The characters in the vr world are determined by the cast, which is also for better integration and shooting.But An Chen still decided to abandon this setting. After all, she was still letting go of her own cool girl, which made 13 unacceptable to him.

"Yes, please ask the host to confirm the image of the moon god Chang'e."

The moon god, Chang'e is deserted, noble, and lonely. Besides, the kind Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihaiqing is heartbroken every night.When these words flashed through An Chen's mind, he seemed to understand.Chang'e, there should still be the sadness of repentance.So who is suitable for this image? Lonely, lonely, and noble. From these three points alone, he seems to think of someone, but is Liu Shishi sad? What is she like when she is sad?

"Liu Shishi. Use Liu Shishi for the image of the moon god Chang'e."

"The modification is complete, do you have any other character settings to modify?"

Do the others have anything to do with him, especially Zixia, that's Monkey King's dish, and has nothing to do with him.If I really want to change to the girl I like, then I won’t cry to death

"No need, let's get started." When speaking, An Chen paused, and then asked again, "Are the time ratios of the two the same?"

"No, the experience ratio is 11, and the subconscious ratio is 1 infinite."

"Hmm 1 Infinity"

"Yes, it is 1 infinity. The time in sleep can be infinite, or it can be just a moment."

Hearing this, An Chen seemed to understand, but seemed to be in trouble again.Undoubtedly, the best option is the subconscious mind, but the subconscious mind is dangerous.But after thinking about it, that person is her own woman, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with that.The next moment, An Chen made a choice.

"Choose the subconscious experience."

Following An Chen's words, a row of large characters flashed again.

"The host, please go back to bed and lie down, and close your eyes."

Hearing this, An Chen returned to the bed without hesitation.The next second he closed his eyes.

At this moment, the illusory scene went dark.The next moment, it seemed to have become a real scene when it was lit up again.At this moment, seemingly empty memories began to reverberate in An Chen's mind. He seemed to be unable to remember who he was, and seemed to be slowly recovering his memory.At this moment, a voice awakened his meditation.

"Tianpeng, you are looking at the Moon Palace again. That place should not be the place you are looking at. You should know the consequences of acting secretly."

"Thank you, Wang Tianguan, for reminding me, I'm sensible." Speaking of this, An Chen was taken aback.He didn't seem to understand why he knew this person, and he didn't seem to feel any abruptness.What is my name on the canopy? Thinking of this, the memories belonging to the canopy are accepted more quickly.

Watching An Chen lose his mind again and look at Yue Gong, Wang Tianguan sighed.It wasn't the first time he'd seen the canopy like this, but he hoped it would be the last.In heaven, not only immortals cannot fall in love, but even immortals and immortals are forbidden.

Wang Tianguan didn't bother An Chen anymore, but sighed again and disappeared into Tianhe.

The next second, An Chen looked at Xinghe and said to himself, "Although I don't know what happened, Chang'e, you are mine now."

The next moment, An Chen disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already on the moon star.

Wu Gang, Yuegui, Guanghan Palace, it seems that this is the only scenery on the moon star.The moment An Chen was about to step into the Guanghan Palace, he seemed to sense the murderous intent from Wu Gang.

An Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Wu Gang.At this time, Wu Gang at 490 was still chopping the undead laurel, nothing changed.But the faint murderous intent never disappeared for a moment.In the next second, An Chen ignored Wu Gang, but walked cautiously outside the gate of Guanghan Palace.

"Tianpeng is visiting Guanghan Palace. I wonder if Fairy Chang'e is willing to meet her."

The next moment, the gate of Guanghan Palace opened, and Chang'e said with a cold face, "I don't know why Marshal Tianpeng came here."

Hearing this, An Chen touched his chest and said, "I don't know either. It told me to take a look, so I came here. Now that I've seen it, I don't know what to do. Maybe I can Have something to drink, if Guanghan Palace has it."

Chang'e's temperament is too cold and noble.So much so that although An Chen always had the feeling that she was herself, she didn't dare to be too frivolous or presumptuous.

After hearing An Chen's words, Chang'e stared at An Chen for a long time, before saying, "Marshal Canopy, please come in."

s It's three o'clock today.

Text 0283: Powerless Chang'e

The moon palace is as deserted as Chang'e's, except for a plain bed and a small table, basically there is nothing else.Looking at Chang'e walking in front of her, An Chen felt even better. It was a familiar feeling that moved his heart.

Is it because she is beautiful? It is undeniable that Chang'e is indeed beautiful.A slightly melon-shaped face, more is cute, less is demon, but she is just right, making this face full of contradictory and charming feelings.What set off her temperament even more was the desolate look on her face, like a tall woman, the heights are extremely cold, and nothing can make her fluctuate anymore.

In addition, her clothes and figure are also impeccable.Especially the figure, although he has never seen it before, but there is a familiar feeling.A white wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress seems to compete with flying fairies.No, no, she is the most beautiful fairy in heaven.

Perhaps An Chen's eyes were too scorching, and Chang'e who was walking in front stopped, and said, "Why is Marshal Tianpeng looking at me so impolitely?"

At this time, Chang'e just turned her head slightly, but she couldn't see An Chen from this angle.Maybe because of Xianli's induction, she doesn't need to look back at this time.Just like An Chen can perceive the whole Tianhe.

"Because my heart tells me that I know you well and that you are mine. But my memory tells me that you are not mine now. I am conflicted about this feeling, so I want to see what it is That’s what makes it feel that way to me.”

Hearing this, Chang'e was thoughtful, and then walked forward calmly again, as if she was just asking casually.After more than ten steps, Chang'e sat down on one side of the small table first, and then said to An Chen, "Marshal, please sit down."

The entire heavenly court regards love as poisonous snakes and beasts, and even hearing it would make one feel terrified, but Chang'e doesn't seem to feel much about it, and she doesn't even ask or criticize.

"I thought you would tell me in a righteous manner that it is forbidden to talk about love in heaven."

"Why do you say that there is a reason for the existence of the seven emotions and six desires, and it is not right to blindly suppress them. And I am also a mortal from the lower world, so I naturally understand better."

Seeing Chang'e say these words calmly, An Chen said, "You really think you are a mortal. There is no mortal who will become immortal simply because he ate the elixir."

This time Chang'e finally couldn't hold back her indifferent cheeks.She said with a bewildered and surprised face, "What does the marshal mean by saying this? I'm not Chang'e, who is it?"

Hearing this, An Chen stood up, walked to the window, looked at the sky full of stars, and said, "Not everyone can live in this lunar star, only gods born on this lunar star can. , two female fairies were born here, one named Xihe and the other Changxi."

"Yihe married Emperor Jun and gave birth to the ten sons of Jinwu, also known as the mother of the sun. Because Changxi had been conceiving, she could not marry another emperor of the demon clan. Later, when Changxi was about to conceive, something happened. Hou Yi shot the nine suns. Righteousness and revenge had no way, and he died in depression. Before he died, he cast his sister Changxi into the human world. He blessed Changxi with his own resentment curse, so that his sister could avenge her. "

Having said that, An Chen looked at the woman behind him staring at his back, and said, "Do you want to retrieve your memory? Do you know who Wu Gang is? As long as you absorb this, you will naturally retrieve your sealed memory. "When An Chen spoke, a bright yellow light appeared on his fingertips.This is not an ordinary ray of light, but a combination of explosive divine power and enlightened divine light.

After hearing An Chen's words, Chang'e seemed to be in deep thought for a moment, then the corner of her mouth curled up, she shook her head, and said, "I don't want to."

I don't want An Chen to be dazed at this moment, and then have the illusion that she doesn't play cards according to the routine.The next moment, he showed an evil smile, and the light from his fingertips instantly shot towards Chang'e.Chang'e wasn't on guard at all, and the distance was too close. When she saw the light coming, it was too late to defend herself.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, Chang'e frowned, and finally got angry, and an angry look could not help but appear on Gu Jing Wubo's face.But before she could make a move, she was disturbed by the sealed memory the next moment, and could no longer do anything.

Seeing Chang'e accepting the sealed memory with a little discomfort, An Chen laughed.He walked up to Chang'e, and while stroking her powerless cheeks, he said, "Li? If Zhao doesn't break your obsession, how can I live here? Only by breaking your obsession!" No, I have a chance to go in, right? Chang'e, oh no, Changxi, you can't escape, you are destined to be the woman of my canopy." At the same time An Chen began to speak, he pointed a finger at Chang'e's chest , seems to be explaining, but also seems to be taking advantage.

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