Hearing this, An Chen nodded.Before An Chen could speak again, Dili had already said, "Let's go, today is the day to be with me, even if you want to, you can only hold back."

The sky in the Czech Republic is very blue. Most of the places here have remained the same as they were more than a hundred years ago, and some have even been hundreds of years ago.Walking on the streets of the Czech Republic, it feels like traveling to another time and space.

"Is there a feeling of time travel to ancient times? It's a pity that it's not the ancient times of our China. Otherwise, if you wear ancient clothes, you will definitely be beautiful. Of course, you are as beautiful as fish and wild geese now, and the moon is ashamed."

"Why are you so talkative today? Do you like ancient costumes?"

Hearing this, An Chen nodded, and said, "Don't you think that ancient clothes are very charming? There is also a special atmosphere. Of course, there are more modern clothes and better looking."

"Then which dynasty's clothes do you like?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Di Lieba with a smile, and said, "Why do you want to buy it and wear it for me to see?"

"No, I'm just asking. If there's a suitable one, I'll buy it from the crew."

"No, I heard that your crew's clothes are quite expensive, and there are many styles I like. The most important thing is to see the person. If you wear it. I still think that the costume in Sansei III is more suitable for you. Of course , maybe Hu Nu and Hanfu are also good."

Hearing this, Di Lieba smiled, and the smile in his eyes couldn't be suppressed no matter what.Seeing this, An Chen still doesn't know what Di Lieba wants to do, but he doesn't want to poke it right now.One reason is that he has an evil idea in his heart, and he really wants to punish Di Lieba who is wearing that kind of clothes.The second is because this kind of small daily life between lovers should be a little bit of a surprise.

At this moment, Di Lieba saw a shop, and she suddenly said in surprise, "Let's go in and have a look."

An Chen was speechless.Hmm, are you hungry just after you came out? Although I haven't entered yet, and although I haven't seen what's inside, the faint scent can let people know that this is a restaurant.

"Okay." Although he was a little speechless and eager to eat, there is nothing he can't spoil this hobby. As for obesity, don't joke about it. Do you think her Chinese medicine skills are just a display?

This is a slightly traditional Czech shop of OnePlus. Although it is small, there are a lot of people inside. It happens that there is still a table at this time, and the two quickly walked forward and sat down.Di Lieba smiled contentedly until he sat down.

At this moment, the waiter came over, looked at the two and asked, "Do you want anything?"

Hearing this, Reba was the first to say, "Hello, do you have any recommendations today?"

"Of course, today's strawberry waffles are good, and the chef who makes salmon is here. The most important thing is of course the hot chocolate and coffee in our store. If these two are not satisfied, you can tell your favorite ingredients , let me help you find out which ones are more suitable."

Hearing this, Di Lieba said, "Then I want strawberry waffles, hot chocolate, and another piece of salmon." After speaking, Reba looked at An Chen and said, "An Chen , what would you like to eat"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and 26 said, "I'll also have a hot chocolate, and another roast beef. Okay, that's it for now, and we'll call you again if necessary."

"Okay, I am very happy to serve you two, please wait a moment."

It didn't take long for the waiter to go down and came up again soon.He started with coffee and strawberry waffles and finished with salmon and roast beef.

The food in this restaurant is surprisingly good, at least it can be accepted by oriental people, and Dilija Bar is praised from time to time for its delicious food.Especially the strawberry waffle, it seems that strawberries are Reba's favorite, and she can always eat a lot of delicacies made of strawberries. .

Body 0310: Sudden marriage proposal

Next is salmon.Di Lieba thoughtfully cut a piece for An Chen to taste.In the next second, An Chen's eyes seemed to light up slightly. The taste of this salmon was actually crunchy.Looking at the outer layer, An Chen understood it, but was still impressed by the chef's ingenuity.

The outer layer of this salmon is covered with a layer of something similar to batter. Although it is very thin, it has a crispy outer texture after cooking.The interior of the salmon seems to have been specially processed, as if it had been marinated and smoked, and the moisture was evaporated, forming a soft texture.Coupled with the experience of crispy shell, it becomes a rare delicacy.

Next is the roast beef. The roast beef seems to be nothing special, there is a special sauce that is unique to their house.The unique Czech flavor makes barbecue beef taste a little special.Unlike the crunchiness of salmon, some roast beef is only tender and juicy.

"Come and try it, great beef, with the malt flavor of Czech beer, it doesn't taste too harsh. It's tender and juicy, but it doesn't cover up the taste of the beef itself."

Looking at the beef An Chen handed over, Di Lieba opened his mouth and tasted it.With this bite, she seemed to be conquered, and she exclaimed happily, "Well, it's delicious, it's not the same as any beef I've ever eaten."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, shaved Reba's little nose, and said again, "It's delicious, you should eat more. Anyway, I'm not hungry, so it's okay to eat all of it."

Although Reba is a snack foodie, it is impossible to spend all of it on food in a day.So, after dinner, they came to Prague to Old Town Square.This place is very famous, even before Jay Chou wrote that song, there are also many people here, even many Chinese tourists.Even so, neither of them cared about these tourists. Instead, they made a wish in the wishing pool, enjoyed the playing and singing of street performers, and teased the white pigeons who were not afraid of pedestrians.It seems that all the scenes in Jolin Tsai's song have been visited by them.

Although there are many signatures along the way, the two of them still had a lot of fun. After all, although there are Chinese tourists here, there are not so many.But the world without two people is not good after all, so they chose the seaside as their next stop.Although Reba is afraid of water, she still likes walking by the sea.

Walking on the beach, the soft sand is divided from the feet to the two sides. The fine sand feels a little itchy, but it is full of comfort.

"Honey, this is the first time we have come out to play, and this peaceful and indifferent feeling is really fascinating."

"Well, if you like, we can come out often in the future."

Di Lieba smiled when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "This is just thinking about it. There is no way, we are so busy at work, how can we have so much time to play, and I am satisfied once in a while."

Hearing what Di Lieba said, An Chen smiled helplessly.As Reba said, although he has a lot of time, he also has a lot of girls to accompany him.

"Okay, then we have agreed that we will come out to play at least once a year."

"it is good"

"Are you tired from filming recently, do you miss me?"


The two chatted all the way and kept walking on the beach, leaving two rows of footprints on the golden sand.It wasn't until evening and sunset that the two returned to their Czech hotel.

Early the next morning, they changed their clothes and appeared outside a manor.The manor is large and beautiful, full of clean taste.

"What's wrong"

"What's the matter, Lord Easy Skye."

"Hey, I can move."

Following Zheng Kai's words, An Chen said, "Kneeling for hundreds of years, finally let me stand up. Ah, my legs are still a little stiff, let me take it easy." An Chen half-kneeled on the ground again while talking, He said to Reba, "Beautiful princess, can you give me a hand?"

Hearing this, Reba stretched out his hand, wanting to pull An Chen up.But at this moment, An Chen grabbed Di Lieba's little hand, and then quickly put a ring on Di Lieba's hand with his right hand, kissed Di Lieba, and said 507, "Honey, you finally agreed I proposed. Now you are mine when you put on the ring."

At this sudden scene, Di Lieba was startled, and the brothers who ran the men's team were shocked.In the next second, there was a booing sound, and Chen Chichi said, "Brother, you are making trouble. Tell me, do you know what's going on today? Why did you come up with this move? It looks like you've been prepared for it."

At the same time, Xiaolu also said, "Xiaochen won't bring someone like you, Reba is my partner today, you are cheating. Director, hurry up."

Hearing Xiaolu's words, the director really spoke, and only heard the director say, "An Chen, don't do this. If you do, what will your girlfriend do later?"

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