"Wait a minute, wait a minute, brother doesn't need to come out."

Just when everyone was laughing, Zhu Yawen came out.Seeing this, everyone welcomed them one after another.After a burst of laughter from everyone, the director said again, "Today everyone's trip to Prague will be very special. Today you will play a friendly match with a team of Czech brothers from all walks of life. They have been waiting for a long time Alright, let's get to know them first."

Following the director's words, the Sharp LCD screen on the side lit up, and then each person appeared on the TV.Outstanding people from all walks of life challenged them against the Brotherhood.Following their words, An Chen also heard the system's notification tone.

"Sub-quests, to win glory for the country. Defeat the team composed of teams from all walks of life in the Czech Republic, win the final victory, and win glory for the country. Task rewards, one level A lottery draw, rewarding good and punishing evil points 3000 points. If the task fails, punish good and punish 2000 evil points."

How can there be only one mission without it? Although the rewards and punishments of this mission are very high, it is still unacceptable for a while.It seems that the main purpose of today's mission is to serve only one mission.

"Before the game starts, you will learn about the city of Prague through a day's mission. After completing the mission, you will receive a pure gold medal from An Muxi."

"Run, Prague."

"Then everyone will be divided into two groups, one group will go to Prague's Old Town Square, and the other group will go to Charles Bridge."

Following the director's words, after discussion, An Chen and the others chose to go to the Charles Bridge.And baby took another team to Prague Old Town Square.Just after An Chen and the others arrived at the Charles Bridge, the director said, "Prague is a famous tourist city in Europe. Every year, tens of millions of tourists come here from all over the world. The Charles Bridge is also a great attraction. Next, we will carry out the task. Tourists kick their shoes."

"Kicking shoes, carrying tourists. The director is doing something wrong."

The director didn't care about everyone's complaints, but said, "At the bottom of the bottle of An Muxili's Zhao bottled yogurt next to you, there are clues to find tourists. Each member chooses one from each of the three piles. To form the goal you are looking for."

After the director's words fell behind, An Chen also drew his goal.With curiosity, he looked at the bottom of his bottle.The three requirements are female, 180 to 190, straight hair.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled, unexpectedly simple.If it is in China, then this is really difficult.But in the Czech Republic, there are not too many ladies between 180 and 190.

An Chen was the second to set off, and Di Lieba was the first to set off.Soon he found the woman he was looking for. The woman was very beautiful and had a style unique to Europeans. .

Text 0298: A gold medal for you

Come back with four people.At this moment, the director announced that the mission had begun.Di Lieba was the first to play. Perhaps because of An Chen, her luck has also improved.The one she drew was also a woman with a height of 170 to 180 and curly hair.This is also a very simple task.The only task with a height of 1 meters was drawn by Lu Han.

The height is 1 meters, although it is not very difficult, but the requirement is a handsome Polish guy.The good thing is that Lu Han was very lucky, and he was the third one to find it.It's a pity that it seems that luck is not very good, this person is a relatively strong person.An Chen glanced at it, and initially estimated that this person weighed at least 9 kilograms.

When it was Lu Han's turn, Lu Han changed color as soon as he stepped up to this person.The next moment, he mustered all his strength to flick the shoe, but almost fell down in an instant.Fortunately, An Chen and Li Chen had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and they supported him in an instant.At this moment, 503 Li Chen said with a little worry, "Xiaolu, are you okay?"

An Chen also said, "Pay attention to safety, if you can't grasp the center of gravity and strength, why don't you just give up."

"It's okay, I can try again, I just tried too hard."

Hearing this, the two of them watched over carefully to prevent accidents from happening.But the good thing is that this time Xiao Lu seems to have found the knack and completed his task very smoothly.He was followed by Team Lan, who also brought his little friend back at this time. Although he was carrying a guy on his back, there was no pressure at all.

In this way, the five-person group was completed, and the director said, "Congratulations to the five for completing the task. You can get three gold medals from An Muxi in total."

Hearing this, Li Chen said, "It's not easy, I'll take one first." Li Chen had already picked up one while speaking.But he froze the moment he opened it.

It's not gold, but it is, what is it?

"Does this count?"

Reba took a look and said, "Czech currency, there should be none."

Seeing this, An Chen randomly ordered one.The next moment, the glittering gold coins were revealed.

Seeing this, An Chen directly put the gold coin in Li Chen's hand, and said, "Hey, Brother Niu, I gave it to you. Give me your Czech coin, anyway, it's a souvenir."

"Really gave it to me"

"no problem."

At the same time, Reba also pulled out the gold medal, and she looked at the gold medal with the look of a little money fan.Seeing this, An Chen couldn't help jokingly said, "Little money fan."

Reba rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and couldn't help but said, "Girls should be fond of shiny things."

As the missions of the two teams were completed, they also came to the second location of the mission.Smetana Hall.

"Welcome to the Smetana Concert Hall. Smetana is a famous Czech composer and the founder of Czech classical music. This concert hall is named after him. Prague has a very strong artistic atmosphere. There will be different bdbf performances almost every night, so our next task is related to music."

"The song is sung and guessed. The brothers are divided into three groups through a lottery, and they will perform a singing relay with their Czech friends. In the last stick, the winner who guesses the song name and the correct paragraph can win the Anmuxi gold medal."

As the director's voice fell, the three teams began to draw lots.In the end, An Chen, baby and Zheng Kai formed the yellow team.Deng Chao, Chen Chichi, Zulan and Zhu Yawen form the white team.And the remaining Li Chen, Lu Han, and Reba formed a blue team.

"Next, we welcome our Czech friends to the stage with applause." Following the director's words, everyone applauded to welcome the Czech friends who came.

"Then let's officially start our competition now. First, let's start with Deng Chao and your group."

"Why start with our group first"

Following Deng Chao's words, Li Chen was the first to say, "Because you have so many people."

If it was Deng Chao talking about Li Chen, then Li Chen really had something to refute, but if it was Li Chen talking about Deng Chao, then Deng Chao was really powerless to refute.

"Okay, let's come first, we will come first."

Following Deng Chao's agreement, the director said, "Please come and draw your first song."

Hearing this, Deng Chao went up to draw a task card, and when he read out the task on the card, An Chen froze.Did I remember wrong or the time is too long, why not a fire in winter

Yes.The title of the song chosen by Deng Chao turned out to be Descendants of the Dragon.

"Okay, get ready, 3, 2, 1, start."

As soon as the director finished speaking, before Deng Chao could speak, Li Chen, Lu Han, and Reba spoke up to make trouble first, and a hodgepodge came and said, "You say I'm your superhero." Following the lead of the three, An Chen, Baby and Zheng Kai also sang along.

Of course, the trouble is only temporary, and the task will continue.After laughing, they stopped.At this moment, Deng Chao shouted to his Czech friend, "Don't be influenced by them. Look at me, look into my eyes."

When this Czech friend came over, Deng Chao sang the first line of the lyrics.

"There is a river in the far east, and its name is the Yangtze River"

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