woman was even more embarrassed.He said "It's really fine"

But this sentence has not yet fallen, and the door of the sarcophagus has been closed.This made Wenwen, the girl in the sarcophagus, a little bit tangled. She had to tell me whether she should go or not. In fact, the pain was not bad. Wia's speed was not fast, and even the impact was just a pain.But it hit the wrong part.Because of the height, An Chen's hit hit her private parts.The faint heat seemed to have penetrated the thin underwear and directly acted on her private parts443.This makes her so embarrassed to meet people again and is still one of her idols.

When the back door of the sarcophagus opened, Wenwen who returned to the lounge was surrounded by other girls.They all asked about Wenwen's physical condition with concern.Some of them envied Wenwen's good luck. If she was lucky, she could have dinner with big stars.

Of course, An Chen didn't know about these things. He seemed to be struggling right now, and he seemed to have touched something amazing just now.Just when An Chen was struggling, Reba asked worriedly, "Is that girl okay? If you bump into someone like this, there will be bad news tomorrow."

"It's okay, the speed of coercion just now was not fast, and I just reached out to block it. As for the news, it's even more okay. Could it be that my performance just now was out of line and I'll just go see that girl later."


Once this happened, there was no atmosphere of terror.Di Lieba said first, "Let's go, let's go to the next level.".

Text 0274: Wretched hands

Next, An Chen became more careful, not because of traps, but because of hitting people.After all, if there is another person, it would be bad to accidentally beat him.But An Chen didn't expect that he would attack even though he knew the other party was human.No, it's not hands, it's feet.

It was a pass similar to a river and a beach.There were all kinds of dead people lying in it, and the living people were mixed in during the period.But An Chen, who was too far away, still couldn't confirm it. The reason why he knew was because of the man beside him.And the reason why An Chen moved his feet was because this bastard dared to put his hand on Reba's thigh.

At this moment, An Chen really couldn't help but call out Nima.You cheated the corpse by grabbing the feet, and scratching the thighs meant a few things. Seeing this, An Chen directly took Reba a step further.But at this moment, the bastard crawled over persistently.

In the next second, An Chen took a step forward and stepped on that cheap dog's paw.Before the man could shout, he stepped on the man's other paw again.At this moment, An Chen crushed and rubbed against her.As if feeling the softness of the soles of his feet, An Chen crushed it again, and then said to Reba strangely, "It's so strange, I feel like I stepped on something strange. I dare not look at it, Reba, please help me see it." a bit."

Hearing this, how dare Reba look at it?

"This is not something strange, I don't dare to see what to do."

At this moment, a voice gasping for air, said hoarsely: "Take your feet off, please?"

At this moment, Di Lieba gave a light snort, and said in doubt: "I seem to have heard a human voice."

At this moment, An Chen said without any surprise: "That might be." After speaking, An Chen looked at his feet slowly, and then slowly moved his feet away.

Seeing this, Reba couldn't see anything unusual but it was difficult to speak at this time, so she just clicked on An Chen.

At this moment, the person below finally breathed a sigh of relief.Seeing that there was no mercy here, An Chen said to Reba, "Let's go, let's go to the next level."

"Is it okay?"

Hearing this, An Chen raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the person below him, and said with a wicked smile, "Do you have something to do? If you have something to do, the camera on my head will tell you what obscenity is. Maybe ordinary people I won't do anything to you, but we are different. So tell me now, what's the matter with you?"

After An Chen said that, the other party also felt a little guilty when he saw the video recording equipment.At this moment, he gritted his teeth and said weakly, "No, it's all right."

Hearing this, An Chen pulled Reba directly, turned around and left, completely ignoring Reba's stunned attitude.

"you're jealous"

After walking out of this door, Reba couldn't help but ask this sentence. At this moment, she even ignored the equipment that An Chen was carrying.Seeing this, An Chen turned off the device helplessly, and said, "This is necessary, you are my girl. So now I never watch your videos."

Hearing this, Reba smiled like a little fox, and said coquettishly, "You are stupid or not, we all have doubles. You see, Sister Yang Mi has two doubles, how could I not be as famous as before?" It’s okay when I was young, but now I also have a substitute. I promise you, I will definitely not take part in kiss scenes in the future, okay?”

Well, this can be regarded as an explanation.As for the other things, it is inevitable. Is it impossible to avoid even physical contact?

"Okay, but I don't watch it either."


Reba was puzzled at this moment, he even thought that An Chen was still being cautious.Well, An Chen is being narrow-minded.He just heard him say, "No man is indifferent when he sees his woman talking with others. That's not open-mindedness and trust, it's abnormal."

"You are a bully, have I seen you with other women?"

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