Seeing this, Wu Gang was not surprised. He took his ax again and walked under the laurel tree.At this time, when he swung the ax again, a little tear fell quietly, and he said to himself, Chang'e, I will pay you back what I owe you.

What happened here was unknown to An Chen and Chang'e.Because of Yang Jian's delay, when An Chen arrived, Chang'e had already jumped into the well of reincarnation.At this moment, when An Chen screamed "No", the man followed quickly.

Since the sky cannot accommodate us, let me reincarnate with you.

ask for flowers

Just when An Chen was about to jump into the well of reincarnation, Chang'e suddenly threw out half a star stone and shouted, "Tianpeng, heaven needs you, and I need you too. Wait for me to come back. As long as you take this half star stone Shi, I will definitely remember you. From now on, I will no longer be called Chang'e, I will be Changxi, the Changxi of your canopy."

Hearing this, An Chen's body that was about to jump suddenly stopped outside the well of reincarnation.In the next second, he watched the falling Chang'e shed tears, and he finally collapsed to the ground with sore knees.


The heart-piercing shouts spread far away, and he didn't calm down until Chang'e disappeared completely.There is nothing sadder than watching a loved one fall into samsara with no power to save them.

It's not that An Chen doesn't want to save him, but that the Well of Reincarnation has the power of law.It's the same as the laws under Tianjiyi, except that one is to absorb spiritual power, and the other is the inviolable power of reincarnation.

Just when An Chen was heartbroken, a voice said, "You are still late. But this is the best ending for you, otherwise all you will be waiting for are your souls. The Heavenly Court has lost tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers. Hundreds of generals, think about how to explain to the Jade Emperor. These people are Li Tianwang's subordinates, you also think about how to explain to Li Tianwang."

Hearing this, An Chen's eyes turned cold, and at the same time with a sharp glow, he said coldly, "They deserve Yang Jian, we will have a fight sooner or later."

Hearing this, Yang Jian, who was walking out, paused, and said calmly, "Okay, I'll wait for you." After speaking, Yang Jian didn't wait for An Chen to speak, and disappeared into the well of reincarnation.


Body 0286: Olive Branch from the Queen Mother

"Canopy, you are guilty"

"I don't know, why can't gods have the seven emotions and six desires?"

"Bold, gods have seven emotions and six desires, how can they manage the thirty-three days fairly?"

Does the management of the thirty-three days have something to do with me? I only hope to be with my Chang'e, oh no, with my Changxi.

"Starting today, this emperor will punish you to guard the Tianhe Water Eye for 500 years, you can accept it"

"Although I'm not very convinced, I'll do it. If there's nothing else, I'll go and get the punishment." Speaking of this, An Chen paused, and continued, "The manpower lost by Li Tianwang can be obtained from my Tianhe Navy. Draw, if you are not afraid of the "four six seven" that my Tianhe Navy will infiltrate your Heavenly King Army."

At this moment, the Jade Emperor was furious.Damn, that's so rude.But he has already accepted the punishment, what else can he say? After all, he is a disciple of Renjiao, even if he is, he can't do too much.At this moment, the Jade Emperor pretended not to see it.

Five hundred years of vicissitudes is enough for too many major events to happen.But the biggest thing was the reincarnation of the Confused Demon Monkey, who was strangled three hundred years ago.Although guarding the spring for five hundred years, An Chen's mana has not improved much.Because he has a woman to pay attention to all the time.Get rid of any opposite sex who approach her and have unreasonable thoughts about her, and at the same time protect her safety.These five hundred years were a torment for him, but it was even more a torment for Changxi.But for this, An Chen could only apologize.

Just fifteen years ago, after Chang Xi passed away, An Chen became more and more anxious.In the past fifteen years, he has never been aware of Changxi's reincarnation.Could it be that he is still thinking about it in the underworld, he is living more and more like a year.

"Tiangang, go to the underworld to see if Changxi has reincarnated in this life."

"Yes, Majesty."

Marshal Tianpeng, as the number one of the Four Arctic Saints, naturally has a lot of people under his command.Tiangang is one of his most capable men.

Tiangang left quickly and came not too slowly, but his expression was not very good.

"Hui Zhenjun, the subordinates and the people in the underworld have already checked the records. Changxi Moon God was reincarnated in the human realm fourteen years ago, but now he has disappeared. It's not death, but, he can't find it. "

Hearing this, An Chen narrowed his eyes, and then began to think.It is inevitable for Changxi to be in the human world, so are there any places in the human world that will block perception? Except for the saint's dojo, Lingshan and Kunlun, the only ones left are Dongsheng Shenzhou and Huaguoshan.

"Tiangang, starting today you, Wang Yu, and Marshal Tao will take turns guarding Huaguo Mountain for three years. After you find Changxi, don't disturb her, and don't let her get hurt. If there are people with different intentions, they will be punished and killed immediately." die."

"Yes, sir, do you have any orders?"

"No, let's go."

"Subordinates retire."

Changxi, wait for me.I'll be free in three more years, and I'll figure it out then.Looking at the galaxy in the distance, An Chen, who said these words, fell into cultivation again.

Three years passed in a flash, when An Chen walked out of Tianhe, he saw an unexpected person.

"I have seen the Queen Mother, but I don't know why the Queen Mother came here."

"For you."


"That's right, I know about you and Changxi, and I even know that you are still sending people to protect her. But can you bring her back to heaven by doing this?" At this point, the Queen Mother paused, and suddenly said "Do you want to marry her?"

An Chen, who was not interested in this conversation at all, suddenly had a sharp light in his eyes.The next second, he got serious.At this moment, the Queen Mother continued to speak, "You should know that we are in charge of the marriage of the fairies in the world. As long as I agree, then everything will be fine."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "The condition is that I don't believe there is a free lunch in the world."

An Chen's words made the Queen Mother smile with satisfaction, and she said, "That's right, there is no such thing as getting something for nothing in the world. So I hope you can clear the obstacles for me in the next five hundred years."

"That is to say, I will be with Changxi after five hundred years"

An Chen frowned when he said this, five hundred years is too long, especially for ordinary people, he doesn't want any accidents to happen to his woman.

"Three hundred years later, I can hold a big wedding for you."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded after thinking about it for a long time, and said, "Yes, but I hope Changxi can regain her status as a fairy in this life. Besides, if there are my disciples, I will not accept the task."

"Yes." After saying this, the queen mother turned and walked out, and finally said, "Also, you can call me Tianjun, I prefer this title."

Sighing inwardly, An Chen slightly lowered his noble head, and said, "Respectfully send off Heavenly Monarch."

Although he knew that the Queen Mother wanted him to be a thug, but for Chang Xi's sake, he accepted it.


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