Body 0302: A man more flexible than a monkey

At this moment, the baby suddenly couldn't help making a soft sound, which seemed to be suppressed and comfortable.

My Reba is still on the side, it's not good for you to make such a sound, right? At this moment, An Chen complained a little.

The baby's feet are beautiful, but it's strange that he doesn't feel anything special at this moment.It was because she was a married woman that she was cured. At this moment, An Chen unconsciously paused for a second.

"Okay, baby sister. But your health is not good. Your spleen and stomach are not healthy enough. If you have time, you can go to see a doctor."

At this moment, Zheng Kai turned his head and said, "It's your turn soon."

Hearing this, An Chen stood up and looked towards the field.At this time, the speed of the two teams was even, and even An Chen's red team still had a slight advantage.Lu Han's speed is very fast, even if he competes with girls with long legs.

With the sound of "Dang", Lu Han took the lead in ringing the gong.

The next second, Zheng Kai set off quickly, but Zheng Kai who started first was overtaken by a little bit.Obviously, in terms of balance and flexibility, this Czech woman named Tvorkikova is faster.

In the end, the two arrived at almost the same distance.Until then, it was finally An Chen's turn.At the moment before Zheng Kai's arrival, An Chen finally added parkour to the master level.Although it cost 1500 points, if it can bring victory, then everything is worth it.

On the first shot, An Chen jumped onto the railing.At this moment, everyone was taken aback, what was this doing? In the next second, they saw what An Chen was going to do.

The moment An Chen jumped onto the railing, he didn't stop there. The next second, he squatted on the other pole in a forward-leaning jumping and parkour posture.At this moment, An Chen pulled the railing with inertia and suddenly accelerated. At this moment, he bypassed the second shot.

Screams sounded in the auditorium at this moment, and An Chen spun again in the next second, followed by a quick jump.Immediately afterwards, An Chen turned around and returned to the pole again.In the next moment, he flew back with a vigorous kick and flew back to the second shot.

At this moment, Di Lieba's nervous heart was about to jump out, it was too dangerous.But she didn't dare to speak, for fear of disturbing An Chen and putting him in danger.

At the same time, Chen Chichi and the others were stunned, and Chen Chichi even opened his mouth and said, "ohygad, have I seen what God is‖"

Not only the brother group, but also the Czech group were stunned, only to hear Gubalova couldn't help but say, "My God, what kind of acrobat is he? I'm afraid acrobats are not so powerful, and his movements are so I'm familiar with it, so I didn't practice it in advance." Of course, what she said was just a joke.In fact, this level was set by their Czech team, and the shiatsu board was set by the Running Man team.Sandbags are mutually agreed upon by both parties.

At the same time, the other three women had beautiful eyes, and none of them were married yet. In Europe, advocating the strong is the truth.In the Middle Ages in Europe, dueling marriages were even popular.Even this is reasonable and legal, which shows how much people admire the strong.

Round and round, An Chen was more flexible than a monkey.Coupled with some experience and skills brought by the fifth-level parkour, An Chen finally reached the third leg by two strokes faster than the opponent, and sounded the relay gongs and drums.

At this moment, the cheerleaders of the red and blue teams cheered loudly again.An Chen can be sure that if he is willing to find a few fans from inside to spend the night, then [-]% of the girls inside will be happy.

In the next second, Li Chen led the team to throw sandbags.At this moment, the strength and accuracy of the big black bull are undoubtedly revealed.With just one click, four grids were brought down.It's a pity that the following people were not so good, but the three people in a row still knocked out five pieces.At this moment, Navorjack of the Czech team rang the gong and drum when the big black bull threw the sandbag again.

The next second, the Czech team began to catch up, but in the end they narrowly lost to the big black bulls in one round.

Seeing this, everyone cheered, even An Chen was no exception.

"The team that won the Bravery Obstacle Game is the blue team. Congratulations. The current score is 1:0, with the blue team leading. Next we will have the second competition."

"Guard the goal. The two teams alternate offense and defense with tennis rackets to guard the goal. The game is divided into two rounds. After one round, the offense and defense are switched. The team that throws more sandbags wins."

Qian Zhao followed the rules of the game, and everyone was not so optimistic. They only heard Zuan Lan say, "Power, this seems to be more beneficial to them."

"Yeah, any one of them is more powerful than us, and there is also a double tennis championship. We have very little chance of winning."

Just when everyone was worried, An Chen said, "Let me come, since I want to win glory for the country, I will unblock my martial arts skills." After saying this, An Chen shouted to the director, "Director, you can With two rackets? Of course they can too."

Hearing this, the director was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the Czech team leader and said, "Our team members asked if they can use two rackets, of course you can too.".

Text 0303: The strongest defensive martial arts

The Czech double net champion Deloy said, "Of course, I happen to be good at double swords."

The director was a little depressed for a while, did he hit the muzzle of the gun? But the director didn't say anything, but nodded.While agreeing, he shouted to An Chen and the others, "You can use double rackets."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said to the brothers, "Brothers, for the job of pushing carts next in this round, which one of you wants to come? Of course, it doesn't matter who will come for this job."

Hearing what An Chen said, Reba was the first to say, "Count me in, we didn't use much strength just now. And the next task for you is more important."

Reba said so, why did the baby finally open his mouth and only listened to the baby also said, "Then the two of us come, and the rest is up to you."

Seeing the second daughter asking for a job at 540, An Chen said, "When the two of you are waiting to get off the cart, you don't need to use too much force. It's fine to stop at one place."

Hearing what An Chen said, the two were stunned, as if they didn't quite understand what An Chen meant.The two looked at each other, and the baby shrugged.

The next moment, An Chen stood in front of the sandbag net with the dust glasses on, performed a kung fu technique, and shouted to the audience, "I will show you ours, Chinese Kung Fu Tai Chi."

Hearing what An Chen said, the Czech team suddenly became serious. Sanda boxing champion Karl replaced the TV host Polnaski who had just entered the game, and ice hockey captain Wimolka replaced the most popular chef Babita .Since you want to fight seriously, let's fight, An Chen ignited the fighting enthusiasm of the Czech team.

Seeing this, the director started counting down.


"Now start the final preparations, 3, 2, 1, start,"

As the whistle sounded, the two women began to push the cart.They didn't care what An Chen said, what they had to do now was to interrupt the offensive rhythm of the Czech team as much as possible.Sensing the movements of the two women, An Chen didn't speak, but smiled confidently.Moving or not, has little effect on him, no matter whether he moves or not, he can be as stable as a rock.At this moment, he held a racket in each hand, separated from left to right.

The next second, when the first powder bag flew three meters in front of An Chen, An Chen made a move.Although An Chen's movements did not seem to be fast, he often blocked the route of the sandbag.That way, it's as if the bag is flying to the racket, not the racket hitting the bag.

Ten sandbags passed by, and everyone was surprised, but one sandbag didn't go in.Yes, under An Chen's close defense, not a single sandbag entered.This Czech team went berserk, since one sandbag is not enough, then we have three sandbags, five sandbags.

When the first three packs flew in, An Chen twitched the corner of his mouth.After all, it was thrown by one person, because of the force, there is always a sequence.

In the next second, feeling the trajectory of the three sandbags, An Chen slapped his left hand horizontally, and stopped the first sandbag first.But at this moment, An Chen didn't take back the beat, but turned suddenly in one direction.Before the sandbag fell, with the force of impact, the sandbag with little spare power was swept away in an instant.After flipping several times in an instant, the second sandbag that flew in was caught on the net again.

The next moment, An Chen suddenly clenched the spinning racket, and an arc led the other two bags to instantly block the third sandbag that was almost touching the ground.Sanda champion Karl was dumbfounded when the three sandbags were thrown away.Here, how to play

At the same time, An Chen's right racket blocked two sandbags from the ice hockey captain.The third sandbag flew towards the corner of the net.At this moment, the Czech team became nervous.They looked at the sandbag that seemed to be about to fly into the net, and even ignored the refueling.

But at this moment, the corner of An Chen's mouth curled up into a malicious and confident smile.In the next second, the two sandbags covered by the racket on An Chen's right were instantly thrown towards the third sandbag.

At this moment, time seemed to be slowed down. At this moment, it seemed that many people could hear their own heartbeats.Not only the Czech team was nervous, but the brotherhood was also nervous.Can the Czechs break the legend

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