"Congratulations to Team Yellow for getting the first song right, now please come and draw your second song."

Zheng Kai went up to draw the second song, while An Chen stayed to guess.Meanwhile, the Czech friend and the baby remained unmoved.Because An Chen was at the end, he also couldn't see Zheng Kai's performance.It wasn't until he was photographed that he got the first-hand information.

"Gulu melon, Guru melon, blah blah seven melons"

What kind of melon is that? Although the lyrics are nonsense, but through the tune, he seems to know what song it is. He only heard An Chen say, "This song is really amazing, it seems to be a song from my childhood. The good thing is that it happened a while ago It was revised again, and I happened to have heard it again. Gourd baby, gourd baby, seven flowers on a vine, not afraid of wind and rain, la la la la"

"This song should be called Calabash Baby."


"Yes, quite sure."

"Congratulations to the yellow team, you answered both songs correctly, now we exchange the order and ask the blue team to play."

Li Chen smiled when he saw the first song, and said, "Hehe, this song, I will." After Li Chen finished speaking, he looked at Jack's friend and sang, "Sister, you sit on the bow, brother, you walk on the shore Love, love, love, the rope swings leisurely"

"My younger sister is beaten by the gang, my brother is beaten in the case, er, er, angels act as QQ." This is the final sentence of a Czech friend, but Li Chen really said that he tried his best.

Game Black Hole, besides Li Chen and Reba.When Reba heard this song, she was stunned. At least she had never heard of what song it was.There is no way, Reba can only pass this wrong answer to his Czech friends.But the correct answer still cannot make the Czech friends completely correct, let alone the wrong answer. When Lu Han heard the last sentence, his whole body collapsed. The tune of this song has changed to Lu Han.

"Mimi takes the string and walks away, everyone presses and walks, ehhhhhhhhhh"

Lu Han expressed his confusion about this, but his Czech friend shrugged and said that was what he heard.Well, this is embarrassing, at least Lu Han can't guess what the answer is at this time.

"I give up directing this song, you can announce the answer."

After Xiao Lu finished speaking, the director said, "Now we will announce the answer."

The moment the music started, Xiao Lu was stunned.Such a sexy song is actually the most loving song of the year, what went wrong and how did you pass it on?

"Okay, Team White, you failed to guess the song the first time, now switch the order to draw your second song."

After thinking about it, Xiao Lu sat in the third seat this time, and said to Reba, "Reba, you go and get it this time."

Reba didn't refuse, and went directly to the director to draw a lyrics card.Kadi Lieba smiled when she saw the lyrics, she knows how to do this song.And she is very confident that the whole team can guess this song.

There may not be many people who don't know about Hero Song Zhen 17, and it has a unique rhythm.Although the Czech friend got it wrong several times, in the end, Li Chen guessed it out.Li Chen, who is a black hole in the game, guessed it. At this moment, Li Chen suddenly collapsed, so he couldn't be too happy.

"Congratulations to the blue team for scoring a point. The round is over. Now congratulations to the yellow team for winning the gold medal from Ammuhi."

Because there are only three people, each person will get a gold medal this time.

I came back from the s exam at night, I'm really sorry, it may not be a few changes today, it should be the last day.A little bit of heat stroke, really dying. .

Text 0301: The lost girl in the second dimension

"Welcome to everyone in Prague, today you will play a friendly match against a team of Czech brothers from all walks of life."

When the brothers arrived in Slavia, they were taken aback.Although there were not 10 spectators, there were hundreds of spectators from China and the Czech Republic.

As the screams sounded, only one voice said, "First of all, let's invite the running brothers from China."

"Next, let us applaud the Czech brothers. They are the host of Czech TV, the captain of the Czech football team Slaviaje, Miss Czech, professional tennis player French Open US Open men's doubles champion, Sanda player World Sanda Champion, Czech actor, professional model, captain of the Czech professional ice hockey team, the most popular chef, and the new champion of the World Model Contest.”13

With the end of the host's voice, the director said: "Let us welcome the members of the two teams again. Before we officially start the friendly match today, we had the honor to invite the governor of the Central Czech State, the deputy governor of the Central Czech State, to welcome us this time Welcome speech for the friendly match."

With the speeches of the governor and deputy governor, the first competition event kicked off.

"Our first competition event today is the obstacle relay race. The relay race is divided into three rods. The first rod is for two people to sprint on the acupressure board with three legs. The second rod is to advance around the pole according to the trajectory of the rope. The third rod uses Sandbags knock down the jigsaw puzzle, and the first team to complete it wins."

Following the words of the director, the brothers of the men's running team and the Czech team also began to arrange tactics.

An Chen took the lead and said, "The first task is the easiest, although it is more painful, but it has the least technical content. The second task is the most difficult, because the second task is to test the direction and agility, and the third task is to test the coordination of eyesight." And strength. But in fact, as long as there is strength, basically, everything is possible.”

"So for girls, I suggest you run the first session. Me, Team Lan, Xiaolu, and Zheng Kai can run the second round. Except for Team Lan, the three of us are the fastest and have the best coordination. And Team Lan The coordination is also very good. Although the speed is a bit slow, we can catch up. Finally, the third stick is handed over to Brother Chen, Brother Chao, Wen Wen, and Chi Chi Chen. This is the best group. If you have different opinions, you can raise them. If someone wants to challenge other projects, you can also say so.”

After An Chen's words fell, Deng Chao said first, "It's okay, you are our brain trust now, we are right to listen to you."

So at the same time, Chen Chichi also opened his mouth and said, "I am convinced of Xiaochen's assignment, or we will follow this."

But the baby who heard this said, "Reba is a dancer. I think if she comes to be the second one, her coordination should be better."

Hearing this, An Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "Sister baby, you are right in theory, but you still don't know much about Reba. Reba actually has another nickname, although this nickname may even be her own. Do not know at all."

After An Chen's voice fell, Reba couldn't help asking curiously, "Is that so, what kind of nickname?"

"Mudi. Describe your frequent daze and distraction, just like a lost girl in the second dimension."

Hearing what An Chen said, everyone burst out laughing.The final distribution was based on what An Chen said. After all, every analysis of An Chen was very reasonable.

"The game will start immediately, countdown, 3, 2, 1."

As soon as the game started, the difference in points could be seen immediately.Although the two Czech players were tall and burly, it was not the first time for the two girls to work with acupressure boards. For them, they were familiar with playing games.As the two Czech friends who had no tacit understanding moved forward, Reba and the others returned to the finish line first.

Seeing the two women rubbing their feet in pain, An Chen squatted down and said to Reba, "Reba, let me rub your feet. I know Chinese medicine, and massage is also great."

Although they are recording a program, they are not important at this time.Therefore, Reba stretched out his little feet and looked at An Chen with a smile on his face.At this moment, another pair of feet stretched out from the side, and the baby said, "Xiaochen, you can't just take care of Reba, sister 493's feet hurt too."

Reba is my daughter-in-law, you are me? Ten thousand beasts flashed in An Chen's mind, but he still said with a smile on his face, "Then baby sister, wait a minute, massage requires two hands, and I can't have two more hands." only hand is not"

The next moment, An Chen naturally picked up Reba's foot and began to relieve her pain.But Reba felt embarrassed at this time, she hurriedly said, "Xiaochen, why don't you rub baby sister first, she looks more painful than me."

"It's okay, just relax, a matter of ten seconds."

Hearing this, Reba didn't say anything more.After a few breaths, An Chen put down Reba's feet and picked up the baby's feet.Until this moment, the baby seemed a little shy.But An Chen really wants to say, shy sister, you are the one who is good and bad.

The next moment, he pointed at the baby's Yongquan acupoint, and then began to press with his thumb. .

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