At this moment, Zixia slipped An Chen's diamond bracelet in an instant, and ran into the battle circle.At the same time, Ah Zi's servant also ran in.At this moment, An Chen fell into a daze.Who is so bold who doesn't want to live? The most important thing is that this woman is alive and well.Well, that's not the point. The point is that someone dared to steal the saint, which was something he didn't even dare to think about.

Just as he was in a daze, the enchantment bridge began to collapse.All four of them were swept by the barrier. Seeing this, An Chen was helpless.If there were only Sun Houzi and Yang Jian, who would care if they died.But with that woman it was different.Regardless of whether the diamond bracelet was stolen or not, the master showed his attitude by not pursuing it.Therefore, An Chen held the vajra bracelet and said to himself, "Forget it, since I have something to do with the Elder Master, then I will save your lives."

The next moment, his mana surged out, continuously blessing the vajra bracelet, and at the moment when the vajra bracelet became dazzling, he threw it out.The vajra bracelet flashed across the barrier like a shooting star with a bright light, and after a soft bang, the barrier had been broken through.The laws are endless, but the strength of the laws here is not unfathomable.Even the well of reincarnation can't hold back the quasi-sage.

Looking at the four people falling downward, An Chen said to himself, "Sun Wukong, let you live a few more days. I hope you can cherish the next time."

The next moment he turned around and left, going to Tushita Palace.Although he was working for the queen mother at this time, he did not forget that only human education is his foundation.When the vajra bracelet was released, he had to go back and report first.

Tusita Palace

"Master, three generations of disciples, Tianpeng, ask to see you."

Following An Chen's words, the door of Tushita Palace opened in the next second.Seeing this, An Chen walked in, and said first, "Tianpeng, a disciple of the third generation, has seen the master."

"Well, your deity has already understood why you came here. Just follow your heart, and let everything else follow your fate."

"Follow your heart, so if I want to kill that woman, is it okay?"

An Chen thought I would have some orders.But in the next second, An Chen's unexpected words came.

"Well, if you want to kill, then kill. Do whatever you want"

"Thank you for your enlightenment, Master, and the canopy will leave."


Walking out of Tushita Palace, An Chen was even more confused. It really doesn't matter what the meaning is, but when can the saint's things be taken casually without Li Zhao's restriction?

The next moment, he came to the Queen Mother's bedroom.It has to be said that although the queen mother is ambitious, she is actually an extremely beautiful beauty, and this is a beauty that can arouse men's desire to conquer.Of course, this woman was a woman that no one dared to touch except the Jade Emperor.Women are beautiful, but they have to live to enjoy themselves, right?

"What are you looking at"

"Looking at the desire."

"Tianpeng, this is the first time I know you are so bold."

"When have I ever been timid?"

ps: The book didn't collapse, and you don't have to worry about not coming back.And I wrote it for my reason, you can read it as a side story, probably today will be over.What age of mythology, I think too much. .

Text 0289: The Queen Mother Playing with Fire

The bold queen mother of the canopy just smiled and didn't answer any more, but said, "You came to find me at this time, is it because Monkey King is dead?"

"No, he, Yang Jian, and a man and a woman fell off the enchantment bridge. The woman seemed to have something to do with my human religion, so I rescued them. Now they should have lost all their mana and fell into the human world. If you Can’t wait, you can send someone to track it down.”

"A man and a woman" Speaking of this, the Queen Mother had a bad feeling. It seemed that her worried daughter was very close to those two people.

Sure enough, An Chen's next sentence confirmed her guess. "Well, the woman is the one who brought down Monkey King at the Peach Banquet. The man has never seen it before, so I don't know where it came from."

"Are you sure they're okay?"

Hearing this, An Chen was a little surprised, but still nodded, and said, "Well, with the protection of the diamond bracelet, they can all land safely on the ground. As for the rest, I don't know."

Following An Chen's words, the Queen Mother breathed a sigh of relief.Although she is obsessed with hegemony, she can even sacrifice family affection when necessary.But she still doesn't want to lose a daughter if it is not necessary.

The next second, the queen mother didn't know what to think, and with a wave of her hand, an invisible barrier shrouded her bedroom.She lifted her lotus feet lightly, walked towards An Chen step by step, and at the same time said, "This barrier is from the Kunlun mirror, which has the effect of covering up the secrets of the sky and blinding the eyes and ears. That is to say, everything here will not be seen by anyone." I have noticed that even if someone does something daring, no one will know."

Hearing this, An Chen's heart suddenly moved, but he couldn't figure out what the Queen Mother meant.At this moment, the Queen Mother, who was walking step by step, walked up to him while he was thinking, and said with a slight smile on her red lips, "Why are you afraid, then I will remove it."

Before the Queen Mother could make a move, An Chen, who narrowed his eyes, caught the Queen Mother in an instant, and then said, "How do I know, are you also an illusion created by the Kunlun Mirror enchantment?"

"The enchantment of the Kunlun mirror is only external. And no matter how real the illusion is, there are still traces to follow. Don't you feel it yourself?"

"You're playing with fire"

"I have the ability, don't I?"

In the next second, An Chen stopped talking and put his palm on the towering mountain.Immediately after he took off the Queen Mother's clothes, he also became aggressive.When he invaded the queen mother, he had already used all means, even opened the sky eye, a spell, and sure enough, this woman was playing for real.

After some time, when An Chen got up and was about to leave, the Queen Mother said weakly, "Kill Monkey King as soon as possible, and don't hurt that girl."

Hearing that An Chen was arranging the corners of his clothes, An Chen paused, and then he asked, "Who is that girl?"

"Her name is Zixia, my daughter."

At this moment, An Chen froze again when he heard the words, as if he understood something.The next moment he chuckled, wondering if she's my daughter now?

Dongsheng Shenzhou Aolai Country Huaguo Mountain

No, this place might not be Huaguoshan anymore.There are thousands of miles of red land, only a little green here and there, how can it be called Huaguoshan? The most important thing is that the people living here are not monkeys, but people.

The good thing is that everyone here lives in one place, so An Chen quickly found a place.The moment he landed, a figure appeared behind him and said, "See Zhenjun."

"Get up, is this year's turn worth it to you?"

"It's Zhenjun, Marshal Tao will come to take over from his subordinates next year."

"Changxi, is she okay?" When An Chen said this, although An Chen tried hard to calm the fluctuation in his heart, he still couldn't help trembling.

"Return to Zhenjun, Changxi is alright, do you want to see Zhenjun?"

At this moment, An Chen hesitated, feeling timid because of his closeness to his hometown. Maybe this simple reason was the reason.

"No, Sun Wukong is dead, so I will take Changxi back to the Heavenly Court."

No wonder An Chen knew that Sun Wukong was here. Although An Chen's sky eyes could not illuminate the three realms and six realms, it was not difficult to check a human realm.Moreover, what Huaguoshan shields is only the secrets, not what can be seen.Therefore, although it took some time, they were still found by An Chen.

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