
Text 0299: Does anyone know that this song is called Duqing?

When the girl opened her mouth, Deng Chao was dumbfounded.He couldn't complain about my sister, you are so ridiculous, but he had to continue to sing for her.Once, twice, three or four times, Deng Chao was finally powerless.As best as he could teach, there seemed to be only one tune.

Sitting in the third position was Wang Zulan. When international friends sang, he was in a daze.

"The big name of the Trojan horse is called the manufacturer"

In this situation, not only did my friend forget all the lyrics, but even the tune was a little out of tune.At this moment, Wang Zulan thought hard, but still didn't understand what the Czech friend wanted to express.He had a headache and was a little confused, but he had to pass it on.Deng Chao almost burst into tears from laughter, he no longer had any expectations for the result.

Wang Zulan had no other choice, all he could do was copy and pass it on.What he can expect, only Zhu Yawen can guess, or the more distant Chen Chichi can guess.

When Zhu Yawen heard Wang Zulan's message, he was stunned.For a moment, he saw Wang Zulan opened his mouth and said, "This makes me guess that it is like this?"

"No way, this is the result I got. I can't guess, I can only rely on you."

Hearing what Wang Zulan said, Zhu Yawen didn't turn around in a hurry.While there was still time, he thought and thought, and thought and thought, and finally he had a flash of inspiration.But he hadn't figured it out yet so, when the time came, he had to deliver the next one.

The next one is also a Czech friend, but unfortunately his sense of music is not very strong. If he is asked to read the lyrics, maybe he can still remember some, but now

In the end, it was Chen Chichi's turn to guess.At this moment, Chen Chichi collapsed, thinking like petrified.After thinking for a while, he said, "I don't seem to be able to think about this tone, but I think it seems a little familiar. Give me some time, give me some time."

The time passed by second by second, and finally after the director counted down, Chen Chichi said, "The water on the small bridge is splashing. Well, in fact, I can't guess it. You guys have changed your tune to me, even a keyword None, what else can I say to announce the results.”

"Okay, now let's announce the results."

When the result came out, Chen Chichi opened his mouth and said, "So I have time-traveled? Why is there such a difference? Could it be that the middle part was eaten by you? song

In the meantime, others who saw this got the answer.They looked at the last Czech friend, then looked at Chen Chichi again, Deng Chao said, "Chichi, it's not your fault, you did your best."

At this moment, the director said, "Okay, Team White failed the first challenge, now please come and draw your second song."

The title of the second song was chosen by Zhu Yawen.The song is very simple, there may never be a simpler song than this one.But maybe it's not that simple.

Zhu Samwen looked a little fierce when he was serious, but the Czech friend below him looked a little well-behaved.Well, no, he is actually afraid of Zhu Yawen, at least that's how it feels to everyone.

Seeing this, An Chen took a step forward and said, "Brother Ya Wen, don't act so fierce, you've scared people."

Hearing this, Zhu Yawen seems to have realized his own problem, and he tried his best to show a smile, and then learned to say, "Ah, ah, the beauty of the West Lake is beautiful in March."

In the end, in the end, the Czech friend just learned.

ask for flowers

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

Although it is taken out of context and makes people desperate, the good thing is that the tone is right.The next moment, Deng Chao played the tune back.Deng Chao's next hit was also a Czech friend who was also not good at rhythm, but this song was really too simple, and finally Wang Zulan guessed it.When he sang the lyrics, Chen Chichi also guessed it.

By here, victory is almost certain.But at this moment, following the director's words, Chen Chichi was taken aback.

"Okay, please tell me the title of this song."

At this moment, Chen Chichi froze in place as if struck by lightning.Although the title of the song can be sung, what is the name of the song?

"Song name, what is the name of this song?"

At this moment, the entire white team rioted, and they were also desperate.The next moment, they kept reminding Chen Chichi while beating him.

But with everyone's reminders, Chen He finally remembered that this song was a song in the Legend of the New White Snake.After Chen He confirmed the identities of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, he gave his answer.

"This song is called The Legend of the New White Snake."


"Isn't it?" At this moment, Chen Chichi looked so confident.

"Okay, now announce the answer."

As the song was released, the director said, "Unfortunately, you guys were also wrong this round. The name of this song is Du Qing."

"Is it called Duqing?" After finishing speaking, Chen Chichi suddenly said again, "Do any of you know it's called Duqing?"

Well, at least An Chen didn't know, if An Chen were to answer, he would be wrong too. .

Text 0300: End of pre-match game

At this moment, the director said again, "Okay, it's Team Yellow's turn to challenge, please Team Yellow to draw your first song."

In the first round, the three of them discussed and decided to start with baby and end with Zheng Kai.The library of Chinese songs, Zheng Kai is none other than Zheng Kai.

Since she was wearing headphones and her back was facing away, An Chen didn't know what kind of songs the baby had extracted.He is now not so sure about the information he has, and everything else can only depend on luck.

Because it was a trio, An Chen was Czech before and after, a Czech woman was in front of An Chen, and a Czech man was behind.But when the woman opened her mouth, An Chen was stunned.It's not because "Four Nine Three" is seriously out of tune for the other party, it's not because the other party's lyrics are deaf, but because of an unexpected surprise.

"I am a little blue dragon, little blue dragon. I have many little secrets, little secrets."

At this moment, An Chen gave a thumbs up and praised the Czech friends.Not only An Chen, but other people also praised this friend.But when it was his turn to deliver, An Chen was speechless.

"Brother, Xiao Qinglong, follow me to read Xiao Qinglong, not a stingy bag. If you do this, well, let's continue with the little secret."

At this moment, An Chen was very suspicious of whether all the Czech friends had been messed up and swapped.He clearly remembered the girl with the best pronunciation, but the man he was with still had a pretty clear pronunciation.

In the end, An Chen gave up and took your small pump and Xiao Qimi to find Zheng Kai.

When Zheng Kai heard this song, he said, "This shouldn't be a stingy bag or a stingy rice."

Following Zheng Kai's questioning, the Czech friend smiled shyly, saying that's what I heard.Zheng Kai is well-deserved of the name of the Chinese Xiaoqu Library, and he understood it after a short period of time.The moment he sang it the next moment, Baby and An Chen couldn't help but say yes.

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