Following the director's words, at this moment, everyone except the two shouted "Change, change, change"

Hearing this, it's okay for An Chen to say nothing, don't say anything, let's change.

When the two exchanged offensive and defensive positions, the game started again. .

Text 0317: An Chen's Speculation

At this moment, An Chen and Zhang Tianai were attacked as the primary targets, but Ying Caier said after the first round of the three teams attacking each other, "We can't do this, we are on guard against each other, and there is no way to let go." If you want to attack, how about I fight Zhang Tianai first. Reba, let's come back later, do you think it's okay?"

Okay, if there's anything wrong, it's best to lie down and win.After Reba agreed, Ying Caier started to attack Zhang Tianai.At this moment, Ying Cai'er was full of momentum and her fighting power was beyond the charts. She kept attacking and even disrupted Zhang Tianai's rhythm.Seeing this, An Chen hurriedly shouted, "Tian Ai, don't worry about Cai'er's attack, just step on Chen Chichi's balloon,"

Hearing what An Chen said, Zhang Tianai gained confidence.In an instant, she gave up her defense and stepped on Chen Chichi's balloon.At this moment, Chen Chichi dodged, the balloon avoided Zhang Tianai's trampling, and went behind him.Chen He thought he had escaped, but at this moment, there was a bang.

Hearing the sound, Ying Caier looked behind in a daze, and then saw Di Lieba and Xiao Lu who were all smiling.

"It was agreed to be on the sidelines, but it actually sneaked up. It's not a human."

For Ying Caier's question, only Reba's smile and Xiaolu's grimace answered her.

Finally it was the turn of Reba and Zhang Tianai's decisive battle.At this moment, Zhang Tianai did not take a defensive position, but took a fierce attack.At the same time, while Reba was defending, he was waiting for an opportunity.But compared to Zhang Tianai's ferocity, she seemed a little conservative. Obviously, An Chen's existence had an impact on her after all.

At this moment, while Reba and Lu Han were guarding and retreating, there was a bang.The next moment, Reba stopped still, and Zhang Tianai let out a cheer.The people who watched the battle were dumbfounded.There was no way, it was too unexpected, Xiao Lu actually stepped on his own balloon and burst it.

The next moment, there was a sound of teasing, and Zhang Tianai shouted even more excitedly, "Is this a win by lying down? The victory will be won by itself."

Di Lieba was a little helpless, but secretly happy in his heart.There was no sense of disappointment in his eyes, but happiness, happy that An Chen could win the final victory.

"Congratulations to the top three teams. You can get the advantage of speeding up other members' out in the final stage. Please come and get the clue card."

Ying Caier and Chen Chichi were the first to play, and they got a clue.And the second one to play was Di Lieba and Lu Han, who got two clues.An Chen and Zhang Tianai obtained three clues.

The third clue they got was that some of you are afraid of water, some of you are afraid of wrinkles, and some of you are afraid of dirt.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianai couldn't help but said, "What does this mean their weakness?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "I'm not sure about this, but if this corresponds to their weakness, then I think I already know most of the answers."

"Ah, really, don't you want to tell me, bdde, we are going to win before we start?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Zhang Tianai and showed a confident smile, which made Zhang Tianai blush a little.Afterwards, An Chen said, "If I'm not mistaken, the person who is afraid of water must be Reba. She is the only person who is most afraid of water here. The person who is afraid of wrinkles should be Brother Chao. I don't know who is afraid of dirt." I know. But I can be sure, it’s only between you, Cai’er and Brother Lihong, because you three are the only ones I’m not familiar with. It’s a pity that we don’t have enough clues now, otherwise I can correspond to the three of you Get your own information."

"It's like this, but I'm not afraid of getting dirty."

"Then the only ones left are Cai'er and Brother Li Hong, but Brother Li Hong is unlikely, so Cai'er is most likely to be Cai'er. As for the remaining few, Zheng Kai should be afraid of being ugly, because he always says that he is very ugly. Handsome. Sister baby must be afraid of the cold. I remember that when the baby sister came back, Brother Zulan said as soon as she saw the baby sister, let’s hurry up, the baby is afraid of the cold. And Li Chen should be afraid of not having eyebrows. If you want to say a The most obvious, his weakness is the most obvious. Xiaolu should be afraid of heights, he can’t even sit on a plane if he can. Chen Chichi should be afraid of hunger, brother Chichi’s refrigerator is always full, As a foodie, he is undoubtedly the most afraid of hunger. If there is no fear of water, maybe this is also applicable to Reba, but if fear of water is counted, then if there is a fear of hunger, it must be brother Chi Chi.”

At this moment, Zhang Tian was a little stunned, she looked at An Chen in disbelief, as if she was looking at a freak.A freak with a super high IQ, she just heard her say, "My God, you can guess all the clues right after you pass these three clues, so how can they play? We really want to win!" Yet"

An Chen twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and said with a smile and wild eyes, "So, are you ready to lie down and win?"

Seeing this, Zhang Tianai also smiled, and only heard her say, "Of course, today I just want to lie down and win."

"Well, but we still need to get as many clues as possible, after all, we are not completely sure yet."

"Okay, listen to you.".

Text 0318: The second item, dyeing competition

The second stop of the game is a cruise ship. The cruise ship is very big, and of course it cannot be compared with the cruise ship.There are flowers everywhere on the boat, plus bright carpets, very beautiful,

At this moment, Deng Chao had discovered edible cornmeal, and asked suspiciously, "Do you want to put on makeup?"

Corn powder makeup, An Chen really wants to say brother Chao, you really think about it, but this idea is really a good DIY.

"Welcome to the cruise ship on the Vltava River, the Europe. There are countless painting treasures in the city of Prague. As a person in the painting, delicate appearance and elegant posture are essential. In order to find the magic ring, come To escape from the seal of the picture frame, please ensure that you are not stained."

"Dyeing battle. Each group sends people in turn to compete in dyeing until there is only one group left on the field."

"I would like to remind everyone that each member has two chances to challenge. Now let's ask the winning group in the next session to decide which two groups will take the lead in the battle."

After the director's words fell, An Chen and Zhang Tianai looked around, and then said, "Then let's talk about four men, Brother Chen and Brother Chao."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianai followed suit and said, "Okay, I also think the four men are more attractive, so let's let them be the four men."

In the end, Li Chen and Wang Lihong played.Li Chen said, "This thing shouldn't be stained with anything." After saying that, he had dug up a large lump of cornmeal.

Seeing this, Wang Lihong is not good at all, if this is nothing, then how much do you want?

In the end, under Wang Lihong's strong protest, Li Chen knocked back some.At this moment, the director said, "Now please choose the competition project first."

There are four types of competition items, namely tongue twisters, digital solitaire, tiger stick chicken, and rock-paper-scissors.

"Then tongue twister, Green Carp."

Regarding the green carp, this is the path that every system art student must pass, so they will.Relatively speaking, it is also the fairest, so Wang Leehom also agreed.

As the game started, the two kept repeating each other, and it was really hard to tell the winner like that.But this is just an illusion, the game started only 20 seconds ago, Wang Lihong made a mistake first, but when Li Chen slapped it, Wang Lihong actually gave Li Chen a shot.At this moment, Li Chen was stunned, and even a little suspicious of life, only to hear Li Chen say to the camera, "I'm right, right?"

After Li Chen finished speaking, the director nodded and replied, "Yes."

At this moment, Deng Chao said for Wang Leehom, "This is a natural reaction. Your face is too big, and people want to take a picture just by looking at it."

Hearing this, Li Chen was unconvinced and said, "Chao, you are bigger than my face."

Following everyone's booing, the second competition began.At the beginning of the second game, it was still difficult to tell the winner in the early stage.Seeing this, Deng Chao was a little worried, and then resorted to his trump card.I saw him constantly making various movements opposite Li Chen, disturbing Li Chen's sight.The provocative movements caught Li Chen's attention. In less than three seconds, he made a mistake.

At this moment, Wang Lihong patted it quickly.The blue colored powder exploded on Li Chen's face, splashing out blue smoke.The good thing is that this shot was not taken in the middle, but on Li Chen's side face.

But at this moment, Li Chen felt that he was not wrong, and only heard him ask the director in disbelief, "Is the director wrong?"

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