"Then dare you say that you don't feel any sourness in your heart?"

Hearing this, Reba smiled, nestled on An Chen's body, and mischievously expressed his true thoughts.

"Yes, but it's okay."

An Chen sighed, and then said, "That's why I try my best to avoid meeting you. And even if it's unavoidable, I'll try to make sure you don't feel wronged."

At this moment, Reba stood on tiptoe and kissed An Chen's face.It seemed at this moment that she understood that An Chen was not as indulgent as she thought.

"Let's go, let's go, Zhao's, it's been ten minutes now, and I don't know how many more levels are left."

There were two more levels to come, but nothing happened again.Originally, if someone else had been to this haunted house, it would be impossible to get out of it for more than half an hour, but An Chen couldn't stand it.So they came out at almost fifteen minutes.

As time passed, the scene became more and more anxious, and it was during the time when the two were passing through the haunted house.Chen Chichi was out of the group blue, Zheng Kai was out of the group blue again, the baby was attacked by Li Xian, and Lin Yichen was also out when the time was behind.

s My friend’s child was sick today, and I ended up taking the child to the hospital. Poorly, I saved a manuscript, but there is nothing left.Had to start all over again. .

Text 0275: Being eliminated one after another

For a while, apart from An Chen and Reba, only Zheng Kai, Li Xian, the trio of Deng Chao and Lu Han were left.And at this time, Lu Han only had five minutes left, while Li Xian had ten minutes left.

Not long after An Chen and the others came out, he heard the sound of people tearing up famous brands.Hearing this, An Chen quietly touched over and saw a person.The next moment, An Chen signaled the video camera behind him to step aside, and said softly to Reba, "Follow me later, I'll fix Sister Kelly for you, and then tear her up right away. Remember to be quick, after tearing up Let's run."

Reba didn't speak, but looked at An Chen with beautiful eyes.She knew what An Chen was for, for the two slaps she received this afternoon.So she smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, An Chen moved in the next second.With a swift attack, he rushed towards Kelly with a speed of 787.At this moment, Reba followed closely behind, running towards Kelly.An Chen has a way to relieve her strength, but Reba doesn't, so when Reba started to run, Kelly heard a voice from behind.

The next moment, Kelly turned around quickly, and saw An Chen who had already approached.The next second, she stretched out her hand as a defensive gesture.

At this moment, An Chen, who saw this, showed a smile, and then he also grabbed Kelly's hands, and approached with a strong horizontal swing.

At this moment, Kelly was thrown aside by An Chen without any surprise.At this moment, Kelly struggled to stop her figure.She did it, but the next moment, Deng Chao's voice sounded.

"Kelly be careful."

At this moment, although Deng Chao shouted quickly and the people came quickly, there was still a "swipe" sound in the next second.At this moment, An Chen bdfc turned sideways, dodged Deng Chao's pursuit, and said, "Brother Chao, do you want to fight now?"

At this time, Zheng Kai and Li Xian are killing Brother Chao, while Lu Han is waiting for an opportunity.Seeing this, Deng Chao dared not stay.Hastily opened the mouth and said, "We will fight again later. You won't face three new forces first, will you?"

Hearing this, An Chen stretched out his hand out of nowhere.That means walking slowly.It wasn't until this moment that Kelly said, "Xiaochen, you are too cruel, you almost threw me away just now."

Hearing this, An Chen quickly swore, "No, I'm holding you. I'm the only one in the team who is stronger than the big black bull. The reason for shaking you is to meet the needs and let you fall somewhere."

An Chen said that, what else could Kelly say, and she was not someone who couldn't afford to play, she just played too seriously.Therefore, I accepted the result very clearly.On the contrary, the director team smiled and didn't say anything. They were already depressed when Kelly hit someone like that.What the hell, after you play like this, will anyone dare to come and run a man? Now that Kelly is being torn apart, Qi Qi feels very happy.

At this moment, Reba asked, "Are we still running?"

"No need, wait."

At this moment, Li Chen captured Zheng Kai, and Li Xian was stopped by the returning Deng Chao.The next second, Lu Han, who was waiting for an opportunity, moved, and he had less than three minutes left, and the time did not allow him to hesitate any longer.

Li Chen was too vigilant, so Lu Han chose Li Xian who confronted Deng Chao.But at this moment, Li Xian also swapped half positions with Deng Chao.Seeing this, Lu Han's eyes lit up, intending to pass by and tear Li Xian apart.But at the moment when Deng Chao let go of his guard, Lu Han suddenly flashed back and instantly turned to Deng Chao's back.

Seeing Lu Han's actions, although Li Xian was unwilling to let the food fly away like this, he still fixed Deng Chao there.In the next second, two "hissing" sounds.Yes, that's right, just two beeps, and at the same time, Li Chen on the other side also tore up Zheng Kai at this moment, his identity as a capable person was clearly evident.

Seeing this, the three formed a confrontation, but Li Xian had no choice but to choose a target. At this time, only he had the least time, and the rest of them had at least 34 minutes.But at this moment, Lu Han looked at Li Xian, and said, "Li Xian, you can tear up Reba, or you can tear up with Xiaochen. Brother Chen and I won't interfere with you, so there will be only one team left in each of the four teams." It's better, you see."

Hearing this, Li Chen understood immediately, and so did Li Xian.Lu Han used Li Xian to consume An Chen or Reba, so that the strength of the four teams could be balanced to the greatest extent.Although Li Xian knew that he was about to be used, he had no choice but to do so.Because he had only six minutes left when Lu Han spoke.

"Brother Chen, you won't sneak up on me then, will you?"

"No, if you choose to eat and broadcast TV, Xiaolu and I can stay away from you."

"Okay", Li Xian ran towards An Chen when he finished speaking.

"Come on, An Chen. Although it seems that you are the strongest here, I am always unwilling to give up. Whether I win or not, I have fought against the strongest."

"Okay." Following An Chen's agreement, he took two steps forward.

Seeing this, Li Xian rushed up with sharp eyes.Just when he waved his hand and went to catch An Chen. .

Text 0276: The Showdown of Capable People

An Chen suddenly took half a step back, and in the next second, he grabbed Li Xian with his right hand, and instantly pulled Li Xian out of control while Li Xian rushed forward.Although Li Xian tried his best to stabilize his figure, he still changed places with An Chen at this moment.

At this moment, just as Li Xian stabilized his figure, An Chen had already grabbed Li Xian's two hands.Sensing An Chen's movements, Li Xian was startled.At this moment, An Chen's voice came, "Reba, tear it up."

Following An Chen's shout, Li Xian was about to dodge the hand from behind.But at this moment, An Chen who was holding Li Xian's hand suddenly took a step forward.If Li Xian didn't want to fall down or be led astray at this time, he could only stay here.

At the same time, Lu Han and Li Chen who saw here ran up, but because they hid a little far away because of Li Xian's words, they didn't have time to arrive until Li Xian was torn apart.

With Li Xian being torn apart, there are only four people left, see here.An Chen said, "Let's go one-on-one. If I lose, how about asking Reba to admit defeat?"

Hearing this, both of them disagreed, including Li Chen.Li Chen said, "Let's tear it up together. You are so strong. I don't think my chances of winning are great. I need a helper very necessary."

An Chen was not surprised when he heard Li Chen say this, and said, "Okay, you can tear it up anyway. Then Reba, you hold me back, and if I'm in danger, you come to meet me. If someone shoots at you , you lie directly on the ground."

"Xiaochen, you have taught Reba badly."

Hearing what Lu Han said, An Chen could only say hehe to express his heart.

In the next second, the team battle started.Facing a fast and flexible opponent, coupled with an all-rounder, even An Chen dared not be careless.He even thinks that the key to this battle lies here.Although An Chen could drag it until the end of the game, what's so interesting about it is that the director team will not allow such a thing to happen, and will definitely bring Lu Han and the others to the decisive place later.

At this moment, the duo of Li Chen, who took the initiative, began to test continuously, while the duo of An Chen carefully avoided at the beginning, in order to find opportunities.At this moment, Xiaolu made the first move. Instead of choosing An Chen, he chose Reba.At this moment, Reba was startled and fell to the ground.Seeing that Lu Han didn't pursue here, he immediately turned around and rushed towards An Chen while shouting, "Brother Chen, hurry up."

No need for Lu Han to say that Li Chen knew, the next moment An Chen dodged Li Chen's pounce, and came towards Lu Han quickly.Although Lu Han was splitting An Chen and An Chen, he was also splitting them.Therefore, there is still a little distance between the two at this moment.With the next breath, An Chen quickly reached out, and suddenly grabbed Lu Han.

At this moment, Lu Han also grabbed An Chen's hand.In the next moment, both of them launched continuous attacks on each other.At this moment, Reba stood up, and Li Chen chased after him.At this moment, An Chen caught Lu Han's name tag.But if he tears Lu Han off, he will definitely not be able to escape the attack of the big black bull.But if he doesn't tear it up, Lu Han can't let him run away.

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