Anchen was pleasantly surprised by the director's words, and the others were envious.Xiao Lu even said, "Director, can I ask if An Chen's girlfriend is pretty, and if she is, can you change it for me?"

Text 0311: Love My King for a Hundred Years

Hearing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "The director can't change this." After saying this, An Chen turned to Reba and said, "Well, Xiao Di, return the ring to me first, I prepared such a ring , I will use it later. You won’t delay my lifelong happiness, will you?”

While talking, An Chen gestured for the ring on Tuoreba's hand.At this moment, Reba seemed bewildered. She didn't understand why the plot changed so quickly. She just looked at it stupidly, and she didn't know how to react in a bewildered manner.

But An Chen seemed unable to take it off no matter what, he just heard An Chen said depressedly, "Reba, have your hands become thicker? Why can't you take it off? Forget it, it seems that my lifelong happiness is about to slip away again. "

Having said that, An Chen added another sentence. "So you are responsible for me"

"Haha, so you are a routine."

Following Chen Chichi's truth, everyone laughed.Di Lieba also gave An Chen a white look as if he had just reacted, showing that the baby was so helpless and the baby was so heartbroken.

At this moment, Deng Chao looked at Zheng Kai's painting and said, "Can you tell me what your painting is?"

"My painting is of course the baby princess."

Hearing this, the baby said, "Actually, when I first saw this, I rejected it. After all, I also reviewed Xiaochen's painting skills at that time. As the saying goes, there is no harm without contrast. To be honest, this sentence hurts deeply now. I."

Hearing this, Zheng Kai seemed very hurt, and he only heard him say, "baby, if you are like this, I can't continue to protect you¨."

"No, Kaikai, you won't argue with me, will you?"

Following the baby's pitiful opening, Zheng Kai smiled smugly, as if to say, now you know that you are afraid, you can't do without me.

At this moment, Li Chen said, "Have you noticed that each of us took some strange props?"

Following Li Chen's words, the director interjected, "Everyone in the painting, only the three groups of you are complete in the painting, and the other three actually have the other half in the painting."

Hearing what the director said, Chen Chichi suddenly said in surprise, "Wow, the other half of your painting is actually a girl."

After Chen Chichi's words fell, the baby was shocked, "Not necessarily, maybe it's a boy."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi laughed, is it finally time for me to show off my IQ? I heard him say, "The name of my painting is Girl's Breakfast. So my other half must be a girl,"

At the same time, Deng Chao said to the director, "Let me tell you, if my other half is still a strong man, then I tell you, stop recording immediately, turn around and leave."

Because of An Chen, there are only three people left without a significant other, An Chen, Deng Chao, Chen Chichi, and Zu Lan playing chess with Li Chen.

"Next, let's invite three other people in the painting."

Following the director's words, the first person in the painting came out.This is a woman, wearing a blue and white dress, looks very beautiful from a distance.She held a tissue to cover her face, making it impossible to see who it was.

At this moment, both Deng Chao and Chen Chichi were full of anticipation.As for An Chen, well, seeing her figure and thinking about her previous content, he has already guessed the identity of the other party, Ying Caier.But seeing the tissue she was holding, An Chen was suddenly a little surprised. This woman should belong to Chen Chichi, so who will it be next? Zhang Tianai?

Sure enough, when the next woman came out, An Chen said inwardly.

This woman was holding a saber, which looked exactly like him. The most important thing was that she was not covered, so she just walked up with the sword.This woman is Zhang Tianai.Although I didn't expect anything to happen, but beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye.

Zhang Tianai is very picky.Although she is not particularly tall, her slender figure and straight figure make her look 172.Of course, this is just an illusion. When she stood next to baby and Reba, she could see that the four girls were actually about the same height.

When Zhang Tianai came, he said, "Who can tell me, what is this sword used for? Is it used to stab people?"

An Chen heard the words and could only express helplessness. At this moment, Zhang Tianai seemed to see An Chen's scabbard, and then heard her say, "Hello, you are An Chen. Are you my partner? Excuse me?" How to use a sword"

Qian Zhao

Hearing this, An Chen said helplessly, "Anyway, I didn't ask you to stab me."

After An Chen finished speaking, everyone laughed loudly.At this moment, Chen Chichi said cheaply, "In the painting just now, I don't know who said that he would trample his king a hundred times a hundred times."

"Is there? Then you must have heard it wrong. I meant to love my king for 100 years." Having said this, An Chen turned to Zhang Tianai and continued, "My king, are you willing to let your knight protect you for 100 years?"

While speaking, An Chen stretched out his hand and made a knight salute.At the same time, Zhang Tianai put his hand in An Chen's very cooperatively, and said, "I am willing, my knight.".

Text 0312: Deng Chao with Spicy Eyes

Following Zhang Tianai's opening, Deng Chao suddenly said, "My image of Tianai still stays in the school that day. It was just when he came on the court, that thigh gave a high kick." Having said that, Deng Chao looked at Zhang Tian Ai, continued "Are you okay now?"

"Of course, but I'm a princess today, so be more elegant."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "The princess has something to do, the knight will do her best." An Chen pointed at himself when speaking, and when the words fell, he kicked straight up.That way he didn't lose Zhang Tianai at all, no, it surpassed Zhang Tianai.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianai was delighted to see Lie Xin, and suddenly said, "I didn't intend to do it, but you made me want to do it too, so please satisfy Brother Chao, and watch."

After saying this, after Zhang Tianai prepared for a while, he suddenly kicked high.But at this moment, something Zhang Tianai didn't expect happened.

Seeing Zhang Tianai like this, An Chen raised his leg again.In the next second, it was accurately placed on Zhang Tianai's lap.At this time, the posture of the two people is as if there are two characters together.Seeing this, Deng Chao and the others booed 477 again, while Zhang Tianai blushed a little bit shyly.

Not only because of this action, but also because An Chen smiled at her.That smile was so aggressive, a feeling of being a prey filled Zhang Tianai's heart.As if she was the prey in the hunter's trap and the fish in the fisherman's net at this time, a feeling of being no longer free and bound filled her.But the strange thing is that she didn't hate it at all.

At this moment, An Chen put down his legs and said, "Are you all here in long johns today?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianai couldn't help laughing, and said a little shyly, "I'm wearing it."

Following what Zhang Tianai said, the four girls grabbed the skirts at the same time, as if they wanted to lift them up to show them.And they did exactly that, just listening to the baby shouting the slogan "3, 2, 1, lift."

At this moment, the four girls all lifted up their skirts, and bdcj revealed the long johns underneath.

Seeing this, Li Chen couldn't help but say, "My God, what kind of picture is this?"

Following Li Chen's words, An Chen said, "Then who is the last guest? Could it be a woman?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Deng Chao also said, "Okay, let's bring another lady. If it's a man, I won't record it."

Just then, the last guest entered.At this moment, Deng Chao suddenly shouted, "My God, God, God!"

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