ask for flowers

If Li Chen said, am I right? The director would say something else.But after hearing what Li Chen said, the director had no choice but to reply with the same answer.


Following the director's words, the third match began.At this moment, Li Chen seemed to have suffered from the bad luck of last time.Not long after, he shouted wrong again.In the next second, Wang Lihong slapped Li Chen's left cheek firmly with a touch of red.

With Li Chen's defeat, it was Wang Zulan's turn next.Wang Zulan also chose a tongue twister. Although his Mandarin is at a disadvantage, at this moment, he seems to be so confident.

Sure enough, maybe today is Wang Zulan's lucky day, and soon he eliminated Wang Lihong.Of course, this is not his strength, the two have equal strength, and they are somewhat witty.Whenever the duo was about to go wrong, they always slowed down to give themselves time to change.

But just when Wang Lihong felt that playing like this would be endless and couldn't help but say something, Wang Zulan did not hesitate to do it.After the filming, Wang Zulan explained, "You shouldn't be chatting with them. This is equivalent to giving up on yourself."

Hearing this, Wang Lihong was extremely unconvinced.But it was indeed he who chatted first, so he was just a little depressed.He looked at Wang Zulan with resentment, and thought to Wang Zulan in his heart, and let you be arrogant again, see if I don't tear off your name tag at night.

At the same time, Deng Chao said to Wang Lihong, "It's okay Lihong, let me avenge you." After saying this, Deng Chao walked to the battlefield.

Deng Chao and the others still chose tongue twisters.But maybe Deng Chao didn't have the talent for tongue twisters, he collapsed after two consecutive starts.And it belongs to the kind that collapsed at the beginning. .

Text 0319: Tragic Deng Dynasty

Fortunately, due to Wang Zulan's mistake for the first time, Deng Chao was not counted, so he still has one last chance.In the end, Deng Chao seemed to know that he was not good at tongue twisters, so he chose Digital Solitaire.

Number Solitaire is every three must yo.Whether it is a number with three or a multiple of three, it must be replaced by yo.

When the director called to start, Deng Chao suddenly said "2."

Hey, why is it the moment of 2, Wang Zulan was stunned.Before he could speak, Deng Chao, who had been prepared for a long time, had already slapped the dazed Wang Zulan on the face.Just as Wang Zulan was about to speak, Deng Chao took advantage of the victory to pursue him and slapped him on the face several times.Seeing "four nine three" here, Wang Zulan fought back, and he also rubbed back against Deng Chao.

At the same time, Wang Zulan took advantage of the gap and asked, "Director, can we start from the second?"

Regarding Wang Zulan's words, the director replied, "You can start with any number."

This time Wang Zulan lost his temper.At the same time, Deng Chao just stopped, and said, "I have had this doubt for a long time, but I want to make a cold shot."

"Okay, get ready, let's go"

Following the director's words, Deng Chao said, "I'll come first, 29"

"yo" the moment Wang Zulan called out yo, the powder puff instantly slapped Deng Chao's face.

Deng Chao was stunned at this moment, what was wrong with me?

As Deng Chao turned around, everyone burst into laughter at this moment.It is so similar, especially like the Monkey King in cartoons, and it is also the Monkey King in the 80s.

When Li Chen and the others approached and watched closely.Deng Chao couldn't help but asked, "What's wrong with 29?"

No one answered Deng Chao, only Xiaolu's heart-warming words.

"It's ugly"

It wasn't until this time that Wang Zulan resolved Deng Chao's doubts.I just heard Wang Zulan say, "You're not wrong, I just saw the expression you looked at me, and I don't know why, but I really want to type it up. I just don't know why"

At this moment, An Chen told the truth.An Chen said, "Isn't it because Brother Chao slapped Brother Lan just a few times ago, so this is definitely revenge, naked revenge."

Hearing this, Deng Chao looked at Zu Lan with a displeased face, and said, "Zu Lan, this should be revenge."

"No, no, no, this is definitely not revenge, it's just your expression, which makes me want to take pictures."

Oh, tell me, believe it or not

At this moment, Chen Chichi suddenly said, "Deng Chao's face looks like the Monkey King in Chinese painting."

Deng Chao said in disbelief, "Show me, show me, I don't believe it,"

If you don't believe me, let me show you. When Deng Chao saw the phone, he was in a bad mood.He even disliked himself, he didn't want to take a second look at the first glance, turned around and left, and issued a battle declaration to Wang Zulan.

"Wang Zulan, see if I won't blow you up today."

At this moment, Li Chen said to Deng Chao, "Let me tell you, I am sure that after this show is broadcast, you will never be able to act in an idol drama again."

Hearing this, An Chen said sharply, "Brother Chen, what you said is wrong, it's like when Brother Chao will be able to act in an idol drama. Have any of you watched it? Anyway, I don't know."

"Xiaochen'er, what you said hurt my heart. I feel that you are definitely not the Xiaochen from before. Tell me honestly, have you ever seen Zhao Liying who is good and doesn't learn, how can you learn to be so ruthless?"

"No, no, don't blame him, although he wants to cooperate, but he hasn't had a chance yet."

At this moment, Wang Zulan said, "It's okay, Chao. Although you can't act in idol dramas, you can act in Peking opera in the future."

What the hell is Peking opera? Is Deng Chao a performer in Peking opera? Even though he thought so, Deng Chao still yelled.At this moment, Deng Chao closed his voice, and suddenly said, "Why do I think of Ah Sa?"

Following Deng Chao's words, everyone thought of the ultimate makeup that Zheng Kai painted for Ah Sa.For a while, the loud laughter sounded again.

Immediately after the next round of the game started, Wang Zulan yelled "22."

When Wang Zulan's voice fell, Deng Chao didn't react for a moment.When he realized it, he still read 23.As soon as the sound came out, Wang Zulan hit Deng Chao's face again with a firm blow.

Seeing this, everyone laughed again.Wang Lihong couldn't help but say, "How can you say 23? You should call yo. There can't be 3."

36 With everyone laughing so hard, the director said, "Okay, now I invite you guys to choose the next group of opponents."

It would be impossible for Wang Zulan to challenge so many by himself, but after thinking about it, he decided to drag the strongest An Chen into the water.So he said, "Just Xiaochen." After finishing speaking, Wang Zulan looked at An Chen, and said confidently, "I want you to know who is the strongest."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled.Then when he came up, he said, "Brother Zulan, don't be delusional, do you think I have dementia like Uncle Deng?"

The speed of s still hasn't recovered, and there will be two more changes at night. .

Main text 0320: Wang Zulan who hit himself

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