At this time, Chang'e was completely powerless to resist, her divine power was already in disarray, and she herself was so overwhelmed by the huge memory that she couldn't do anything.She couldn't even think about it, and could only watch everything happen powerlessly.

s was two chapters short yesterday, and will be completed in these two days.Thank you for your support, it means that there is really no manuscript. .

Text 0284: End of love, beginning of trouble

The good thing is that An Chen didn't do any other outrageous things, but put down a elixir and left Guanghan Palace.

Of course, he didn't leave, but sat at the gate of Guanghan Palace until the woman behind her, Xianli, calmed down.Before he started to leave, he heard a voice behind him.

"You won, and his obsession has left my heart. But you may not be the next one to enter. I will not fall in love with someone who plots against me." When Chang'e spoke, she looked at him with a complicated expression. Looking at Wu Gang, I don't know what he knows.

It turned out to be the moment when An Chen was about to leave.Chang'e, who sensed all this, has already used her celestial power to appear behind An Chen in an instant.For everything An Chen did to her, this was the only thing she could fight back.

Hearing this, An Chen turned his head slightly, and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, for now, my goal has been achieved. Besides me, anyone who dares to go in, I will kill them. You don't want to hurt anyone, do you?" By the way, call me Tianpeng after 487, the marshal is too natural."

Chang'e was really helpless at the moment of "you", she didn't know what to say for a while.

The next moment, An Chen disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing by the Tianhe River.

Looking at An Chen who had disappeared, Chang'e felt a little depressed, and the next moment she closed the gate of Guanghan Palace.As for Wu Gang, the past is over, and he is just a passerby.

Chang'e felt that An Chen's arrival was just an accident, and with his departure and her rejection, everything would return to normal.But she never thought that one day, someone would block her facelessly.The good thing is that she is a house girl, and she doesn't go out, so the two of them enjoy their own scenery across the Guanghan Palace.

"Do you like the starry sky? Although it changes and is beautiful, it is still the same after all." bdab

Hearing this, Chang'e asked strangely, "Then how did you come here all these ten thousand years? Did you sleep?"

"Before you went to heaven, I came here through cultivation. After you went to heaven, looking at you every day seems to have become my cultivation."

"Tianpeng, have you always talked like this? Such smooth talk?"

Hearing this, An Chen froze, and said, "Whoever told you this word, you can use ordinary people's words."

"Why, do you want to kill people? It's a pity. I don't know who it is. Every year on August [-]th, I can see the situation in the mortal world. Of course I can now, but it will consume my immortal power. No I will not look at the mortal world under special circumstances."

"It's good that you know, it's best not to watch Xinghe, just watch me in the future."

"You are so overbearing."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Time passed day after day, year after year.Finally, An Chen, also known as Canopy, knocked on the door of Chang'e's heart.

But with the opening of Chang'e's heart door, the disaster finally came, and love is not allowed in heaven.There is also a celestial instrument that penetrates the celestial mysteries.At the moment when Chang'e is emotional, Tianjiyi feels it, and the heavenly soldiers and generals will arrive.

An Chen looked at the heavenly soldiers and generals who came suddenly and smiled, and asked Chang'e beside her with an unusually bright smile.

"Are you in love with me? I've been waiting for this day for a long time, but it's a pity that we haven't had time to get married. Wait here, and they will marry you when I kill them."

Compared with An Chen's optimism, Chang'e regretted it.She didn't regret falling in love with the man who broke her protective shell, but regretted the beginning of love. 3000 years ago, a demon monkey that was out of control perished.Even the demons of the world are like this, but as a general, how can An Chen resist the rules of the sky and the rules of the sky, but it's too late to say anything at this time, so let me bear it.Chang'e, who was thinking this way, looked at An Chen who was about to fight again, showing nostalgia, and the next moment she disappeared in place.

Feeling the moment Chang'e disappeared, An Chen panicked.Even An Chen, who hadn't panicked in the face of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals for hundreds of days, panicked at this moment.In the next second, he looked back and looked around, where could he see the traces of Chang'e Seeing this, An Chen roared to the sky, and the roar even shook the Nine Heavens Galaxy.

At this moment, a person came out, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, and said, "Tenpeng stop, she has already gone to the well of reincarnation. As long as you stop, you will still be Marshal Tianpeng, In charge of the Nine Departments of Tianhe."

The well of reincarnation, that silly girl.An Chen's eyes lit up, and he was about to disappear in an instant.But at this moment, Yang Jian flashed in front of An Chen, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand lay horizontally in front of An Chen.

"Yang Jian, you want to stop me..." An Chen narrowed his eyes, exuding a strong killing intent, as if he would strike at the slightest disagreement.At this moment, a water-blue Tang knife appeared in An Chen's hand.The knife is a horizontal knife, which is directly transformed from consciousness. As a canopy, he has never seen this knife, but this knife just appeared directly.

"It's useless if you want to fight me, you can't beat me, my master is real Yuding."

At this moment, An Chen was laughed out of anger, your master is Yu Ding, and my master is a third-generation closed disciple of Renjiao. .

Text 0285: Chang'e enters reincarnation

In the next second, An Chen didn't talk nonsense with Yang Jian, and directly chose to fight.At this moment, he didn't have time to talk nonsense at all. If he didn't let me, I would call.

A water-blue knife light appeared beside Yang Jian in an instant, and in the next second brought a cold murderous aura.With the essence of Tianhe coupled with divine power, the horizontal knife formed by An Chen at this moment is not inferior to the lethality of Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged knife.The good thing is that Yang Jian himself is very strong, and he dodged An Chen's slash in an instant.

Without waiting for Yang Jian to step forward, the next second, the water-blue impact instantly slashed towards Yang Jian who was dodging away with an arc.The cross-cutting rays of light split the sky and headed towards Yang Jian.

At this moment, Yang Jian began to accumulate strength, and then suddenly punched the ice crystal that swept past.

"Boom" sounded, and the ice crystal pillar broke suddenly.In the next second, the shattered part swept towards the laurel tree.

After a muffled "bang", the ice crystal stopped there.

An Chen was not surprised by this, nor was Yang Jian, but they were all surprised immediately after.Not because the laurel blocks the icicles.In fact the laurel was not attacked at all.That muffled sound came from the contact of the icicle and a hand.

Yes, one hand blocked the ice crystal pillar that Yang Jian needed to accumulate strength to break, which shows how strong that person's physical strength is.

Although Wu Gang's sudden action surprised everyone, An Chen didn't have time to waste here.In the next second, the essence of Tianhe spread suddenly, and in an instant it turned into thousands of ice crystal knives, surrounding and stabbing towards Yang Jian.

At this moment, An Chen didn't stop, and instantly used his divine power to connect to the direction of the well of reincarnation.At this moment, Yang Jian shouted, "Stop him."

Following Yang Jian's shout, hundreds of heavenly generals stepped forward, with tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers behind them.But at this moment, something happened that An Chen didn't expect.

"Go to Chang'e, I'll stop these people for you."

At this moment, An Chen narrowed his eyes, and could only choose to trust unconditionally.In the next second, while he was connected to the well of gods and demons, the horizontal knife flying towards Yang Jian returned in an instant.In the breath, a high-speed spinning thorn ball was formed, blocking countless attacks for him.Afterwards, he disappeared in place, and at the same time, Yang Jian was really blocked by Wu Gang.Although Wu Gang has only one ax for cutting trees, this ax is like the Pangu ax in the hands of the Father God.

Wu Gang, who blocked Yang Jian's blow, said in a slightly hoarse voice, "You represent the criminal law, I dare not kill you, you can go. But these people can stay" for the continuation of the Wu clan

When speaking, Wu Gang waved behind Yang Jian before Yang Jian could speak.In the next second, a wave flashed out, tearing apart the space.

In the next second, following Yang Jian's roar, there was complete silence.Tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers were wiped out with a wave of their hands, including those heavenly generals.

At this moment, Yang Jian was about to fight Wu Gang.But suddenly he stopped, and after saluting in a certain direction, he also disappeared in place.

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