"You are here. Come, follow me to the Pantao Festival."

"Yes, Lord."

When An Chen followed the Queen Mother to the main hall, a heavenly official suddenly stepped forward and said, "Please go to the side hall to rest for a while."

When the heavenly official stepped forward, An Chen and the Queen Mother had already heard their conversation.So just after the Tianguan finished speaking, the Queen Mother waved her hand.


s checked the information, it's a little late, it seems that today is only the fifth watch. .

Body 0287: The monkey brought down by a woman

Hearing this, An Chen paused for a moment while stroking Xingshi's hand.In the next second, he nodded and walked silently to the outer hall.Only the outer hall is affected, and those in the inner hall are all real gods.That is a lot of characters that are not inferior to Nezha.

At this time, there were only two people left below, a man and a woman.It seems that the person wearing the women's clothes should be a fairy, so the rest is the enemy.

In the next second, An Chen walked down the steps step by step, and walked towards Monkey King with the horizontal knife in his hand.The Hengdao is not a temporary patchwork of ice crystals, but made of Tianhe Star Sand, Jiutian Xingyun and some Tianhe's essence.The horizontal knife has a faint blue matte, its power is not inferior to the three-pointed double-edged knife itself, and it also has the ability of water magic weapon, it is a rare top grade.

At this moment, Sun Wukong looked at An Chen and shouted fiercely, "Have a peach meeting, what's wrong with eating your peaches, do you want to fight too, come on, let's do it" 13

At this moment, An Chen had already made a move, and at the same time he rushed towards Monkey King, he said, "I never talk nonsense with the dead."

In the next second, without waiting for Monkey King to get angry, An Chen slashed at Monkey King with the momentum of the impact.Before the knife arrives, the galaxy follows.At this moment, while Sun Wukong screamed and took a step back, someone was already smashing him with a golden cudgel.

The strength of the golden cudgel is much stronger than that of the Tang knife.Therefore, An Chen retracted his knife in an instant, missed the smashing blow of the golden cudgel, and stabbed again from the right side in an instant.Immediately afterwards, the power of the ice-blue galaxy spread along the Tang Dao, and gushed out in the next second.

Although Monkey King moves extremely fast, he has transformed into superhuman.But at this moment, the all-pervasive water of the Tianhe River flew hundreds of meters away and landed on a sky pillar.

Just hearing a "boom", it seemed that the entire Tianji Palace where the Peach Banquet was located was shaken.At this moment, An Chen withdrew his hands, looked aside, frowned and said, "Yang Jian, you don't need to come here."

"It's about heaven, shouldn't I come?"

Hearing this, An Chen couldn't refute for a while.Seeing Monkey King who seemed a little annoyed, An Chen took three steps back and said, "Since you want to take over, then you can do it."

He has a lot of psychological burden on who makes the shot.In his heart, as long as the task is completed.The next second the monkey was angry, he didn't care who was who, what he needed at this moment was to vent.He chose to attack An Chen who was closer to him, and at the same time, he was wary of Er Lang Shen who had just entered.

At the same time that Monkey King made a move, Yang Jian also made a move.The speed of the three of them was not slow, especially Yang Jian and Hou Zi, who were even faster than An Chen.At the moment An Chen raised his leg to fight back, Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged knife hit the monkey's golden cudgel.

In the next second, there was a "boom" sound mixed with a burst of air and rushed to the surroundings.The next moment, a protective shield appeared on An Chen's body, and he said, "Monkey, your enemy is him now. If you don't win him, you can't fight me."

At this moment, Monkey King seemed to have found the right master.In the next second, Monkey King raised the stick and threw it on the way back.At this moment, the stick flew towards Yang Jian with a thunderous roar.

In the next second, only Yang Jian yelled, and the third eye suddenly opened.The next moment, a laser-like ray shot out from the eyes.The ray was long and long, instantly weakening the invincible golden cudgel.

At this moment, the flying speed of the golden cudgel declined visibly to the naked eye, and it even stopped completely when it was approaching in front of Yang Jian.Not only that, the next moment, the stick quickly reversed, flying backwards towards Monkey King at a speed not inferior to the speed it had come.

Will Monkey King be afraid? He is proficient in all eighteen weapons, especially the stick, which is as flexible as an arm.I saw that Monkey King was just a pat at the moment when the stick flew.The stick has slid aside along the palm.Immediately afterwards, Sun Wukong tightened suddenly when the stick was close to the tail.During the friction, Sun Wukong slammed down violently with a flick.In the next second, the imperial garden seemed to be split.A crack about ten feet wide spread towards Yang Jian in an instant, followed by a wind blade that could split mountains and rocks.

At this moment, Yang Jian also slashed. Although the weapons were different, the effect was the same.During the collision, An Chen asked Yang Jian, "Does 473 need help?"


Before the word was finished, I saw a person behind Monkey King, holding a steel bracelet and quickly smashing it down.Fast, ruthless, accurate, at this moment, An Chen couldn't help being surprised.But then something even more surprising happened. The seemingly powerful Monkey King was knocked down by this bracelet.

This is why the lord's diamond bracelet is in the hands of a woman, and what is the relationship between this woman and the lord?And as the most outstanding disciple of the three generations, he has naturally seen this magic weapon.

Although he was a little puzzled, he had nothing to do next, so An Chen turned around and entered the inner hall.

"Tianjun, the monkey fell, but I didn't take it down. And Yang Jian also made a move, and he is outside at this time."

There are about ten chapters about dreams, skip if you don't like it.Well, thank you all for your support.Good night.

Body 0288: When have I ever been timid?

An Chen didn't know, nor was she interested in, how the Queen Mother dealt with Monkey and Yang Jian.His mission is to obey orders for five hundred years, get Changxi back to heaven as soon as possible, and marry Changxi after three hundred years.But he doesn't like to be troublesome, so it doesn't mean that he will come to him for nothing.

"Tianpeng, Sun Wukong is the demon monkey of the world, find a chance to kill him."

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and said, "I hope that after this incident, Changxi can return to the Heavenly Court."

"You're negotiating with me"

"I dare not, it's just that Changxi is a mortal after all, and I want to let her return to her fairyland at her most beautiful time."

Hearing that the Queen Mother looked straight at An Chen, it took a long time before she said, "Okay, you can go."

After An Chen left, the Queen Mother pulled a corner of her mouth and said to herself, "The more you love, the better. Only the more you love, can I control my weaknesses."

When An Chen found Sun Wukong, he smiled.It seems that there are thugs to help every time.

Seeing the two people fighting upside down, An Chen just smiled and didn't go up to intervene.As long as Monkey King is dead, it doesn't matter who kills it.So for a while, An Chen leaned against the wall and watched the play.At the same time, his horizontal knife was already standing there, preventing Monkey King from escaping.

But when the two were fighting fiercely, the two suddenly ran over.One of them was an acquaintance, she was the woman who brought down the monkey in the peach feast.Seeing this, An Chen said to Zixia, "It's dangerous ahead, don't get close."

"Don't stop me, get out of the way."

While speaking, Zixia had already started to attack An Chen, intending to open his block.But when it comes to fighting, is she the opponent of An Chen, Marshal of the Canopy? Just breathing, Zixia has been pushed against the wall by An Chen.An Chen said with a slight frown, "You're crazy, I'm taught. Although I don't know what relationship you have with the master, but to have the diamond bracelet that the master gave you, shouldn't you and I get closer" 〃 "

"Diamond bracelet, you mean this"

Being pushed against the wall, Zixia took out the diamond bracelet from her bosom.

"That's right, this is the master's diamond bracelet."

"I stole this from Laojun, please let me go, at worst I will give you the bracelet."

Following Ah Zi's words, An Chen let go of his hand, and was stunned.

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