Seeing this, An Chen turned on her phone and silently sent a text message.An Chen originally thought that it would take a while to reply to this text message, but he didn't expect the other party to call right away.

"Hello, Xiaochen"

"Well, why did you call suddenly? You know I'm going to get on the plane soon."

"I just knew that, so I called you to remind you to be safe. Prague is not bad, and I will recommend two restaurants to you later." At this point, the person on the phone thought for a while and changed his words, "Forget it, Or I'll go over later and we'll have a meal there together. Seriously, I haven't been to Prague for a long time."

s Because of installing software, partitioning, adjusting settings, and upgrading new computers.So I didn't write much today, sorry. .

Body 0296: Prague, Czech Republic

At this moment, An Chen could clearly see that Zheng Min was tense while driving.Because An Chen pressed the speakerphone, Zheng Min could recognize who was on the other end of the phone.

Yes, that's right, that person is Gu Li Nazha who robbed her of her boyfriend.She didn't expect such a coincidence of fate that the two collided again about their boyfriend.At this moment Zheng Min was very depressed, but at the same time she was extremely unwilling to admit defeat.

Maybe Zheng Min just had a crush on An Chen before, but now the nature has changed.She thought that since you can steal my boyfriend, why can't I steal your boyfriend?

At this moment, Zheng Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a malicious smile.I've got this boyfriend.

At this moment, An Chen didn't know that he had done something wrong again.He originally thought that Gu Li's stimulation would make Zheng Min 13 give up, but he didn't know that it had the opposite effect.If he knew, he would regret it and his intestines would turn green.

After An Chen hung up the phone, Zheng Min parked the car aside.The next moment, Zheng Wei stared straight at An Chen, and said, "Don't think that I will believe you if you move Nazha out. Let me tell you, even if it is true, I will take it back."

At this moment, An Chen was a little dazed, the script seemed to be different, shouldn't it be a sad exit?


"Ha, you actually asked me why she can only rob my boyfriend, can't I rob her once?"

Hearing this, An Chen remembered that sometimes an opponent might not necessarily attack an opponent, but might instead boost his fighting spirit.It seems that at the moment when he did something stupid, he seemed to be green with regret, but now what he can say is really self-inflicted, and he said depressedly, "Sister, let's stop talking about this, I have to catch a plane. "

Hearing that Zheng Min started the car, he said, "Well, but you have to promise to give me a chance, otherwise I won't leave."

An Chen frowned, and said, "I can't accept you like this anymore. Do you know why you keep staying away from you? I just can't accept the way you let yourself go."

At this moment, Zheng Min fell into silence, and after a long time, she said quietly: "Why isn't this more real and better?"

"That's just what you think. Whether it's me or your fans, not many people can accept it."

At this moment, the car was moving forward, but neither of them spoke.For a while, the car was eerily quiet.

Not long after, the airport arrived.Before An Chen got out of the car, Zheng Min suddenly grabbed his hand.She didn't look at An Chen, but she seemed to whisper to herself, "If I end up letting myself go, we might be able to."

"Maybe, but can you stop flying forever?" At this point, An Chen paused, and then asked again, "Is that you the girl who stopped flying? In that case, can you be happy again? Although I don't like the way you let yourself go , but there is no doubt that you will be happier like this. Well, you think about it first, I have to go first. "

Pushing open the car door, An Chen got out of the car and disappeared at the entrance of the airport lobby.Only then did Zheng Min raise his head.Looking at the place where An Chen disappeared, she smiled and said to herself, "Nazha, I didn't expect you to have a good eye this time. I won't lose to you this time, although I don't know if you and Zhang Han are What's going on. But this time, this man is mine."

Then Zheng Min took out his phone and posted a Weibo.

"I lost, you won. Today, I decided to stop letting myself go, and become the cool girl you want to see again."

The moment the Weibo was posted, Zheng Min put down his phone.The next second, she lay prone on the steering wheel and began to cry.Why is it so hard to be true to myself but this time I won't lose.I would like to use these tears to pay homage to my dying self.

An Chen didn't know about all this, and when he knew, he would just chuckle, he didn't believe that someone would really give up on himself.In this way, he set foot on the plane to Prague, Czech Republic.

What a beautiful place in Prague.Back then, Jay Chou even composed a song "480 Lager Square" for Jolin Tsai.As I said in the song, the scene was too beautiful, I dare not watch it.

This time, everyone acted in unison.Take the new route launched by Hainan Airlines from Beijing to Prague.Prague is very beautiful, stepping into it gives a feeling of being in the last century, but An Chen and Reba are not fooled by the beautiful scenery here.Oh, no, not just Reba and An Chen, but also Chen He, a foodie. Yes, what they care about is not the beautiful scenery, but the delicious food from the Czech Republic.

"Xiaochen, do you mind if I make a light bulb? Don't worry, my light bulb will never be too bright."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Brother Chi Chi, please feel free. Anyway, we haven't seen a light bulb before, so let's set off to find our gourmet journey."

"Dele, let's go."

After Chen He finished speaking, the others quit.Xiao Lu said, "Why are you going to fly solo without us? There are delicious food, but you don't call us, you are nothing.".

Body 0297: There is only one mission

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said embarrassedly, "Don't you need to see the landscape, culture and history of Prague? Don't you need to bring some gifts? It's hard to bring gifts when you're with us, the three of us But a standard foodie."

At this moment, Deng Chao said, "Can gifts be bought after dinner? Culture and background, we can learn about it after the show is recorded. Now we also have to eat, we are also human, okay?"

Following Deng Chao's words, everyone laughed.At this moment, Reba said, "Then what are we waiting for to start?"

Early the next morning, the crew delivered the costumes, and An Chen did not leave Reba's room early for the first time.There are two sets of costumes, obviously the crew also took his existence into consideration.The female staff member who came to deliver the clothes looked at An Chen and smiled ambiguously.

At this moment, Reba's voice came from the bathroom.I just heard her say, "Did the clothes come?"

"Well, it's still your favorite black, but it's just a black lace skirt."

"Yeah, that's great, I'm going to see it."

Although there are many clothes that Reba can control, there is no doubt that his favorite color is black.Therefore, she was a little surprised when she heard An Chen's words.

After Reba changed her clothes, An Chen couldn't help but said, "Honey. At this moment, I finally know what a black swan looks like."

Hearing An Chen's praise, Reba couldn't help blushing.But she said expectantly "oh what's that like"

Hearing this, An Chen moved closer to Reba's ear, blowing the heat and whispering, "It's just what you look like now. No, you are more noble and beautiful than the black swan."

"Welcome everyone to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague has a history of more than a thousand years, and its entire city has been designated as a world cultural heritage. Behind you are the most famous attractions in Prague, Castle Hill, Charles Bridge and the mother of the Czech Republic River, the Vltava."

As soon as the director finished speaking, Deng Chao suddenly interrupted and asked, "Hey, what is your impression of Prague?"

As Deng Chao's words fell, the baby suddenly sang "I'm standing, the square in Prague at dusk"

"Before everyone's trip to Prague today, we have a brother joining you."

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