Until Wang Leehom came over, Deng Chao was still yelling "My God, my God".

At this moment, Zheng Kai took the lead and sang Wang Lihong's Descendants of the Dragon.

Wang Lihong originally wanted to get close to his nearest friend, Deng Chao, but unexpectedly, Deng Chao suddenly said, "Don't touch me."

At this moment, Wang Lihong was stunned for a moment, but then he interacted with other people.As for Deng Chao, who cares about your death.But what Wang Lihong didn't expect was that when the two lines of the song stopped.Deng Chao came up suddenly and said, "Do you know why I don't let you touch me?"

Deng Chao's opening made Wang Lihong feel that this was embarrassing, let's not talk about it, but before Wang Lihong could speak, Deng Chao suddenly said, "Because you are my idol."

It turned out that this was the case, Wang Lihong hurriedly said, "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be."

As soon as Wang Lihong finished speaking, Deng Chao said seriously to the director, "Brothers, because of this, I don't want the next season's salary."

But at this moment, An Chen came up to break the stage and said, "I don't know who said just now, if the one who came up is not a girl, you won't record it."

Hearing this, Deng Chao collapsed in a second, and only heard him crying and laughing and said, "Xiaochen, if you don't take you to tear down the stage like this, can you still play together like this? Besides, don't you know it's Lihong? If you know , I will definitely not say that. Believe it or not, I can sing a song of Lihong for you right now."

"No, please, we're going to die."

Zheng Kai's slightly exaggerated words seemed to resonate with everyone.For a while, everyone stopped Deng Chao one after another.Just then, something unbelievable happened.I saw Deng Chao showing a heartbroken expression, and suddenly shouted, "Li Hong, I love you, Li Hong!"

Such a scene is really eye-catching

At this moment, the director said, "Everyone in the painting, you have been bound in the picture frame for hundreds of years, unable to enjoy happiness and freedom. Although you have escaped from the picture frame now, it is only temporary. According to legend , There are two magical magic rings circulating in Prague, and if you get them, you can unseal the frame forever and regain your freedom. Those who have not found the magic ring before 12 o'clock tonight must return to the frame again."

Hearing this, when everyone said no, Brother Chichi suddenly said, "Just let us stay in the picture frame, okay, I am very satisfied."

At the same time, An Chen also said, "Yes, I also feel very honored to be able to guard my Queen Tianai. Of course, it would be better if I could change my posture. But Brother Chi Chi, although you are satisfied But aren't you afraid that Brother Chun will kill you?"

Body 0313: The last branch of entertainment

After hearing this, Chen Chichi turned to look at Ying Caier, and asked, "Will Brother Chun kill me?"

Ying Cai'er looked at Chen Chichi very seriously when she heard this, and said affirmatively, "Trust me, he will, you know, did he shoot Young and Dangerous? He has hundreds of brothers."

"Cai'er, don't scare me, I'm really scared."

"Hmph, let's see if you dare to talk nonsense."

After Ying Caier's words fell, Wang Zulan raised the old story again and shouted, "Speaking of Xiaochen, what did you want to change just now? It's not suitable for children, oh, you're bad!"

After hearing Wang Zulan's words, An Chen hurriedly stopped Wang Zulan, and said, "Brother Zulan, don't tell me if you see through, you will have no friends like this."

Dismantling the stage is a specialty of the brothers, and Zheng Kai said, "It's okay, we are your good friends."

At the same time, the baby also said, "Zu Lan did a great job, we should tell the truth."

Seeing this, Zhang Tianai pushed An Chen's face in an instant, and said fiercely, "Tell me what position you want to change, but if you say something wrong, I will let you taste my upturned feet."

Hearing this, An Chen said with a smile that was not a smile: "Guess if I'll tell you, this is the pose you want."

Although An Chen's smile was very embarrassed, it was a joke.But An Chen's smile made Zhang Tianai feel malicious, and thought of something shameful.

It made Zhang Tianai a little angry, and only heard her say, "Bastard, you really dare to think about it." He kicked An Chen with a side kick.

At this moment, An Chen quickly caught Zhang Tianai's leg, and at the same time, she couldn't help but said in a daze, "What's the situation, why do I dare to think about it? I'm just thinking about something pure." When it came to safety, he seemed to understand suddenly. He looked at Zhang Tianai and said suddenly, "Oh, so you thought it wrong. I said it was the same as you thought, because I didn't expect you to think it wrong." , I didn't expect you to be such a sweetheart."

At this moment, Zhang Tianai was in a daze, is that so? Why did he feel like he was being tricked? At the same time, Zhang Tianai saw everyone's ambiguous smiles.

In fact, Zhang Tianai misunderstood it. It was not an ambiguous smile, but a smile that was watching the show.Joking with An Chen, except for the shameless, everyone else is played every minute.

At this moment, the director said, "Okay, then we will go to the destination of the first stop. Before that, you can sit in the carriage and enjoy the scenery along the way."

Before the director spoke, An Chen also took over the mission.

"Submissions are staged victories. Winning the first place in each stage can reward 300 good and evil points, and a lottery for items. If the mission fails, there will be no punishment."

"The side quest is the final victory. To win the final victory, you will be rewarded with one s-level lottery draw, two item lottery draws, and 3000 reward points for good and evil. If you fail the task, there will be no penalty. Note that this side quest is over and you will pass the novice period. Follow-up will There will no longer be any side missions for entertainment programs. Side missions will be triggered from time to time in the future."

At this moment, An Chen Yizhi, who was originally smiling.He was still wondering why the task rewards were so generous, and at the same time wondering why there was no punishment.But as soon as that note came out, An Chen's whole body was in a bad mood.If there is no mission in the future, how can he get points and lucky draws? He would rather not have such a generous reward in exchange for a permanent novice period.But obviously this is impossible, so he can only seize the opportunity and pocket this last reward.

ask for flowers

Just when An Chen was in a daze, Di Lieba's voice came softly.

"Xiaochen, are you okay? I see that your complexion is not very good."

Hearing Reba's voice, An Chen forced a smile, and said, "It's okay, it's just that I feel a little uncomfortable suddenly, it will be fine slowly."

At this moment, Chen Chichi raised a question about the director.

"Well, there's a good thing"

Following Chen He's words, the carriage came over.There are three carriages, each of which can carry four people.Seeing this, Reba said, "Xiaochen, why don't the two of us ride in the same car?"

Hearing this, before An Chen could speak, Zhang Tianai had already said, "Ah, I also like to drive with big beauties."

The carriage goes very slowly, slower than the sightseeing car. Sitting in the carriage, you have enough time to enjoy the scenery along the road.Most importantly, the scenery of this manor is really beautiful.

At this moment, Zhang Tianai suddenly said, "Ah, dolphin."

What the hell is a dolphin? This is an inland river.

After thinking about it, An Chen still said, "Sister, this is an inner lake, there are no dolphins."

Uh, this is embarrassing, I just heard Zhang Tianai support his forehead and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've been too tired recently."

"Are you so tired that you have hallucinations? What have you been doing lately?"

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