In the next second, An Chen disappeared in place and appeared at the entrance of the village.The sudden appearance of Hengdao let everyone know that this person came with no kindness.And there are monsters in this world, if they appear so suddenly, they are probably monsters.

The moment An Chen appeared, Chang Xi seemed to have a feeling, it was a kind of attraction from the bottom of her heart.She put down the things in her hands and walked out of the house.

At the same time, more and more people surrounded An Chen who made a surprise visit.But they didn't dare to approach, every time An Chen took a step forward, they took a step back.At this moment, a voice shouted, "Guangzhu, here comes the kicker."

help the boss play field

Just when An Chen was puzzled, Monkey King came out.At this moment, An Chen laughed amusedly. .

Text 0290: Goodbye Changxi

"Sun Wukong, I didn't expect you to become a gang leader in the world. What kind of gang is this that can help you get back to heaven? Don't you think it's the ax gang?"

Although I don't know why I thought of the name of the Ax Gang, but this name just flashed out in my heart.

At this moment, Sun Wukong opened his eyes wide in surprise, then he narrowed his eyes, and said disdainfully, "I didn't expect you to be so idle, and you have been peeking at us since we fell. What, is the name Ax Gang not good?"

Come on, I really call the ax to peek at your sister, I just had a long friendly match with Zixia’s mother, how can I have time to see if you don’t have the setting of one year in the sky, one day in the world, three years It's all over.

"Don't talk nonsense, just die."

While speaking, An Chen had already slashed at Monkey King, and was about to finish him off.At this time, Sun Wukong has no magic power, even if he is in good physical condition, it will be difficult for him to escape An Chen's casual wave.But at this moment, after a soft "bang", two women stood in front of Monkey King, and they were two coquettish women.


Demon is An Chen's positioning for the two women, as a fairy, it makes no sense not to know him.As a human being, it is very difficult for anyone to block An Chen's blow, even if it is casual.

"Hmph, if you want to kill Supreme Treasure, have you asked our sisters yet?"

Before An Chen could reply, Sun Wukong covered his forehead with a headache, and said, "I've already said that I'm not Supreme Treasure, you've misunderstood me. I'm willing to change my name or my surname. My name is Sun, Enlightenment, emptiness."

As soon as the three characters Sun Wukong fell, Monkey King was thrown to the ground in an instant.Only Zixia's voice came out, and she said, "Noisy, noisy. The most important thing is that you are not stupid. He is here to kill you. You don't pretend to be Supreme Treasure, and you call yourself Monkey King"

"General Tianpeng, why are you here? Heavenly Court is busy with business, why don't you go back first."

Hehe, at this moment, An Chen ignored Zixia, looked directly at the two banshees and said, "Although it is my duty to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, I am in a good mood today, so I can let you all live. So, Now you can go."

"Is it frightening to leave you as an old lady?"

At this time, An Chen's smile became brighter and brighter.In an instant, he slashed out with a knife, and came all the way with azure ice crystal pillars.At this moment, the two women counterattacked, with fierce and intensive attacks, one attacked An Chen, and the other delayed the icicle.But would An Chen care after seeing this scene?

In the next second, ice thorns burst out from the icicle, pointing at everyone except Zixia. The burst ice thorns were like beautiful roses, beautiful and dangerous.At this moment, Zixia took a step forward and said, "Don't kill anyone."

Don't kill people

At this moment, when An Chen was about to kill everyone except Zixia, suddenly a person appeared in the field.She didn't appear suddenly, but her appearance made An Chen give up all attacks.

Silently withdrew all the divine power, An Chen felt helpless looking at Chang Xi who stood in front of everyone and stretched out her hand.But before An Chen could speak, the members of the Ax Gang turned pale and shouted.

"Run, there's another broomstick coming, and the gang leader can't stand it anymore."

Hearing this, An Chen, who was about to speak, froze for a moment. The next second, he raised his hand, and mana surged in his hand.But at this moment, Chang Xi's eyes were once again standing firmly in front of An Chen's hand.

ask for flowers

Seeing this, An Chen said sadly, "They treat you like this, and you still help them"

Chang Xi couldn't recognize the canopy at all, but she still looked at An Chen firmly, and said, "No killing is allowed."

Hearing this, An Chen closed his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he opened them again.He said, "Can I just kill Monkey King?"

"No, they saved me a few days ago."

An Chen frowned when he heard this, and a voice full of divine power spread into the distance.

"Wang Yu."

As An Chen's words fell, Wang Yu, who was not far away, rushed over with his divine power in an instant.

"True Monarch."

"What's going on? Why did Changxi say that Monkey King saved her?"

"Return to Zhenjun, when they came here a few days ago, they alarmed a big monster here. At that time, Goddess Changxi was almost captured by monsters in order to save a child. Sun Wukong and Yang Jian caught Goddess Changxi in time, and their subordinates took the big monster repel."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded.It's not Wang Yu's fault, even without Monkey King and the others, Changxi will be fine.

"So you are the mysterious person who beat away the big monster yesterday." When she was speaking, Zixia turned her head, looked at Changxi again, and said, "So even if you let Marshal Tianpeng willingly guard the Tianhe Spring for five hundred years, you will not be as good as you used to be." Changxi, the moon god who violated the rules of heaven"

"What Changxi, I don't know, I just hope that you are all alive."

Zixia didn't care about Changxi's words.You expect a reincarnated fairy to spontaneously recall her own memory, but this does not prevent her from hugging her thigh.She immediately said pitifully, "God Changxi, please beg Marshal Tianpeng. As long as you are willing to ask, he will definitely agree."

Text 0291: How about letting Chang Xi go?

At this moment, An Chen glared at Zixia, intending to make her talk less.But Zixia is not afraid of An Chen at all at this time, so she can enjoy the cool with her back on Chang Xi.

Hearing this, Changxi hesitated for a moment, then looked at An Chen, and said, "Although I don't know what you are talking about about Changxi, I implore you, please let everyone go."

At this moment, An Chen froze, a little embarrassed.If someone else said this, unless he was a quasi-sage or above, he would not be a bird.But Changxi said, what else could he say.

But at this moment, Monkey King said arrogantly, "I don't need you to let go. Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. Come if you have the ability."

Seeing "Five Zero Zero", An Chen chuckled.But before An Chen could speak, three fists hit his monkey face in three directions instantly.At this moment, the three women shouted in unison, "Shut up."

Following the actions of the three women, An Chen couldn't care too much about it.After hesitating again, An Chen said to Chang Xi, "Okay, I promise you. I will not attack Monkey King and the others within the range of Huaguo Mountain, but only within Huaguo Mountain. This is my bottom line."

"Thank you, Shangxian."

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